“Dislike” Zvyagintsev has received the jury prize at the Cannes film festival

The film by Russian Director Andrei Zvyagintsev’s “Dislike” received the jury prize 70-th Cannes film festival. On Sunday, may 28, the correspondent “reports Tapes.ru”. “Somehow quickly it all happened. I would like to thank everyone who created this film. Thank you all for your talent,” said Zvyagintsev after the announcement of the decision of the jury. The Director thanked the film’s producer Alexander Rodnyansky, screenwriter Oleg Negina, the operator Mikhail Krichman and other filmmakers. Before the premiere at the Cannes film festival plot details “Dislike” was kept in strict secret. The film tells about the couple, performed by Maria Spivak and Aleksey Rozin in the midst of a difficult divorce. Their 12-year-old son Alyosha, seeing one of the quarrels of the parents, runs away from home. The film “Dislike” is a joint production of the Russian, French, Belgian and German film companies. Filming began in the fall of 2016. The

Police arrested a suspect in the fifteenth case of an explosion in Manchester

British police arrested 19-year-old young man within the framework of investigation of act of terrorism at stadium “the Manchester arena,” according to the Twitter account of the police of Manchester. — G M Police (@gmpolice) 28 may 2017, 20:15 “Police officers, conducting searches at addresses in the area Gorton and rush this evening (Sunday, may 28), arrested 19-year-old man in Gorton on suspicion of violating the terrorism act. Searches and detention were in connection with the attack on the “Manchester Arena”, — said in a statement. The report States that the total number of people detained in the investigation, reached 15. Two of them were released without charges, 13 are in custody. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were taken to medical facilities. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the

Kobzon made in Lugansk in honor of the Day of frontier guard

Joseph Kobzon People’s artist of the USSR, first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture Iosif Kobzon made in Lugansk with a concert devoted to Day of border guard. On Sunday, may 28, RIA Novosti reported. The singer said that sanctions do not scare him, and he intends in the future to come with concerts in Donetsk and Lugansk. “I surprised my colleagues who, fearing sanctions, do not want to come here. Miami is closer to them than the Donbass. I think debt, especially if it is my homeland, I was born on this earth to be with those people who are in difficult, extreme situations. I think I can do and how there may be to thank these brave people”, — said Kobzon. According to the artist, he never picks up a special repertoire for performances in the Donbass. “What I’m singing in Russia, I sing in the

Merkel urged the EU to take destiny into their own hands

German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged EU leaders to show more responsibility and take the fate of Europe in their hands. Such a statement she made on Sunday in Munich, at joint event with the head of the Christian social Union Horst Seehofer, Die Welt reported. “Gone are the days when we could at each other to rely, I experienced this in the last days,” she said, sitting in a tent at a table with a beer in front of two thousand supporters. Merkel added that Europe must be in friendly relations with the US and the UK, as well as with Russia and other countries as “good neighbours”. “But we need to know we will have to fight for their rights, for their future, Europeans must take their destiny into their own hands,” said the Chancellor. Newspaper Die Welt interpreted this statement as if Merkel no longer considers US a

The Pentagon refused to recognize the NATO threat to Russia

The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis said that NATO poses no threat to Russia. About it said on Sunday, may 28,in an interview to CBS News. “Why they (the Russians — ed. “Of the tape.ru”) see NATO as a threat, is beyond my comprehension. It is clear that NATO is not a threat,” said Mattis, noting that Russia’s future should be inextricably linked with Europe. “Now Russia prefers to be a strategic adversary for a number of reasons. But the fact is that NATO is not a threat, and they know it. They don’t have the slightest doubt,” — said the head of the military Department. Mattis added that Washington now seeks to apply diplomatic approach to relations with Moscow, but said that the United States will “confront Russia when it comes to those areas where they attack us, either in cyberspace, or if they try to

In Manchester have arrested another suspect of involvement in the terrorist attack

In the Manchester area old Trafford, the police arrested suspected of links with terrorists. On Sunday, may 28, reports Sky News. It is noted that this is already the 14th person arrested in the investigation of the explosion at the stadium “Manchester arena”. Of these, 12 people remain in custody awaiting questioning. At the same time a police operation is taking place in another area of the city, moss side. Currently, the guards carry out searches. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were taken to medical facilities. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the bombing and called the attack revenge for the attack on “Muslim lands”. May 24, the media published the photo of an alleged jihadist was reported about the arrest of three suspects in the case. May 25,

In Mississippi a shooting killed eight people

In the shooting that occurred on Saturday night, may 27 , in the U.S. state of Mississippi, killing eight people. It is reported Associated Press with reference to the representative of the Bureau of investigation of state Warren Strain. The suspect is detained. Among the dead — Deputy Sheriff. According to Strain, the shooting occurred in three different homes, investigators collect evidence on all addresses. The suspect is not yet charged. It is unknown if he was familiar with the dead. 13 may, unknown persons opened fire at a nursing home in the village Kirkersville (Ohio, USA), killing two of the employees of the institution and the chief of the local police Department. Later he was found dead on the territory of the nursing home.

Macron told about his attitude to the Trump and Putin

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron said he will be able to establish a warm relationship with US President Donald trump. On Sunday, may 28, he said in an interview with Journal du Dimanche. “The Donald trump, with whom I met, wanted to understand and listen. It is more open than you think about him, he loves contact and he is able to change position,” said macron. In addition, the leader of France admitted in respect to Russia and said that he had invited President Vladimir Putin to come to Paris in the framework of the 300th anniversary of diplomatic relations. May 27, macron said that its dialogue with Russia will be demanding. He said that one of the topics of talks with his Russian counterpart will be the issues of cooperation on Syria. The French leader hopes that it will be possible to develop a position to

Jamal defended starred in his pants during her performance at “Eurovision” Prancer

Ukrainian singer Jamal said that doesn’t blame the prankster, Vitaly Seduce, who took off his pants during her performance at “Eurovision-2017”. On Sunday, may 28, writes the edition “Observer”. “At this moment, doing security, which was a lot? For me it is a question, and I’ll deal with it. He was able to push, hit. Here to protect and to the organizers I have many questions,” — said Jamal. She noted that the wag was more freaked out than she is. May 14 in Kiev during a speech to the guests of “Eurovision-2017” Jamala on stage ran Seduc with the Australian flag and took off his pants. Security immediately took him from the scene, and the singer did not respond to the incident. He later explained his action. “I love Jamal, I love her work. If it was in the West, during the performance, beyoncé and Minaj, I would in

Novak relied on the sale of thousands of MS-21 aircraft in 20 years

Deliveries of the latest Russian passenger liner MS-21 can reach a thousand units until 2037. About it as transfers TASS, said Minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov “The achievement of the declared technical and economic characteristics, the creation of an effective modern system of integrated logistics support and after-sales services, and also formation of favorable financial models of sales will go to the total volume of deliveries of MS-21 over 1 thousand aircraft in the period up to 2037,” — said Manturov. According to him, the Russian aircraft will allow airlines to reduce operating costs by 12-15 percent compared with Airliners of the same class, and 6-7%, if you compare them with their upgraded versions. On may 28, the MS-21 airliner made its first flight. As stated in the manufacturer “Irkut”, the flight duration was 30 minutes, it took place at an altitude of 1000