The Russian foreign Ministry called the futile attempts of Ukraine to inspect the Crimea

Ukraine’s attempts to inspect the territory of the Crimea is futile and provocative. On Saturday, April 29, said the Russian foreign Ministry, commenting on the U.S. state Department report on compliance by States of agreements in the field of arms control. “The current status of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as subjects of the Russian Federation — the issue is resolved. He is not subject to revision. Accordingly, Russia is free to any of its troops and military equipment on its own territory”, — stated in the message the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Thus the foreign Ministry commented on the issue of compliance with the Vienna document 2011 on confidence-building measures and security. Crimea became part of Russia in spring 2014 on the outcome of the referendum. Kiev refused to recognize the result of the plebiscite. Moscow specifies that the procedure is fully consistent with international law and stresses

In Turkey fired more than 3900 officials

The Turkish authorities during the last inspection was dismissed from public service for over 3900 people. About it reports Reuters with reference to the publication in official Gazette. The most fired — 1177 — man from the Ministry of justice. Not only officials, but also prison guards, military and the gendarmes. In addition, more than 200 people were dismissed from the Ministry of religious Affairs. Also lost his job 484 academician. Extensive testing in state institutions Turkey after the failed coup last year. To date, more than 120 thousand people lost their jobs during the purges carried out not only in state institutions but also private companies. More than 40 thousand people were arrested. July 15, 2016 in Turkey, attempted a coup, killing more than 230 people, more than 2.1 thousand were injured. Ankara has accused of organizing the coup opposition of the Islamic preacher Fethullah gülen living in the

The foreign Ministry told about locking US banks Russian contribution to the fight against cancer

American banks have frozen Russian voluntary tranche listed on the implementation of the IAEA Programme for action for cancer therapy. This is stated in a statement posted on the Ministry website. In a foreign Ministry statement said that the freezing happened in March. Russian Bank, which carried out the payment, a question was raised regarding whether a given translation against Iran. “Despite assurances from the Russian side that the money is allocated purely for humanitarian purposes, us banks delay the transfer of the tranche in a few weeks, and in early April of 2017 returned frozen funds to the account of Rosatom”, — said in the statement. The Agency concluded that in the end, “the IAEA still has not received the Russian voluntary contribution to cancer treatment in 2017”. On Smolensk square doubt that American financial institutions have “dared to go to the blocking state payments of a sovereign state”.

Marine Le Pen chose a candidate for Prime Minister

Nicolas DuPont-Aignan and marine Le Pen The party “national front” and “stand Up, France” decided to form pre-election Alliance. About it as transfers TASS, at a joint press conference on Saturday, April 29, announced their leaders marine Le Pen and Nicolas DuPont-Aignan. “We are creating a big Republican and Patriotic Alliance. We will jointly defend our governmental program”, — said marine Le Pen. According to the candidate for the French presidency, in the event of his victory, she “will make DuPont-Aignan Prime Minister of the country.” “In his work he will rely on the presidential majority, acting in the national interest. In the national unity government will include policy, there selected for their competence and love for France,” said Le Pen. In turn, DuPont-Aignan called the French “carefully consider for whom to vote in the second round, not to get that in the next five years the country will go

The German foreign Minister has rasdisable from Ivanka trump

Ivanka Trump Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel criticized the appointment of Ivanka trump assistant to the President of the United States. On Saturday, April 29, writes The Local. “There are things that seem strange to me, for example, the visit of his [Donald trump’s] daughters in Germany, which were almost considered as a global event, with a mixture of politics, family and business resembles nepotism, and it would be unthinkable here,” said the foreign Minister of Germany in an interview published in the publications of the media group Funke. Gabriel is referring to the visit Ivanka trump in Berlin this week (she took part in the summit of the “Women’s twenty” (W20) at the invitation of Chancellor Angela Merkel). “I always worry when family members who never were elected, suddenly become the official representatives of the country and they are treated almost as if they were members of the

Moscow pointed to U.S. violations of fundamental military contracts

The Soviet thermonuclear bomb an-602 (“Tsar bomb”) The Russian foreign Ministry on Saturday, April 29, has published a detailed review that lists violations of Washington’s major treaties in the field of non-proliferation. Thus, the Russian foreign Ministry responded to the recently published U.S. state Department report on compliance by States of agreements in the field of arms control. In particular, according to the Russian foreign Ministry, the US deliberately give wrong information about his “execution” of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). To illustrate, posting on an American military base missile defense system in Romania ground-based missile systems “aegis Ashore”. Moscow’s concern is the fact that they include the vertical launch system similar to the universal launchers MK-41, capable of launching cruise missiles, medium-range missiles “Tomahawk”. “The United States has for many years been increasing the production and use of shock unmanned aerial vehicles.

Russia has warned Norway about the implications of missile defense for NATO

Russia will respond to accommodation in Norway elements of the ballistic missile defense system (BMD) NATO (missile defense). About it as transfers TASS, in an interview with the newspaper Dagbladet said the Ambassador of Russia in Norway Teimuraz Ramishvili. “From our side, followed by the answer, and not only the response of Norway but the whole of NATO,” — said the diplomat. Ramishvili added that Russia and Norway may be different points of view on the question of the missile shield NATO, however, the neighbors should engage in dialogue and find solutions that suit both sides. According to him, the leadership of the Scandinavian Kingdom refuses to discuss with Russia the Moscow disturbing question about the future role of Norway in the European missile defense system. “Russia is not committed to the militarization of the Arctic”, — said Ramishvili. He also urged the Norwegian government to consider the implications of

Turkey has blocked Wikipedia

Turkey blocked access to Wikipedia. On Saturday, April 29, according to Turkish publication Hurriyet. According to media reports, the Wikipedia website is unavailable from 08:00 GMT. A lock is released, the Council on information technologies and communications of Turkey. The publication reports that all sections of the encyclopedia are not in the Turkish language is also available. Earlier, on April 17, an unknown user changed the Wikipedia article about the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in, giving him the title of “His Excellency the dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan”. The edit was promptly removed by the editors, and the article is locked for editing for a week, but screenshots were widely distributed on social networks. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum on amendments to the basic law of the country. According to preliminary results, the amendment was supported by 51.4 percent of the vote. Public administration reform involves the abolition

Berlusconi fell at home and broke the lip

Silvio Berlusconi Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi tripped on carpet, fell and broke his lip in his home in Portofino. It is reported by ANSA, citing the press service of the leader of the party “Forward, Italy!”. As a precaution, the assistants brought Berlusconi in Milan at the Madonnina clinic, where he had three stitches. According to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, the procedure was done by world-famous plastic surgeon Renato Calabria. The attending physician of the former Prime Minister Alberto Zangrillo assured reporters that Berlusconi’s health is not in danger. However due to injury he will not be able to attend the event organized by the mayor of the city of Pietrasanta. In July last year, the politician underwent a major heart surgery. In 2009 in Milan, Berlusconi, who was then Prime Minister, threw a weighty figure in the shape of a Cathedral. As a result, he was knocked-out

Kovalchuk will miss the world Cup because of the surgery

Ilya Kovalchuk Forward of St. Petersburg SKA Ilya Kovalchuk to miss world Cup in 2017 because of an operation on the injured knee. This was announced by first Vice-President of Federation of hockey of Russia Roman Rotenberg, his words are quoted “R-Sport”. “The operation was confirmed. Kovalchuk will miss at least a month, so participation in the world Cup will not take,” said Rotenberg. April 23, there was information about the possible return of 34-year-old striker in the National hockey League (NHL). In the Continental hockey League (KHL) Kovalchuk has become a two-time winner of the Cup of Gagarin in structure SKA (2015 and 2017). Last season he scored 78 points in 60 games. Kovalchuk’s contract with SKA will expire on April 30. The ice hockey world championship will be held from 5 to 21 may in Paris and Cologne. In the group round, the Russians will play with teams