A nun in Argentina, was arrested for aiding and abetting in the molestation of deaf boys

In Argentina, a Catholic nun arrested on suspicion of aiding the priests in the sexual abuse of students with hearing impairments and youth of the boarding school in luján de Cuyo (province of Mendoza). Reported by the Daily Mail. According to the newspaper, 42-year-old Japanese woman Kumiko Kosaka (Kosaka Kumiko), a nun of the Roman Catholic Church, is also accused of ill-treatment and physical violence against the students of the Institute Dies. (el Instituto Provolo). It is noted that because of the peculiarities of the development of other students in the school could hear what was happening in the bathrooms and the basement of the building. “I’m innocent,” said the nun during the arrest. At the moment, Kumiko is in a women’s prison. At least 24 students made accusations against her. It is noted that sexual violence was committed by two Catholic priest. As reported Daily Mail in November last

Bus rammed a palm tree in Sochi

Palm trees in the Olympic Park in Sochi A Shuttle bus crashed into a palm tree in Sochi. About this “Interfax” reported in the medical circles of the city. “10 injured adults, a serious, taken to hospital. The place of the accident there are four ambulance crews,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Causes of accident are specified. In a press-service GU MVD in the Krasnodar region said that in medical institution delivered three victims. They added that the accident took place in the Olympic Park: “the Driver made the exit road followed the crackdown on obstruction”.

Le Pen and macron voted in the presidential election

Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel macron voted in the second round of the presidential elections in France. This was reported on the website of the newspaper Le Monde, which is an online broadcast. The candidate from the party “popular front” came to the polling station in Henin-beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), macron voted in the commune of Tuk (the Department of Pas-de-Calais). After the vote, the leader of movement “Forward!” started the communication with journalists and supporters, Le Pen chose almost immediately to leave the site. Two hours after the start of the election their vote gave the incumbent President Francois Hollande, arrived in the city of Tulle (he was the mayor of this settlement between 2001 and 2008, approx. “Of the tape.ru”) The voting started at 8:00 local time (9:00 GMT) and will last until 19:00 (20:00 GMT). In the first round, which was held on April 23, macron scored 24,01% of

The center for conciliation of the parties in Syria to assess the situation in areas of de-escalation

The situation in the areas of validity of the Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in Syria is stable. This was reported in the Center for conciliation of the warring parties in Syria, reports RIA Novosti. “The Russian part of the mission of the joint Russian-Turkish Commission on consideration of issues related to the violations of the cessation of hostilities during the day recorded a total of 18 violations. The Turkish part were 15 violations,” said the Center. They added that most of the violations consisted of indiscriminate firing of firearms in areas controlled by the militants of the “Islamic state” and “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” (both organizations are banned in Russia). Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation was signed in Astana on may 4, countries-guarantors (Russia, Turkey, Iran) truce in Syria. It is expected to create four zones in the following regions: in the province of Idlib, in areas

Lavrov said on Moscow’s unwillingness to intervene in the debate about Russia in the EU

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov announced Moscow’s unwillingness to intervene in the debate about Russia in the EU. He told about it in interview to TV channel “Mir”. “The current situation is not normal when some of our Western partners are trying to put ideological approaches above the interests of its citizens”, — said the head of Russian diplomacy. He added that, in his opinion, strengthens the trend away from such anomalies, however, the “aggressive minority tries to maintain the common position of the EU at the level of the lowest denominator”. “I repeat, this subject is not sulky and don’t want to interfere in the internal discussion, but can see how they really evolve in the European Union”, — concluded Lavrov. March 30, the biggest political force of the EU — the European people’s party (EPP) adopted a resolution on the results of

The action “Immortal regiment” was held in the United States

The action “Immortal regiment” was held in USA on Saturday, 6 may. As reported TASS the President of the “Russian youth of America” Igor Kochan, attended by a total of more than four thousand people. The procession, organised with the support of the coordinating Council of organizations of Russian compatriots in the United States (CARS) was held in new York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, Denver, San Diego, Boston, Philadelphia. In Washington, the participants marched from the White house to the world war II memorial on the National Mall. According to the Head in a number of cities American students worked as volunteers, pasted photographs, and helped in the organization. “Immortal regiment” was held on the Victory Day. During the memorial procession, the participants carry pictures of their relatives who fought in the great Patriotic war. The first such event was held in Tomsk in 2007. According to

In the Argentine capital, will appear in the area of Russia

The legislature of Buenos Aires approved a bill to establish in the Argentine capital area of the Russian Federation. This was reported TASS the Chairman of the coordination Council of Russian compatriots in Argentina Silvana Yarmolyuk. The initiator of this four years ago became the Russian side. The area will be located in upscale Belgrano. Approval Yarmolyuk, about a month “will begin work on the territory”. The Deputy Esteverena Carolina, which proposed the bill, says that this initiative will contribute to strengthening ties between the two countries. Another point of justification was the fact that people from Russia made an important contribution to the development of Argentine companies — two-thirds of the agricultural production of Argentina falls on land and companies, developed and founded by immigrants from Russia. The Russian Diaspora in Argentina has about 300 thousand people, which is the largest figure in the South American continent.

WikiLeaks found a “Russian trace” in the leaked emails of the headquarters of Macron

The organization WikiLeaks said in the leaked correspondence of the election headquarters of the candidate in presidents of France Emmanuel Makron nine times mentioned the name of the employee of the Russian company. “#MacronLeaks: the name of the employee Contracting companies of the Russian government in the sphere of security “Eureka” appears nine times in the leaked archive xls_cendric.rar” — wrote in his microblog organization in Twitter. On a published table with the dates set a Rosca Georgy Petrovich. — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 06 may 2017, 21:44 Wikileaks notes that we are talking about the company “licensed by the FSB activities on protection of state secrets.” On the website of “Eureka” says she, since 1990, produces computer equipment, and is also the largest supplier of solutions in the field of information technology. Among her regular clients — the foreign Ministry, economic development Ministry, Federal customs service, Central Bank, Federal drug control

U.S. police shot dead a teenager with a pneumatic pistol

Police of the city of San Diego (California, USA) shot and killed a 15-year-old. In a press release posted in the official Twitter-account of the guards, it is noted that two patrol officers arrived on a call to the Parking lot of the school Torrey pines, which was suspicious. They approached the young man, when he pulled out a gun and pointed at one of the officers. The police demanded several times from having to drop the weapon. After the young man obeyed, both officers fired several shots at him. The guards had wounded them first aid, but the young man died in hospital. Later it turned out that he was armed with an air gun. Preliminary investigation showed that the person who called the police, and was the young man. He studied in the same school. In February, California police arrested two teenagers who allegedly wanted to arrange a

The oldest climber in the world died trying to conquer Everest

Min Bahadur Sherkhan The oldest in the world the climber Min Bahadur Sherkhan (Min Bahadur Sherchan) from Nepal died on may 6 in the base camp while trying once again to climb Everest and become the oldest conqueror of mount. On Saturday, may 6, Reuters reported, citing the head of the mountaineering Association of Nepal, ang Tsering Sherpa. According to him, Sher Khan died on the side of a mountain at the age of 85 years from congestive heart failure. The Nepal tourism Ministry has confirmed the death of a climber, but was unable to give more details, citing poor communication with the camp. Nepal has set the minimum age at 16 years to climb to the highest point on earth (8848 meters), but there is no maximum limit. Currently the oldest climber to conquer Everest, an 80-year-old Japanese, Yuichiro Miura (Yuichiro Miura). 30 April on mount Everest killed a