The media learned about the transfer of the trump Lavrov top-secret information about ISIS

The President of the United States Donald trump allegedly told Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, top-secret information regarding the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. According to the publication The Washington Post, this happened on may 10 at a meeting in the White house. The newspaper, citing current and former officials says that information is jeopardized by some “the most important foreign source of intelligence” about ISIS, which is not allowed to share this information with Russia. It is also noted that trump allegedly revealed Moscow even more information than its allies. Later, the U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson denied the information outlined in this article. He claims that during the meeting, trump and Lavrov discussed a number of issues, among which was a joint effort in the fight against terrorism. In the course of this dialogue to talk about specific threats, but the parties did not discuss the sources, methods, or

The Russian foreign Ministry reminded the citizens about the risks of visiting Georgia

The Russian foreign Ministry has warned citizens about the risks of visiting Georgia in connection with the intention of this country to make the former mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov in the black list. It is stated in the official comments of the Department of information and press of the foreign Ministry. “Drew attention to the statement of the Georgian authorities on the introduction of Luzhkov in the list of “undesirable persons” because of his previous visits to Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Russian foreign Ministry is compelled to once again draw the attention of citizens to the need to weigh the risks before travel to Georgia”, — stated in the statement. The Ministry warned that due to Tbilisi severed diplomatic relations Moscow has “very limited ability to protect citizens from tyranny.” The foreign Ministry reminded about the cases when Russian citizens in a similar situation, fined and imprisoned. The

In a Mexican prison, found a pit of drugs and alcohol

In a prison in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, the police found a stash of drugs, alcohol and sharp instruments, which was a hole dug a five-meter depth. On Monday, may 15, reports BBC News. According to the guards, it was an unfinished tunnel. The warehouse is found through the use of special geothermal equipment — the entrance was bricked up and disguised. Police are searching for a new Yam. Through a tunnel a mile-long July 12, 2015, from prison “El Altiplano” ran one of the most famous drug lords of the country — Joaquim Guzman, nicknamed Shorty. In March 2016, he asked about extradition to the US, hoping to transfer to prison normal mode and the commutation of sentence. 20 January it became known that he had given to the authorities of the United States.

The court issued a recording of the conversation saruchera wife-transgender Dutchman

In mass media appeared the audio telephone conversation, during which welded a wife transgender, the Dutchman asks for the help of an electrician. Entry was posted in court, reported The Independent. “I was cooking on the stove, the pan ran water. It leaked down somewhere, then there was… a loud Bang and the power went out. Today can you fix it?”, — with these words killed the wife of Marcus Folke in October 2014 asked the service repair of electrical appliances. When the electrician came home to Folke, I felt a strong smell. The resident of the house explained that he was cooking pig’s broth. However, the employee was confused by the abundance of bottles with bleach and scattered around rubber gloves, and he spoke about what he saw the super. He called the police. When the guards arrived on the scene, they found there are Folke. He initially agreed

The new Prime Minister of France became the mayor of Le Havre

Edouard Philippe The President of France Emmanuel macron appointed a new Prime Minister. About it reports Reuters. The head of government was the 46-year-old mayor of Le Havre, the lawyer édouard Philippe (Edouard Philippe), a member of the party “the Republicans”. He is known for conservative views and proximity to Alan Juppe — right politician, leader of the moderate wing “Republicans”. According to the Agency, the appointment of Philip — a unique case in the postwar history of France: the President first has voluntarily appointed head of government the person in the other party. Philip is the intention of the President, should serve as a counterweight to former high-ranking socialists who supported Him and relied on key positions in the leadership of the country, Reuters reports. Emmanuel macron has become the President of France, winning in the second round of the presidential elections, held on 7 may. Makron got 66.1

The Czech city was expelled Stalin and Gottwald from among honorary citizens

The authorities of the Czech town Ceske Budejovice was excluded from among the honorary citizens of the deceased Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and the head of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia Klement Gottwald. About it reports “Radio Prague”. Stalin and Gottwald were elected honorary citizens of the city in 1945. As explained by the mayor of české budějovice jiří Svoboda, when the decision was made, it was certain reasons. However, in the 1950s, the years of Stalin and Gottwald made a number of mistakes that cast a shadow on their name, said the mayor. In total still an honorary citizen of the city got 118 people. The last honorary citizen of české budějovice became the world’s first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova in 1949. Ceske Budejovice is a city in the South of the Czech Republic, the administrative center of the South Bohemian region. The population of 93 thousand people.

During a prison riot in Papua New Guinea was shot dead 17 prisoners

Prison guards in Papua New Guinea during the riot prisoners shot dead 17 people who attempted to escape. About it reports The Independent. The rebellion happened in the prison Buimo located in the city of Lae. Guard opened fire on the escapees broke through the main gate of the penitentiary. However, the majority managed to escape. At the moment, arrested three people, 57 still remain at large. The causes of the rebellion are not specified. Police urged residents Lae to be vigilant, warning of a possible spike in crime in the coming days. The guards believe that we can expect the growth in the number of car thefts and armed robberies. This is the fourth rebellion in prison Buimo over the past four years. In February 2016 30 prisoners attacked the guards, trying to break free. 11 people were shot. A year earlier, 55 people successfully broke through the gate

In India raped a woman beaten with bricks after a threat to go to the police

In the Indian state of Haryana rapists scored the victim with bricks after she threatened to complain to the police. About it reports The Independent. 23-year-old woman lived in the village Sonipat. According to the police, she, along with a group of villagers went to the car in the nearby town of Rohtak. There she was gang raped. When the woman said that will complain to the police, she smashed his skull with bricks. The victim’s body was found in a field near Rohtak Thursday, may 11. Police have arrested two residents Sonipat on suspicion of murder and rape. The mother of the murdered pointed to six men who, in her opinion, were accomplices in the crime, now they are under investigation. As found by the police informed the family of the deceased filed a complaint against one of the suspects, accusing him of forcing a woman to marriage, but

The largest Italian center for migrants was controlled by the mafia

One of the major Italian centres for the admission of migrants for 10 years, was controlled by the mafia. This was told by the police of the province of Calabria, reports The Local. “More than 500 employees over night arrested 68 people accused of links with the mafia, extortion, illegal weapons possession, fraud, embezzlement and theft”, — told the police of the city of Catanzaro, the capital of Calabria. Militiamen managed to find out that the perpetrators from the organization of the ndrangheta ran a refugee center in the city of Isola di Capo Rizzuto for profit. Among the detainees — Leonardo Sacco, head of the local Catholic brotherhood of penitents (he formally ran the center), and the priest Edoardo Scorpio. According to investigators, the Sacco has organized competitions so that all contracts for the supply of food and the provision of services for the center for battered affiliated with

Turkey refused the German deputies in the vicinity of Incirlik air base

The Turkish authorities did not allow the group of German MPs to visit Incirlik air base, where the military service of the Bundeswehr. On Monday, may 15, reports Deutsche Welle. One of the reasons that failed the visit of the parliamentarians was the fact that Germany has provided sanctuaries to several Turkish officers, suspected of involvement in the coup attempt. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, commenting on the actions of Ankara, said that Berlin would consider the withdrawal of its troops from Turkey, writes The Independent. According to her, Germany will continue the dialogue with the authorities of the Republic, but at the same time will explore possible alternatives, including the deployment of military in Jordan. Today, Incirlik air base located 260 soldiers of the Bundeswehr. They participate in the operations of the international coalition against the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), which takes place on