A Scotsman was killed while trying to take a selfie on the highway in Germany

A British tourist was killed in Germany when trying to make selfi on the median strip of the motorway A24. According to Daily Mail, the incident occurred April 30 in the area hoods to the East of Hamburg. Three Britons decided to cross the road but stopped in the middle for the sake of a selfie. In the end, one of them was hit by a car the Audi A6, which was ruled by 73-year-old resident of the nearby town. Officially the name of the deceased is not known, according to British media reports, 22-year-old Dean Steele (Dean Steele) from Uddingston (County Lanarkshire, Scotland). It is reported that he died instantly. His two friends were not injured. According to police reports, they are in a state of shock was taken to hospital. The representative of the police of Germany Stefan Myhtc (Stefan Muhtz) stated that “the British were clearly drunk,

The Syrian opposition said Russia’s proposal for sending a neutral contingent

Russia has proposed to create in Syria four zones to reduce tensions: in Idlib province, to the North of the city of HOMS, Eastern ghouta and in the South of the country. This is stated in the document, RIA Novosti gave a source in the Syrian opposition. “Create the security line (the demarcation line) across the length of the boundaries of the zones of tension reduction to avoid direct fire contact between the parties in the Syrian crisis,” — suggested in the text. It is also indicated that on these lines, Russia considers it necessary to create checkpoints to ensure, in particular, the “free passage without weapons for civilians, the delivery of humanitarian assistance”. In addition, Moscow is thinking to form a “monitoring centers to monitor compliance with the cease-fire.” According to the document, Russia also admits the possibility of sending “armed groups of the countries-the guarantor” of the truce

Le Pen asked the Makron title “sauce for eating French”

Marine Le Pen The candidate in presidents of France from the party “national front” marine Le Pen called on his opponent, the leader of movement “Forward” of Emmanuel Macron to tell who he intends to appoint a Prime Minister. About it reports on Monday, may 1, Europe1. According to Le Pen, her “the enemy will not dare to announce who he will appoint”, not to “scare the French”. “I ask him again to tell us the truth and explain under what sauce he wants is French. Who will be his Prime Minister, how many socialist MPs will be involved in his movement in the parliamentary elections?” she said, speaking in the suburbs of Paris. Earlier on may 1, both candidates spoke of finding France in the European Union. Le Pen said that the EU is becoming a “totalitarian organization”, and so it must be replaced by “the European Alliance”. Macron

Merkel refused to cover his head before the Saudis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived on a working visit to Saudi Arabia. According to The Independent, the meeting with king Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud she did not comply with the dress code and not wearing a head scarf. According to Deutsche Welle, the talks between the two leaders was on economic and military cooperation and partnership in the fight against terrorism. Following the talks, Merkel stated that Saudi Arabia is ready to embark on the path changes, but this country is not sufficiently respect human rights. Speaking of which, the Chancellor mentioned the use of the death penalty and a prison sentence of blogger Raif Badawi. In addition, Merkel met with Saudi women entrepreneurs. Traditionally, women in Saudi Arabia must cover their heads with scarves. However, according to local laws, foreigners are not affected. Merkel is not the only Western woman who did not abide by the dress code

Le Pen accused the EU of totalitarianism and found an alternative

Candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen believes that the EU has turned into a totalitarian structure, and therefore must be replaced with a new Union. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, she said the radio station Europe 1. As an alternative to the EU policy proposed “European Alliance of free and sovereign States”. “I’m European, but I don’t want this political structure called the European Union, which is completely off course. Then, maybe, we’ll find her a new name, this new Europe of Nations and cooperation… for Example, the European Alliance, which would allow countries to unite in projects that are not contrary to their national interests, because the main problem of the EU is precisely that it has become almost totalitarian,” — said Le Pen. Earlier, the rival of Le pen in the presidential elections, Emmanuel macron said that allows for the exit of France from the

Kurdish knocked IG from the historic part of Tabka

The armed Alliance of the Syrian opposition and Kurdish forces “Syrian democratic forces” (SDF), which includes Kurdish and Arab forces, announced the capture under the control of the historic city of Tabka on the Euphrates river, reports Reuters. It is reported that Kurdish troops, together with armed Syrian opposition with the support of the US air force could knock out the Central part of the city of insurgents “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), taking control of three of the historic area of Tabka. Now the militants continue to hold three of the urban area adjacent to the reservoir. Also under their control remains a dam on the Euphrates river near the Tabqa strategic importance for the supply of Raqqa, long considered the “capital” of ISIS. According to estimates of the Syrian Supervisory Board on human rights, whose headquarters are located in the UK, currently SDF control about 80

The list got to the hospital the Russians from the flight Moscow — Bangkok

The Russian Embassy in Thailand has published a list of Russians, flying flight Moscow — Bangkok, who are in the hospital, “Samitivej Srinakarin”. “All the victims were taken to a local hospital with injuries of varying severity, mostly fractures and bruises. Some need surgery. Now in the hospital stay of 15 Russians,” — said on the website of the Embassy. Andrew Pidgaynaya born in 1949Yuri Chermashentsev (1973) Victoria Douga (2016) Irina Lavrovskaya (1967)Arina Lavrovskaya (1991)Tatyana Gushchenko (1966)Olga Kryukovskaya (1956)Yana Rozhnova (1988)Faith Siskin (1948)Olga Ceban (1989)Gulnaz Halfina (1976)Regina Coat (1988)Marina Sabantseva (1990)Tatiana Avedisian (1982)Marina Sidelnikova (1987) Employees of consular Department of the Embassy are in the hospital, communicate with treating physicians, provide Advisory assistance to the victims. Diplomatic representation opened a hotline on which you can get updated information about the incident with the aircraft company “Aeroflot”. As stated in the press service of the air carrier, may 1, 40 minutes

May day “Monstration” was held in Novosibirsk

In Novosibirsk held a traditional may day event called “Monstration.” As reported RIA Novosti, it was attended by about three thousand people. “Event of cultural, questions from local authorities not the police either. Held in the said notification and resolutions of the mayor”, — said the representative of the municipality Sergey Polyansky. In the action took part the head of the Department of culture, sports and youth policy of the Anna Tereshkova, she was the head of the column. The demonstrators who marched through the centre of Novosibirsk from the House officers to the Opera and ballet theatre, holding placards with slogans such as: “And you still at home?”, “Collapsed space”, “Volpanel”, “Chickens — not dying,” “Orcas in the form of rain”, “Never ever” and others. In Novosibirsk the action became traditional and is held for the 14th time. This year it was first included in the plan of the

A macron over a week before the election made the prospect of a Frexit

Emmanuel Macron The candidate in presidents of France, the leader of movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron made the country’s exit from the European Union. About it in one week before the second round said in an interview with BBC News. Macron assured that has always been and remains a Pro-European politician. “During the election campaign I constantly defended the European idea and European politics, because I believe that it is extremely important for French people,” he said. But, in the opinion of the candidate in presidents of France, half the country is “angry that the European idea”. Therefore, the Makron is sure that the EU needs reform. “If I decide to take action and continue the current functioning of the EU, I would betray my people, I don’t want to do that because the next day we get a Frexit or again the front national,” said macron. In the first round

Media learned details of the incident with the airliner of “Aeroflot” in Thailand

The Boeing 777 “Aeroflot” (archive photo) EN route from Moscow the plane “Aeroflot” which on the morning of 1 may have hit an air pocket prior to landing at the airport of Bangkok planted 100-200 meters up. From blow the passenger cabin of the Boeing 777 partly spontaneously was transferred to the emergency mode, have informed “Interfax” a source in the Thai capital. “Part of not wearing seat passengers by inertia were thrown into the passage, and received injuries,” he said, noting that at the time the obligation to fasten your seat belts was not. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, injured about 20 people, most of them were in the tail section of the aircraft. The crew members were not injured. All on Board were more than 300 people. Landing has passed normally. The liner has already gone back to Moscow. Head of the consular Department of the