The court of Taiwan has recognized the constitutionality of same-sex marriage

The constitutional court of Taiwan (Shiyuan) ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. About it reports Reuters. The judge found that the current at the moment the law banning marriage between people of the same sex is contrary to the Constitution of the island, violating the rights of gays. According to the decision of Easy, the legislators have two years to amend to allow same-sex marriages. The Agency notes that this is the first decision of its kind in Asia. At the moment, same-sex marriage in Taiwan as a whole do not admit, but half of the municipalities of the island records. The project on the legalization of gay marriage was submitted to Parliament by the ruling Democratic party at the end of October 2016. It was approved in the first reading. It was planned that the final vote on the bill will take place in February 2017, but later it

In Indonesia appears antigeysky special forces

In the Indonesian province of West Java will be a police commandos who are hunting for members of the LGBT community. About it reports Reuters. According to the head of the provincial police Charlena Anton (Anton Charliyan), the new unit will include investigators and experts in counter-intelligence. Special forces will focus on hunting the gays, arranging surprise parties. According to Charlene, homosexuality is a physical and mental illness. “We hope that followers of this distortion we have in the province: neither those who are gay or those who behave in their image, — explained the policeman. — If there is any, they will have to appear before the law and subject to severe social constraints. Society will reject them”. Charlian urged all law-abiding citizens to report cases of same-sex relationships to the police. Thus a press-the Secretary of the Indonesian police, Seto Vasista (Setyo Wasisto) explained that the words of

Politicians and experts of RIAC in Moscow to discuss Russian-Chinese relations

In Moscow on 29 and 30 may will host an international conference “Russia-China: a new quality of bilateral relations”, which will be held by Russian international Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Society of Russian-Chinese friendship (orkd). According to the organizers, the event will be held in the footsteps of the successful visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, and the experts will have the opportunity to discuss the results. “The participants put forward their proposals to the leaders of Russia and China on cooperation in the humanitarian, economic and political spheres, as well as in security issues,” — noted in the Council. Among the participants, the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, former Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia and RIAC President Igor Ivanov, the user orkd in the face of Dmitry Mezentsev and sun Tinyu, SCO Secretary-General Rashid Alimov, Director General of JSC

The British authorities spoke about the possible accomplices terrorist from Manchester

Amber Rudd The bomber who blew up a bomb at the stadium “Manchester-arena” in Britain hardly acted alone. About said the Minister of internal Affairs of the Kingdom of amber Rudd, her words reports BBC News. “This attack was more carefully planned than what we’ve seen before, and it’s not like he [the terrorist] acted alone,” said Rudd. That alleged terrorist, 22-year-old Salman, Abedi acted with accomplices, previously announced on may 24 on NBC. According to the source, the bomb that blew up a terrorist, was “large and complex” and consisted of components that are difficult to obtain in the UK. Therefore, almost impossible to believe that, Abedi acted without assistance. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were taken to medical facilities. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic gosudarstvo” has claimed responsibility for the attack

The American confessed to the theft of parts of the presidential helicopters

A resident of the U.S. state of Virginia admitted to stealing parts of presidential helicopters for a total amount of almost 100 thousand dollars. Reported by the Associated Press. According to the Agency, 34-year-old Brendan Baker (Branden Baker) said that he had carried from the base of Marine One, which maintained the helicopters for the first persons of the state, a total of more than 50 image intensifiers and night vision devices. As he entered the territory, not reported. Production male sold on Internet auction site eBay. According to investigators, the crimes were committed between 2013 and 2015. Baker faces up to 10 years in prison. Moreover, he was a pretrial agreement must pay 94 thousands of dollars in damage. Sentencing is scheduled for August. In October 2016, six American soldiers were arrested for the theft of military equipment and its subsequent sale. The list of stolen headsets for radios,

In the UK consider the introduction of death penalty for terrorism

Janice Atkinson MEP from the UK Janice Atkinson said about the need to introduce the death penalty for terrorism. It is reported portal Kentnews. According to the politician, have to do a lot to eradicate terrorism. “But there is one simple step which we can do now: we must restore the death penalty,” said she. According to Atkinson, the terrorists are not deranged psychopaths, and staunch opponents who are waging total war. “Today we must declare that the death penalty will be returned for the Commission of terrorist offences (…) We are at war, but war crimes and terrorism can’t prevail. I(…) policy, and it’s my job to offer solutions,” she concluded. In 1965 in the UK, a law was passed, according to which throughout the country, except for Northern Ireland, suspended for five years, suspended the death penalty for murder. In 1969 this rule was approved as permanent. In

The White house announced the willingness of Abbas to begin negotiations with Israel

Mahmoud Abbas The leader of the Palestinian authority Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting with U.S. President Donald trump has declared its readiness to immediately start negotiations with Israel on a peace settlement. This is stated in the message of the White house on the visit. The document States that trump is convinced of the possibility of achieving peace between Palestinians and Israelis. 23 may during the talks, the US President said: “President Abbas, we look to the future to work in other important areas, including the fight against terrorism and support for the Palestinian economy”. Abbas, in turn, expressed hope that trump will go down in history as the man that contributed to the achievement of peace between Palestinians and Israelis. The American leader visited Palestine on his first big international tour as President of the United States.

The authorities in Brussels have banned any mass action outside the hotel Erdogan

Brussels The burgomaster of Brussels Ivan Meyer has banned all public gatherings in front of the hotel where the President will stop Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Stephanie square, reports La Libre. Turkish leader arrives in capital of Belgium for a NATO summit on Wednesday evening, may 24. According to Meyer, the decision was taken after near the residence of Turkey’s Ambassador to Washington during the visit of Erdogan clashed with Turkish citizens. As a result, nine people injured, while two were seriously injured. Two more were arrested, one of them was charged with insulting a police officer. Supporters of Turkish President had earlier launched a Facebook campaign calling for members of the local Turkish Diaspora to go to the rally. His plan to spend 24 may at 18:00 local time (19:00 GMT). More than 700 people said they were going to come to a rally in support of the Turkish

With the explosion in Manchester killed two citizens of Poland

Among those killed in the terrorist attack in Manchester — two citizens of Poland. About it reports Reuters. According to the Polish foreign Ministry, the last time they contacted the evening of may 22 shortly before the attack. Their names are not reported. We only know that this couple, who came to the end of the concert to pick up their children, attended the event. Children are not affected. Another Polish citizen, was in the crowd for the same reason, was seriously injured. It has already operated, the condition of the victim information. May 22, near the concert venue stadium “Manchester arena” was a blast. In these moments ended with a concert of the singer Ariana Grande. In the hall there were several thousand people, including many teenagers and children. The victims of the explosion, according to the latest data, there were 22 people. Police said he considers the incident

NBC learned the details of the investigation of the terrorist attack in Manchester

The suspect in the attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” 22-year-old Salman, Abedi was associated with the banned terrorist group al-Qaida and had training outside the UK. The first results of the investigation, said a source in the us intelligence community to NBC. The bomb that blew up a terrorist, was “large and complex” and consisted of components that are difficult to obtain in the UK. Therefore, the source said, it is almost impossible to Abedi acted without assistance. The identity of the suicide bomber managed to install the card surviving in the pocket of his clothes at the blast site, and confirm with the help of face recognition technology. it turned Out that the young man in the last 12 months went to Libya but also visited other countries. Abedi, had a “clear link “to al-Qaeda””, says a source, NBC, and may have had contact with other terrorist groups.