The former head of the Pentagon stated the deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States at the trump

Robert Gates U.S. President Donald trump relations between Moscow and Washington have deteriorated. This was stated by former head of the Ministry of defence of the USA Robert gates in the program Face the Nation channel CBS. “I think after the arrival of the President to the authorities of Russian descent do not give. What has surprised observers is the fact that relations between the United States and Russia became even worse after the election,” gates explained, remembering the 39th and 40th presidents of the country. He also called not to attach much importance to the trump meeting with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “For a long time the Soviet Ministers met with the President. Jimmy Carter this practice after Afghanistan ceased. Ronald Reagan regained it in 1984, so I think there is nothing extraordinary in this meeting, no,” summed up gates. Trump 12 may in an interview suggested that

Putin denied the information about Russia supplying weapons to Syrian Kurds

Vladimir Putin Moscow maintains working contacts with the Kurdish units in Syria, but not supplying them with weapons. On Monday, may 15, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during his visit to China, the correspondent “”. “We, unlike other countries that do not announce the supply of arms to Kurdish forces. Yes, they do not need much in our deliveries. They have sources, other sources of obtaining this weapon. We do not believe that we need to intensify this work”, — said Putin. However, he explained that Russia feels entitled to maintain contacts with the Kurds as one of the “most combat-ready units” that are fighting against the militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). These contacts, according to the President, is necessary in order to avoid possible collisions of Kurds with Russian servicemen. Putin added that he had discussed the issue with Turkish

In India, a former sex slave has received compensation for University studies

Former Indian underage sex slave has received from the government of Maharashtra state compensation for rape, sufficient to pay tuition at the University. About it reports Reuters. To date, the Bank account of the victim (the Agency reports only its name — Devi) lists 75 thousand rupees (1.15 thousand dollars). More 3,5 thousands of dollars she will receive when she turns 18. The money will help Devi to pay study in medical University. Davy was kidnapped two years ago and sold into sexual slavery in the state of Maharashtra. Under current Indian law, she is entitled to compensation from the state government for rape. Over the past four years of government of Maharashtra received 7.5 thousand requests for compensation from former sex slaves to the satisfaction of 4,5 thousand of them. Of the requests have been rejected due to the lack of money in the state Treasury. The abduction of

British MP Hippy advised the grader to fail in Scotland

British MP from the Conservative party James Hippie (James Heappey) has suggested the pupil of the sixth grade school southwest of Somerset to fail in Scotland. About it reports The Independent. According to the newspaper, the MP met with students decided to talk about Scottish independence. When one girl told him that would have voted for secession of the state, he said: “Maybe you should have******* [to leave] in Scotland?” In response, the girl left the class and complained to his father, a supporter of the Scottish national party. Hippie sent a written apology. “I let go review — comic review — but it is, of course, was unacceptable, and I apologize for causing offense,” — said the politician. Hippie — a former major in the British army, who was elected to his post in 2015.

Reuters reported intense shooting in two cities in côte d’ivoire

In the two largest cities in côte d’ivoire — Abidjan and bouaké heard heavy shooting. About it reports Reuters with reference to eyewitnesses. “I heard shots of Kalashnikov and heavier weapons. Very intensive shooting began at about five in the morning and walked for an hour,” explained Reuters a resident of Abidjan, who lives near the presidential Palace and the U.S. Embassy. According to reports of RIA news, last week the authorities announced that more than 8 thousand troops refused financial demands, which caused mass protests. In the country since January, there are riots instigated by the former military and employees of other law enforcement agencies. For example, on 6 January it was reported about the rebellion in three cities, including bouaké. A similar revolt took place in 2014. Then hundreds of soldiers have blocked roads in several cities across the country, demanding repayment of wage arrears. The government agreed

A passenger bus collided with a truck near Tula

The scene Seven people were injured in the collision of the passenger bus, carrying out flight from Sochi to Moscow, with a truck in the Tula region, reports the morning of Monday, may 15, “Interfax”. The accident occurred at the 161-kilometer Federal highway “don”. Experienced bus Setra DAF and Peterbilt. According to the MOE, information about the accident was received at 5:40. The Department of the MIA of Russia in the Tula region said that the bus driver did not observe a distance and allowed collision with a truck following in the same direction. The photographs of the accident scene visible damage to the front of the bus. On may 13 in Turkey, as a result of an accident with a tourist bus killed more than 20 people. In early April, in an accident with a truck hit the bus Moscow — Elista. Two people were killed, injured 31.

The Central Bank revoked the licenses of two Moscow banks

The Central Bank of Russia withdrew the license for implementation of Bank operations at “Informprogress” and KB “INTEKOOPBANK”. On Monday, may 15, the press service of the regulator. “The business model of KB “Informprogress” (OOO) was largely focused on servicing the interests of its owners. The Bank placed funds in low-quality assets, including in the construction industry, and failed to adequately assess credit risks”, — stated in the message controller. Because of this, the amount of own funds of the credit organization decreased to the level below the registered share capital. JSC “INTEKOOPBANK”, as the press-service, has long been in the field of view of the Central Bank in connection with the Bank transit and suspicious transactions related to cash and withdrawal of funds abroad under transactions with securities. This activity continued, despite the measures taken by the regulator to stop it. This is indicative of the absence of the

The President of Russia spoke in support of the project “One belt and one road”

Vladimir Putin Russia supports the project “One belt and one road” and will actively participate in it together with partners. As reported by RIA Novosti, said on Monday, may 15, President Vladimir Putin during a “round table” during the second day of the ongoing Beijing forum on the project. According to the head of the state, it is important that integration in Eurasia was based on generally accepted rules lined up and transparently. The objectives formulated by the President of China, XI Jinping, in the framework of the project are ambitious, but also difficult to implement, said Putin. Create a belt of economic development and mutually beneficial trade between Asia and Europe, the President called an urgent and important initiative, which takes into account current trends in the world economy and reflect the General need for the coordination of multi-format integration processes in the Eurasian continent and other regions of

Experts of the Central Bank told about the risks of undervaluation of the ruble

Attempts to undervaluation of the real exchange rate through operations in the foreign exchange market, usually based on historical experience, terms of macroeconomics fail. This was reported in a research note, Department of research and forecasting of the Bank of Russia, which is published on the regulator’s website. “The real exchange rate is still stronger, but under the influence of a higher growth rate of prices (wages because of competition for labour from the non-tradable sector). In Russia is observed in 2000-ies, when the background of high oil prices, the Bank of Russia intervened in the currency market by buying foreign currency”, — stated in the document. As a result of growth of liquidity, real rates were signaticollis. This resulted in the outpacing growth of wages in the economy compared to labour productivity growth. “Ultimately, in the medium term, price competitiveness is still not decreased and depended on the policy

At the regional elections were won by Merkel’s party

In the elections to the Landtag of North Rhine — Westphalia leads the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian democratic Union, headed by Armin Lacheta. According to forecasts, it received 33 per cent votes, reports Deutsche Welle. The Social democratic party of Germany (SPD) is 31.5 per cent, the Liberal FDP receives 12.7 percent, “the Union-90″/”green” — 6.3%, the Left party — 4,8% of the votes. Right populist “Alternative for Germany” (ADH) has received 7.3 percent, Party pirates — 0.9 percent. Other parties gain in the amount of 3.5 percent. The threshold of five percent. The candidate of the SPD, the head of the land government, Hannelore Kraft announced the resignation from the post of Vice-Chairman of the SPD and Chairman of the branch of the party. Compared to the result of the last elections, the party lost more than eight percentage points of the vote. As noted, the