Sobyanin proposed 12 additional guarantees to residents of demolished five-story building

Sergei Sobyanin Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin has proposed to introduce additional guarantees for the residents of the capital’s buildings that fall within the renovation programme. The corresponding bill submitted to the Moscow city Duma, reported on the website of the city government. The document provides for 12 additional guarantees. “There should be a guarantee of judicial protection and on the issue of renovation, and on the question of the equivalence and the equivalence of the housing. All the guarantees of judicial protection of citizens have to be,” said the mayor. Under the bill, the residents of demolished five-story building at any time can refuse the participation of his home in the renovation programme. The decision should be taken at the General meeting of owners and tenants of apartments. In addition, they should be provided with equivalent apartments in new buildings. It also assumes the provision of housing in the same

The Chechen interior Ministry checked the information about the oppression of gays

Ruslan Alkhanov Department of the interior in Chechnya checked the information about the oppression of individuals based on sexual orientation in the Republic. Given in the publication information was not confirmed, said the Minister of internal Affairs of the region Ruslan Alkhanov. His words are on the Agency’s website. “Pseudosection statement about the alleged detention of more than 160 homosexual men, 50 of whom were killed has no basis in fact and is frivolous”, — he said. According to a senior security officer, law enforcement agencies did not received any appeal on such occasions. “Meanwhile, the Ministry of internal Affairs on CHR checks every fact, announced in the media on the subject, and the hype is overblown individual pseudoplasticity of the Chechen people, is provocative and aims to discredit in the eyes of the public of the Chechen Republic”, — said Alkhanov. The materials of official investigation sent to the

Boris Johnson were afraid of possible Russian interference in the British elections

Boris Johnson The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson believes that Russia may try to influence the results of the early parliamentary elections in the United Kingdom, which will take place on 8 June. He stated this in an interview with The Telegraph. “I think that this danger is real,” — said the Minister, answering a question about the probable intervention of the Russian side. “We are confident that he (the President of Russia Vladimir Putin — approx. “Of the”) made it in America, it is obvious that he did it in France. In the Western Balkans there have been attempts dirty intervention, we must be vigilant,” said Johnson. The foreign Minister also asked whether Moscow can count on better relations with London if labour headed by Jeremy Corbin did come to power. According to Johnson, the Russian side will be happy if they get control of the Prime Minister’s

The death toll in bus crash in Turkey has risen to 23

The scene of the accident on the route muğla-Antalya The death toll in the accident of the bus with tourists in Turkey increased to 23. This resource NTV said the Governor of Mugla province Amir Cicek. According to him, the hospitals remains of eight victims. Earlier, as RIA Novosti reports, the Governor reported 20 dead and 11 injured who are in serious condition. He also said that the victims were Turkish citizens, foreigners among them. The Deputy Governor Kamil Keten said that in the car were tourists from the province of Izmir who went on a day trip to Marmaris. Among the victims are mostly middle-aged women. An accident involving a tourist bus in which there were 42 people, mostly women and children, occurred on 13 may in the Mugla province in southwest Turkey. As stated by the mayor of the nearby town of Marmaris, the cause of the accident

In the regions because of the cyber attacks management of traffic police stopped the rights issue

In a number of Russian regions have stopped working the system of issuing driving licenses. The failure occurred due to cyber attacks on the computers of the Ministry of interior made the night before. It is reported TASS citing a source in law enforcement bodies. “System for issuing rights of the traffic police have also been attacked the night before. Because of this, the system does not work the licensing. Currently, the specialists solve this problem in a number of regions,” — said the source. In particular, the temporary suspension of public services due to cyber attacks may 13, announced the Office of traffic police in Perm region. Interdistrict registration-examination divisions of traffic police of the Voronezh, according to “News of Voronezh” also said it was impossible to carry out public services on registration of transport, replacement and issuance of certificates, and to take exams. On the official website of

In a traffic accident with a tourist bus in Turkey killed 17 people

Archive photo In the Mugla province of southwest Turkey, an accident involving a tourist bus in which there were 42 people, mostly women and children. 17 people were killed, Haberturk reported, citing authorities. Another 13 were injured, they receive medical care. As stated by the mayor of the nearby town of Marmaris, the cause of the accident could be a driver bug. According to the Governor of Mugla province Amir Cicek, the driver lost control at the dangerous turn of the mountain road of Mugla — Antalya causing the bus overturned, RIA Novosti reported. The Russian Consulate General in Antalya said that specific information about the presence among the passengers of the Russians. “While the Turkish side we do not yet announced,” said the Consul General Oleg Rogoza.

The Telegraph saw a Russian footprint in the world attack of the virus-the extortioner

The British newspaper the Telegraph suggests that due to hacker attack, which struck on may 12, tens of thousands of computers worldwide, is the group Shadow Brokers. The newspaper writes that the actions of the attackers allegedly indicate that she may have a connection with Russia and to take revenge for U.S. strikes on Syria. So, according to the newspaper, April 8 hackers on one of the lesser-known sites published a message to the President of the United States Donald Trump, which criticized him for a missile strike on Syria. “Shadow Brokers voted for you. Shadow Brokers have supported you. Shadow Brokers are losing faith in you”, — the newspaper quotes an excerpt from the message. Six days later, the criminals said that the kidnapped American governmental Agency “cyberweapons”, which received unprecedented access to computers running on Microsoft Windows, notes The Telegraph. “Some experts believe that the sequence of actions

Police in Chelyabinsk was hit by two children on the move

Police in Chelyabinsk knocked down two children crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing. This is stated in the press service of the regional Department of the MIA of Russia. The accident occurred on Friday evening, may 12. Boys born in 2008 were crossing the street at a controlled crossing on a green traffic signal, when they drove a police officer for Chevrolet. The children received injuries, was hospitalized. “The police provided immediate aid to the victims and called an ambulance. Of intoxication the employee is not revealed”, — is spoken in the message. Upon an event of service check. If the fault of the police confirmed, he will be prosecuted in accordance with applicable law and disciplinary action, including dismissal from service. The management of GU MVD of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region has decided to give victims the boys the help they need. In late March, the car

Central Bank announced a massive hacking attack on Russian banks

The center for monitoring and responding to computer attacks in the financial sphere of the Bank of Russia (Finart) recorded a mass mailing banks malicious software. On Saturday, may 13, reported the press service of the regulator, RIA Novosti reported. “Fincert recorded a mass mailing banks of malicious software (…) however, the facts compromising the resources of credit institutions are not fixed”, — assured the Bank of Russia. What specific financial institutions have been under attack not reported. The Central Bank said that the center is in the middle of April it was sent to the banks information about the signs of compromise, as well as methods of identifying and anti-malware type “cryptographer”. On Saturday a cyber attack reported in the “Russian Railways”. “On the IT system, the Railways had been produced viral attack, the virus is present, the localized maintenance work for its destruction and updating of anti-virus protection”

In Japan, dozens of migrants on hunger strike

Japan began a mass hunger strike of migrants. About it reports Reuters. Dozens of detainees for violation of the regime of stay in the country, contained in the immigration center in Tokyo, he refused to eat in protest against illegal arrests. Some of the hunger strikers had previously applied for political asylum. “We need to change something — said one of the protesters who has been in prison for over 10 months. — You need to end this system.” At the moment in the immigration center in Tokyo contains 387 men and 189 women. In 2016, the issue of migrants was in the spotlight from the Japanese press after working with Sri Lanka died in the chamber, not waiting for medical care. Of the nearly 11 thousand applications for asylum in 2016 was endorsed by only 28.