Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement

Donald Tramploline: the EU expressed regret over the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement The President of the United States Donald trump announced on Thursday, June 1 that his country is coming out of the Paris climate agreement. About it reports Reuters. “We leave,” said trump at a ceremony in the Rose garden at the White house. He condemned the “draconian” financial and economic burden that it imposes on the country the Paris agreement. “To fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will come out of the Paris climate agreement,” added trump. “The conditions of the Paris agreement could cost America 2.7 million jobs lost by 2025” — leads RIA Novosti his words. However, he added that the United States will begin negotiations about re-entry into the Paris agreement or of a “new deal on terms fair to the United States, their

Trump explained to foreign leaders the decision to abandon the Paris agreement

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump held a telephone conversation with Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may, personally explaining his decision to lead the country out of the Paris climate agreement. This was reported on the White house website. Trump thanked all four leaders for a “Frank, substantive discussions” on the issue during the first months of his tenure. He also assured his foreign counterparts that “America remains committed to the transatlantic Alliance and decisive efforts to protect the environment.” Trump said that the United States has made significant progress in reducing emissions and contribute to the development of environmentally friendly energy. According to him, the United States under his administration will be the cleanest and environmentally friendly country on Earth. “All the leaders agreed to continue

The attack on the hotel in Manila was a robbery attempt

The attack on the hotel in the Philippine capital Manila, was not related to terrorism and were criminal in nature. As reported by Reuters, said the chief of the national police of the Philippines Ronald de La Rosa. According to him, the action alone broke into the casino on the third floor of the hotel complex Resorts World Manila. People he didn’t. The perp doused gaming tables with gasoline and set on fire, trying to steal chips. In this case, the panic has hit 25 people — mostly due to fractures and smoke inhalation. Gunshot wounds no one. The police entered the building. The suspect, according to police, he committed suicide. His body was found in one of the hotel rooms. The signs, he was white and spoke English. Commenting on statements by banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”, the chief of police called it propaganda. In the South these

The heads of governments of the leading EU countries reacted to the decision of trump

Angela Merkel France, Germany and Italy, along with the administration of the European Union expressed regret at the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump about the release of the Paris climate agreement. This is stated in the published joint statement of the heads of governments of the three countries. “The Paris agreement remains a cornerstone in the cooperation between our countries, for effective and timely solution to the problem of climate change and implementing sustainable development goals by 2030”, — the statement stresses. In the opinion of the heads of governments, the impetus that was given in Paris in December 2015, is irreversible. “We firmly believe that the Paris agreement could not be revised because it is a vital tool for our planet, societies and economies,” the document says. “We are convinced that the implementation of the Paris agreement provides significant economic opportunities for prosperity and

On the hotel complex in the Philippine capital was attacked by the militants

Resort-hotel complex in the Philippine capital Manila was attacked by militants, reports Reuters. In the night of Friday, June 2 (local time) heard shots and explosions inside Resorts World Manila, located near the airport, armed men entered. According to representatives of the Resorts World Manila complex is blocked, the police control the situation. On published online the images shows that the building go smoke. According to a source, the staff were evacuated. According to the newspaper Malina Times, referring to the Red Cross, injured at least 25 people, all of them hospitalized. While many of the victims were trapped inside. Some suffered serious injuries, jumping from the third floor of the hotel. According to preliminary data, several masked men entered the hotel and started shooting on the third floor. Then the fire started. As the portal SITE, dedicated to tracking down terrorist activity, the responsibility for the attack took on

The EU expressed regret over the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement

The EU has expressed regret at the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump about the release of the Paris climate agreement. It is stated in the statement of the European Commission, published on its website. “Today is a sad day for the world community as a key partner again pulled away from the fight against climate change. The EU deeply regrets the unilateral decision of the administration to trump on the withdrawal of the US from the Paris agreement”, — stated in the communiqué. The European Commission recalled that the Paris agreement allows each party to go his own way for the sake of promoting the goals of preventing dangerous climate change and the United States could take advantage of this opportunity. “195 countries have signed the Paris agreement, and there are 195 different ways to achieve the objectives of the Paris agreement,” — said the

The Chinese official was given a life for corruption

Former Deputy Governor of South China’s Guangdong province If Jigen sentenced to life in prison for corruption. About it reports Reuters. Ex-official convicted of accepting bribes and abuse of office. Court of the city of Nanning was established that the man in the period from 1993 to 2012, while working in various positions in the government of Guangdong province received bribes for a total sum of 98 million yuan (of 14.43 million). If the verdict agreed and repented of appeals to serve he has no plans. October 17, 2016, the court in the Chinese city of Baoding, Hebei province, sentenced the former Deputy head of the Department of the coal industry State administration of energy Affairs of the country to death, suspended for two years on charges of corruption. Wei Pinyuan from 2000 to 2014, has received bribes in the amount of 212 million yuan (about 31.5 million U.S. dollars).

“Bilderberg” will discuss the preliminary results of the Board of trump

Donald Trump A collection of the most influential and successful politicians and businessmen — “the Bilderberg club” — will begin June 1 at Chantilly (Virginia, USA). About it reports The Guardian. A three-day closed the eyes of the summit will start in the luxury hotel Westfields MARRIOTT near the Washington residence of U.S. President Donald trump. The day before the meeting, dozens of workers planted around the building a lot of trees to hide the powerful from camera lenses. As specifies the edition, the main item on the agenda of the club is defined as “the Administration trump: progress report”. From the American leader at the meeting delegated the national security adviser Herbert McMaster, Minister of Commerce Wilbur Ross and one of the strategists of the administration of Chris Laidell. The list of invited participants in this year head of the International monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, the king of the

The media learned about the prohibition of entry to Montenegro almost 150 Russians and Ukrainians

Dmitry Rogozin The Montenegrin authorities have announced a ban of entry 149 citizens of Russia and Ukraine. It is reported by B92. The list is generated based on the decision of the European Council. “Thus Montenegro restricts entry, managing property and assets of the persons responsible for actively supporting policies that undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine”, — stated in the message. In particular, in the list of undesirable persons got the Vice-Premier of Russian government Dmitry Rogozin, security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak and head of the TV channel “Tsargrad” Konstantin Malofeyev. 31 may it was reported that the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, the former head of government and leader of the Democratic party of socialists Milo Djukanovic, Parliament speaker Ivan Brajović, as well as a number of other Montenegrin politicians

In Mosul decided to stop bombers dressed in women’s burkas and banned

The Iraqi army has imposed a ban on the wearing of the burqa and niqab for women living in the liberated from the militants of the “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia) the districts of Mosul. This is one of the measures to ensure security during Ramadan, wrote on Thursday, June 1, The Independent. The police of Ninawa province, the administrative center of which is Mosul, said that the new ban suicide bombers can’t get in public places under the guise of women. Also, the city limited the use of motorcycles, where militants have carried out attacks in the liberated areas. Ramadan is a Holy month of fasting for Muslims. During this period they do not consume food or water during the daytime to subdue worldly appetites and desires and become closer to Allah. The Independent notes that in recent years the number of attacks by extremists during Ramadan has