Kim Jong UN urged the military to be prepared to destroy South Korean “puppets”

Kim Jong-UN Select the artillery staff of the Korean people’s army, covering the South-Western front, must be in a state of full combat readiness and in case of receipt of the order to completely destroy the South Korean “puppets.” As reported by KCNA, said the North Korean leader Kim Jong UN during a visit to the garrison on the island of Jangada. Supreme commander of the kPa acquainted with developed a new plan of fire attack on enemy targets. Reportedly, Kim Jong-UN expressed satisfaction with the state of the garrisons on the Islands of Jangada and Mudo, military personnel training and living conditions. The leader of the DPRK reminded of “the heroism of troops” on the nearby island of Yeonpyeong, which came into artillery fire with South Korean army in November 2010 which became the largest armed incident since the armistice. North and South Korea since 1950 are officially at

The media learned about the use of militants in Syria with weapons electronics from Russia

Military experts in Syria, exploring the weapons of killed terrorists, found that snipers “Islamic state” and “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” used night vision scopes with electronics, produced at Russian enterprises. About it writes “Kommersant”. Victims of sniper attacks began four Russian military, including Colonel Alexei buchelnikov, received a mortal wound on the ground in the rear of the government troops, when trained Syrian soldiers conduct mortar fire in the dark. The gunman, believed to be colleagues of the deceased, was shot from a distance of several hundred metres in almost complete darkness — he managed to identify the Russian instructor among the Syrians and hit his only shot. Night vision sights, according to experts, are divided into generations from first to third. NVD previous generations could only work in a “quarter moon in the sky”, the second generation was enough starlight, and the last specimens had the opportunity to detect a human

Student leader shot dead in Venezuela during a meeting

In Venezuela killed the leader of the student movement at the Polytechnic University of the state of Anzoategui, according to El Universal. The crime was committed in El Tigre. Activist 28-year-old Juan Lopez participated in the meeting when he was approached by the offender, drew his gun and fired several shots. Three people received injuries. The country is plagued by political tensions, protest demonstrations, which involved including the student community. During collisions of locals with police killed at least 29 people. Citizens Express dissatisfaction with the economic situation and require the appointment of early elections.

UN Secretary-General supported achieved in Astana agreement on Syria

Antonio Guterres UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres welcomed the agreement on the peaceful settlement in Syria and creating security zones, adopted in Astana. About it as transfers TASS, the statement of the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stefan Dujarric. “It will be critical that this agreement has really improved the lives of Syrians. The Secretary-General welcomes the commitments to end the use of all weapons, especially aviation, as well as rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access,” reads the document. Three countries-the guarantor — Russia, Turkey and Iran on Thursday, 4 may, signed a Memorandum on the establishment of four security zones in Syria. The security zone will be established in the following regions: in the province of Idlib, in areas of Latakia, Aleppo and Hama; in the North of HOMS province; in Eastern ghouta, on the South of Syria — the provinces of Deraa and Quneitra. There will be

In addition, in the TFR after verifying the purchase of the aircraft “Mail of Russia”

Russian Prosecutor General’s office confirmed that it had sent materials on the purchase of “Mail of Russia” two Tu-204 aircraft to the Investigative Committee, reports TASS. “These materials were indeed sent by prosecutors to the investigating authorities”, — said the Agency official representative of the Supervisory Department Alexander Kurennoy. In a press-service of “Mail of Russia” reported that the purchase of two haul aircraft conducted in full compliance with the requirements of procurement legislation, including agreed with the Ministry of communications. On the Prosecutor General’s office inquiry into the purchase of aircraft was reported in January. “Mail of Russia” in December of 2016 has launched the transportation on their own aircraft Tu-204, which was named in honor of Peter I and Catherine II. Currently operates flights to Russia, then the aircraft will fly also in the countries of East Asia. The operator acquired the aircraft in “Ilyushin Finans Ko” (IFK)

On the autobahn near Munich has faced two passenger buses

Archive photo On the Expressway near Munich, an accident involving two buses and four cars. It is reported Focus. The accident resulted in minor injuries and injured several people, mostly children, who were in one of the machines. At the scene working rescuers and doctors. Highway closed to traffic. 25 April in the center of the Polish city Zavada (łódź Voivodeship) overturned bus with tourists from Belarus. According to the press-Secretary of the local police Department Adam Kolasa, just the car was carrying 41 passengers. The group was returning from a tourist trip to Prague. The accident injured 18 people. With different injuries were hospitalized in the nearest hospitals. Four days earlier in South Africa at least 17 students were killed in a road accident in Mpumalanga. The bus in which there were children, went off the road, overturned and caught fire.

USA will take the control ports of the Russian far East because of the sanctions against the DPRK

The house of representatives Thursday, April 4, approved a bill paving the way for tougher sanctions against North Korea, reports Reuters. The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority of 419 to one. In particular, the document orders maintain records for compliance or non-compliance with the ports of various countries in the context of the sanctions against the DPRK. In this context, refers to the ports of China (Dandong, Dalian), Iran (Abadan, Bandar Abbas, Bushehr), Syria (Latakia, Tartus) and Russia (Nakhodka, Vanino and Vladivostok). The US government will have to conduct a more thorough check of the goods that are transported by the courts, who visited North Korea or transported through a seaport or airport, repeatedly convicted of failure to comply with UN security Council resolutions. The Law on security of ports and waterways, amended, prohibit any foreign ship from entering or operating in U.S. waters, or to transport cargo

Advisor to Erdogan hinted on a random rocket attack on the Americans in Syria

Ilnur Cevik Advisor to the President of Turkey, Ilnur Cevik, said the possibility of accidental blow to the American forces that interact with the Kurdish people’s protection Units (YPG, a wing of the PKK) in Northern Syria. This was announced by the publication Foreign Policy. “We do not expect that there is military equipment. Suddenly, by pure chance, several of them can get to them,” said Cevik. The last time U.S. special forces have increased presence in the Kurdish areas in Northern Syria, including in the city of Manbij, recently placed under the protection of the international coalition. As noted by RIA Novosti with reference to the American media, the military began patrolling the Syrian-Turkish border to prevent possible incidents. The statement of Cevik sounded on may 3, the day when Sochi hosted a meeting of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The politicians discussed

The lower house of Congress approved the replacement of the new Obamacare program

The house of representatives Thursday, may 4, approved a bill that struck down key provisions of health reform Obamacare and replace it with the program developed by Republicans. About it reports Reuters. The decision was taken by majority of votes, 217 to 213. For the amendments voted for no one Democrat. The document is submitted to the Senate for consideration. As noted, this is currently the main victory of the new President of Donald trump in the legislative field. The project of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) was enacted in 2010 with 44th US President Barack Obama. He allowed more than 25 million not previously insured individuals to provide a medical service. However, for those who do not receive subsidies from the state, the cost of insurance has increased. Republicans have repeatedly said that Obamacare is too costly for the budget. The cancellation of this project was one of the campaign

USA commented on the achieved in Astana agreements on Syria

The United States expresses gratitude to Turkey and Russia for the efforts to reach an agreement on the settlement of the conflict in Syria reached at the meeting in Astana. This is stated in a statement released by the state Department comments of the representative offices of Heather Nauert. In Washington calling for the Syrian opposition to participate actively in the discussions, despite the difficult conditions on the ground. It must fulfill its obligations and to distance themselves from the terrorists, he added Naert. Also, according to the representative of the state Department, the U.S. hopes that Russia will ensure the fulfillment of agreements by Damascus. At the same time, the United States expressed concern about the participation of Iran in Astana agreements as, in their opinion, his actions “contributed to the violence” and “unconditional support for Iran’s” regime of President Bashar al-Assad “only prolonged the suffering of ordinary Syrians”.