McCain called Russia the main threat to global security

John McCain U.S. Senator John McCain said that Russia is a bigger threat to global security than the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This opinion was expressed in an interview with Australian TV channel ABC. “I think IG can do terrible things, and I am very concerned about what’s happening with the Muslim faith. I do a lot of things worried. But the Russians tried to destroy the fundamentals of democracy influenced the outcome of the US election,” said the Senator. He immediately made a reservation that he had not seen evidence of this, but I am sure that such attempts continued during the presidential elections in France. “So I think Vladimir Putin, the split Ukraine, a sovereign state, putting pressure on the Baltic States, I think Russian the most serious challenge before us,” — said the politician. In response, McCain proposed the strengthening of anti-Russian

Moscow promised to Chisinau to respond adequately to the expulsion of Russian diplomats

Grigory Karasin Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin said that Moscow will adequately respond to the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Chisinau. It is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the diplomat, Russia considered these steps as a direct provocation of certain forces of Moldova against the policy of the President Igor Dodon. “Of course, this is very bad news for the bilateral Russian-Moldovan relations, is well aware of the structures that have thought and planned this unfriendly action,” he added. Earlier on may 29, it became known to declare persona non-grata in Moldova, five employees of the Russian Embassy. “We have received the relevant document, study it. While nothing is going to comment,” — said in this regard, the Ambassador of Russia in Moldova Farit Mukhametshin. In turn, the leader of Moldova, Igor Dodon, called the expulsion of five Russian diplomats as a provocation. “I want

Macron described the talks with Putin is very candid and direct

Emmanuel macron and Vladimir Putin The French President called a meeting in Versailles talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin is very candid and direct. Reports BFMTV. “We’ve had our differences, and we recorded (…) I will not tell you everything about what we spoke. But it’s a good policy,” said macron. As stressed by the French President, the leaders discussed ways to solve Syrian conflict and the situation in Ukraine. Putin thanked Him for the invitation to Paris. “He [French President] mentioned the fact that Peter king was in France for a few weeks, but as you know, everything is done in the diplomatic world, on a reciprocal basis,” — said the Russian leader and invited his counterpart to visit Moscow. The Russian leader also said that the fundamental interests of both countries “is much more important than political expediency”. He stressed that none of the French company left the

Trump has accused North Korea of contempt of China

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump accused the North Korean government in contempt of China. About this American leader wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 29 may 2017, 12:18 “By the next launch of ballistic missiles, North Korea has shown a deep disrespect for its neighbor China. But China is trying hard!” stated trump. Earlier on may 29, it was reported that North Korea carried out another missile launch. According to the South Korean military, missile, launched from Gangwon province, covered about 450 miles. In the United States reported that the flight lasted six minutes, the missile fell into the sea of Japan. The defense Ministry of Japan said that the maximum altitude was 100 kilometers. Deputy foreign Minister Vladimir Titov said the Moscow condemned the next test of this kind. “Concerned about the situation, but at the same time we call

Montenegro stated Russia’s protest over the expulsion of his Deputy

Foreign Minister of Montenegro on Monday, may 29, handed a note of protest to the Russian Ambassador in this country Sergei Gritsay. The reason for this was the deportation from Moscow of a member of the ruling Democratic party of socialists (DPS) MP Miodrag vuković. About it reports RTCG. According to the policy bound transit from Moscow to Minsk to the parliamentary Assembly of the Central European initiative, the evening of 28 may at Domodedovo airport, he was detained by the police. The guards told Vukovich that in Russia it is included in the list of persona non grata and should be deported. The next flight to Tivat was only Monday morning, so told the Deputy, he was forced to spend the waiting time “in inhumane conditions”. Vukovic added that he had aggravated a chronic disease. Currently, the MP is in Montenegro. He called the decision of the Russian authorities

The Croatian President has predicted Europe’s 200 million migrants

In the coming years in Europe can arrive to 200 million refugees. This forecast was made by the President Horanyi Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in the interview with the Bratislava Internet portal Teraz. Quotes RIA Novosti. “We can’t stop migration, it has always existed,” — said the President. She reported that, according to researchers in the coming years in Europe can arrive to 200 million people. “But we have no way to take them all,” she said. In her opinion, it was necessary to combat the reasons causing migration, using the model 3D (development, diplomacy, defence, development, diplomacy, defense). Materials on теме00:05 6 October 2016“I don’t want to come to us Muslims,”the Czech President about the migration crisis, the European Union and the sanctions war with Russia Grabar-Kitarovic said that Croatia is interested in the speedy establishment of order and control on the southern borders of the European Union, as approximately 90%

Somali Islamists beat a man with stones for betraying two wives

The militants of the Islamist group “Harakat al-Shabab” acting mainly in Somalia have stoned to death a local resident for adultery. From the received traumas the man has died, according to Monday, 29 may, International Business Times UK. The public execution took place on may 28 in the village of Ramo-ADI in the southern part of the country. According to the publication, the 44-year-old Somali before pobivanie neck buried in the ground. The Governor of the region Moalim, Gedo (Moalim Geedow) explained that men had two wives and children, however, he became interested in another woman who’s divorced. The peasants lied to her, saying that he had received permission to marry the leader of the local community, and married. When she became pregnant, it turned out that no permission was not, and so the marriage is invalid. Grouping “Harakat al-Shabab” was created in 2004. Her goal is to create a

In Greece crashed fighter Mirage 2000 air force

In the area of the Greek archipelago of the Southern Sporades crashed fighter Mirage 2000 air force of the country. It is reported by Kathimerini. The accident occurred during the execution of a training flight. The pilot managed to eject. It was found by rescuers. According to preliminary data, the plane crashed due to technical problems. On April 19 in the fall of the Greek military helicopter killed four people. The accident occurred in a remote mountainous area in the North of the country. The helicopter made planned flight around the border. 20 September 2016 in the area of Thessaloniki, crashed attack helicopter of the Greek air force Apache. Both pilots survived.

In the UK arrested a 16th suspect in the case of the terrorist attack in Manchester

In the UK the police have arrested another suspect in the case of the terrorist attack in Manchester. About this guards said on Twitter. — G M Police (@gmpolice) 29 may 2017, 03:45 It is noted that in the town of Shoreham-by-sea (Sussex) was detained 23-the summer man. Thus, the total number of people taken into custody for further questioning in the case of an attack, was 14. All 16 were detained, two of whom were subsequently released without charge. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” in the evening on may 22, killing 22 people, including 12 children, were injured about 120. Undermining made the 22-year-old suicide bomber, Salman Abedi. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the explosion.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Montenegro has accused Russia of meddling in the Affairs of the country

Srdjan Germanosilicate: Zakharova called the accusations Montenegro trying to make excuses for NATO membership The Minister of foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Serjan Germanovich said that Russia “actively interfered in the internal Affairs” of the country, trying to prevent Podgorica to join NATO. About it reports RTCG. He noted that in Montenegro to Moscow’s intervention “looked with disapproval”. “Our membership in NATO is not directed against anyone whatsoever, including against Russia. But of course, we can’t accept that somebody else decides where we should be,” — said the diplomat. The foreign Minister added that Podgorica “has economic relations with Moscow,” but it is not the main trading partner of Montenegro. “We have many tourists from Russia and Russian investments in our economy have failed” — leads RIA Novosti words of Germanovichi. Montenegro will formally join the North Atlantic Alliance on 5 June. The country will become the 29th member of NATO.