The militants destroyed ancient statues in the ancient city on the Euphrates

A frame from the video Supporters of the terrorist group ISIS has destroyed several statues and bas-reliefs in the town of Dura-Europos in Eastern Syria, announced on Sunday, may 14, the Syrian news Agency SANA. Made by vandals video footage appeared on the sites supporting the militants. Video of the antique sculptures and bas-reliefs crushed by hammer into small pieces. — Hassan Hassan حسن (@hxhassan) 13 may 2017, 22:54 According to SANA, militants previously machined Dura-Europos organized looting, destroying the cultural values. Banned in Russia, ISIS and other terrorist organizations are trading in archaeological artifacts, taking them smuggled from Syria, and those findings that can not sell, destroy. The Agency called the incident a “new crime against the Syrian civilization and world heritage”. Dura-Europos is an ancient city near the modern qal’at es-Salihiya in Syria that existed from about 300 BC to 256. Became known in connection with archaeological finds

Media reported about the murder of his wife and daughter by an employee of the foreign Ministry in Moscow

Archive photo In a residential building in the South-West of the capital discovered the bodies of three people. About this Agency city news “Moscow” in the night of Monday, may 15, said a source in law enforcement bodies. According to him, in the apartment of one of houses on Lenin Avenue found the bodies of men, women and children, all gunshot wounds. The scene began to work operatively-an investigation team. Set all the circumstances and the incident reasons. According to REN TV, the law enforcement agencies to check the version that the man killed his family and then committed suicide. In addition, it is reported that he was an employee of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, official confirmation of this information. As it became known to TV channel, the man shot wife in the face, his five year old daughter tried to escape, so received a wound in the back.

In the security Council praised the Syrian campaign

The Russian Security Council commends the actions of Russian troops in Syria. Air and space forces together with the forces of the government of the Arab Republic of “contributed to the radical change of the situation”, said in an interview with the defense Ministry newspaper “Red star” Deputy security Council Secretary Mikhail Popov. “They have caused international terrorist groups in Syria significant damage, contributed to the radical change of the situation, have created favorable conditions for promoting inter-Syrian dialogue to achieve a political settlement of the conflict,” he said. Operation in Syria, Popov called unique and explained that it involved far, tactical and army aviation, ships and submarines, was first struck high-precision cruise missiles, air-and sea-based at a distance of a thousand kilometers. In addition, in the course of fighting the Russian military has experienced in practice new models of weapons, military and special equipment. Today, the level of equipment

President at Microsoft has placed on the CIA and NSA blame for the attack of the virus WannaCry

Mass attack of the virus-the extortioner WannaCry became possible due to the fact that the CIA and the national security Agency (NSA) of the USA is in their interests to collect data on software vulnerabilities, said the President of Microsoft brad Smith. “We saw that the data about the vulnerabilities that was collected by the CIA were published on WikiLeaks, now stolen from the NSA data affected users worldwide,” — said in a statement posted on the website of the Corporation. Smith compared the incident with the “theft of a few Tomahawk missiles, the army” and called to perceive cyber attacks as a Wake-up call for all governments in the world and the signal is rather “to awaken”. According to the head of Microsoft about vulnerabilities in the software only needs to know the developers, not the security services. In the modern world attack WannaCry “reveals alarming link between the

Andrey Malakhov has called on the rap-duel from-for the conflict to “Let them talk”

Blogger Ruslan Tulentsev, known under the nickname CrazyMegaHell, released a video in defense came on the show to speak with the colleagues of Anastasia Shpagina in which he called leading the transfer of Andrei Malakhov “pig” and challenged him to a rap battle Versus BPM. For two days the video has gained more than 850 thousand views. Tulentsev accused Malakhova that the authors of the transmission during installation cut out many important points, and the host is caught Shpagina in the imposition of the fans opinions. In response, she promised that after the show aired from bloggers “will burn the ass”. In the end CrazyMegaHell suggested “actively climbing on the Internet” leading to solve the conflict with a rap battle on the popular project Verus-battle. Blogger also launched the hashtag #malachowski, that the day got to the top of Russian Twitter. The release of “Let them talk” by Anastasia Shpagina

Living illegally in UAE Russians arrested for someone else’s documents

The police car UAE The court of first instance of the largest city of the United Arab Emirates — Dubai — recognized citizen of Russia guilty of using someone else’s ID and was arrested for three months. About it reports on Sunday, may 14, Gulf News. After the sentence of a man deported to his homeland. According to the publication, the 32-year-old Russian was detained in March. During the interrogation, he tried to impersonate a student and showed someone else’s ID card, issued to the citizen of Kyrgyzstan. After checking in the electronic system, the police learned that kyrgyzstanets left the country for seven months before. The Russians admitted that they had used false documents when illegally living in the UAE since 2004. It is noted that the court found the man guilty of violating the country’s law on entry and stay and fined. What amount should pay to the

Lavrov pointed to the sequence of trump in relations with Russia

The President of the United States Donald trump before and after the elections saying that he wants to have normal relations with Russia, said foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on may 14 in the program “Sunday time” on the First channel, reports TASS. Trump, as the Minister said, has never — neither during the campaign nor after the inauguration “did not say that he wants Russia to have a bad attitude,” but rather stated that he wanted to have normal and mutually respectful relations with all countries, including the Russian Federation. “The sequence of President trump, in my opinion, was never broken,” — said Lavrov. The most important “properly conscious of the General interest” of Russia and the USA Lavrov has described the fight against terrorism. According to him, the countries have a common understanding of the principles of settlement of the conflict in Syria. At meetings on may 10 in

Tillerson denied the resetting of relations with Russia

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said the lack of U.S. intentions to begin relations with Russia with a clean slate. He said this in the program Meet The Press on NBC on Sunday, may 14. According to Tillerson, the term “reset” is used too often. “It is important to understand that we are not trying to start with a clean slate, he said. — Restart is not possible. You can’t just erase the past. We are starting from where are now.” Tillerson pointed out that relations with Russia are “at the lowest level since the end of the cold war”, and between countries remains extremely low level of confidence. “I think the situation is regarded as unhealthy for the entire world,” he said, adding that such a situation also had a negative impact on Americans and US interests. The Secretary of state said that Moscow and Washington

The UN security Council will meet urgently due to rocket launch the DPRK

The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting in connection with the recent missile launch in North Korea. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, may 16, Reuters reported, citing diplomats. North Korea conducted a test on the morning of 14 may. A rocket launched from the province’s Do, flew for half an hour, covered a distance of about 700 kilometers and fell into the sea of Japan, between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. According to the defense Ministry of Russia, the fall occurred in the Central part of the sea of Japan at a distance of 500 kilometers from Russian territory. At the same time, the American official said that the rocket stopped flying at a distance of 60 miles (96.5 km) from Vladivostok. The launch was the first missile test of the DPRK for two weeks.

In a Muslim cemetery in Tatarstan have made the second for two weeks a pogrom

About 100 tombstones have suffered from hands of unknown in the Muslim graveyard near the village Vasyukove in Zelenodolsk district of Tatarstan. This was reported “Interfax” the press-service of the regional Department of the Ministry of interior on Sunday, may 14. According to the police, this is the second such incident at a cemetery near Vasyukove for the last fortnight. On April 30, it was damaged nearly 90 headstones. On the given fact criminal case under article 244 of the criminal code (“Violation of bodies died and places of their burial”). The police had then established the identity of the suspect in this crime. It was the 20-year-old local resident, who is disabled by mental illness. To the crime the suspect confessed, however, to explain the reason for his action could not. 18 April 2016 in Sverdlovsk region two boys in 2007 and 2009 year of birth, playing at the