In the EU thinking on the allocation of 50 million euros for the restoration of Donbass

Injured in the shelling of Mariposa apartment house The EU may allocate 50 million euros to restore the infrastructure of Donbass, in particular, Mariupol, and also on a humanitarian mission. This was announced by EU Commissioner for enlargement and neighbourhood policy Johannes Hahn during a visit to the South-East of Ukraine on June 1-2, according to the website of the Verkhovna Rada. He stressed that Mariupol has a great potential of development, for example, in the spheres of industrial production, agricultural and tourist industries. Accompanying Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Gennady Zubko added that due to the European investment Bank (EIB), the authorities are already beginning reconstruction work in five areas: Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia. “With the support of the EU projects in the following areas: heat supply, water supply and sanitation, energy efficiency of buildings, exterior lighting of settlements, waste management, transport infrastructure and housing construction”, — said

The driver burnt in China bus with children accused of arson

Chinese authorities have charged the driver transporting children for the bus, burned in the accident in early may of this year, in the arson of the car. About it reports The South China Morning Post. May 9 in one of the tunnels in Shandong bus collided with a passenger car. After the accident the fire started. According to investigators, it arises out of the fault of the driver. No other details were reported. Of the 11 deaths of children ages three to six years, five of them were citizens of South Korea, and the rest of China. The bus driver also died. 25 September 2016 in a major accident in China in the collision of bus and truck killed 12 people, another 28 were injured. The accident in the urban district of Yakeshi (Autonomous district Inner Mongolia) occurred once on the road ran a horse. The truck driver tried to

Kislyak described the talks with Kouchner as daily contacts

Sergei Kislyak (center) Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak declined to comment on reports of his contacts with Jared Kushner, adviser and son-in-law of American President Donald trump. The words of a diplomat quoted by RIA Novosti. “I do not comment on my daily contacts, and it is our policy that applies not only to conversations with Kouchner, but also to all of our daily conversations,” — said the Russian Ambassador to journalists in new York. On may 26, the Washington Post, citing us officials reported that trump’s son-in-law at the end of 2016, suggested the use of a secret channel of communication between Moscow and the transition staff of President-elect. Three days later, Fox News channel reported that the initiative to establish a secret channel of communication came from Kislyak. In Moscow, the idea of the secret communications channel was absurd. “The Embassy has closed the communication channel.

Russian Makeev placed in solitary confinement in a Mexican prison

Alexei Makeev Alexei Makeev, who Mexican authorities accused of murder will spend in solitary confinement and a half years — the entire period of pre-trial detention. About the Agency RIA Novosti said the Russian Consul in Mexico Dmitry Bolbot. “He was placed alone in a prison for the temporary detention of Chetumal, as the court found,” explained Bolbot, adding that investigators for three months to prepare materials for the process. In the case of a guilty verdict to the Russian citizen faces 25 to 50 years. May 19, several hundred people surrounded the house Makeyev and attacked him. Two dozen police officers left the scene, when the audience began to storm the home of the Russian. They are charged with failure to render aid. In addition, the investigation is conducted in respect of people who were filming the beating on video and uploaded to the Internet. One Mexican was wounded

Putin suggested the intervention of an American hacker in U.S. presidential election

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin in interview to TV channel NBC News suggested the intervention of us hackers in the presidential elections in the United States in 2016. Part of the interview was published on Friday, June 2nd. “Hackers can be anywhere. They can be in Russia, in Asia, even in America, in Latin America. It could be hackers, by the way, in the United States, which are very skillfully and professionally moved the arrow on Russia. In the course of the political struggle they had, for whatever reasons, whether to release this information. They released her, referring to Russia. You can’t make it? I can,” Putin said. June 1, the Russian leader expressed the opinion that the interference of hackers, in principle, could not affect the election results in any country. He stressed that Moscow “at the state level are not doing it and not going to do.

At the Mall the Iranian city of Shiraz explosion

In one of the shopping centers of the city of Shiraz in southern Iran an explosion. As reported by the news Agency IRNA, the blast destroyed the wall of a building, standing next to the house also sustained damage. After the explosion in the building began a strong fire, which was extinguished an hour and a half. In the result of incident 17 people were taken to hospital, another 20 victims assistance was provided on the spot. Information about the victims yet. No extremist group has claimed responsibility for the incident. As reported “Interfax”, it can not go on the attack, but the explosion of gas. In 2008, as a result of explosion at a mosque in Shiraz killed nine people, injured over a hundred.

The German foreign Ministry told about future meeting of Lavrov with Gabriel in St. Petersburg

Sigmar Gabriel Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel departs on Friday, June 2, at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF), where he will meet with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. This was stated by the representative of the foreign Ministry of Germany Maria Adebahr, reports RIA Novosti. “Discuss topics on the international agenda, from Syria to Ukraine”, — said the diplomat. June 1, Handelsblatt wrote that “perhaps there will be a meeting of Gabriel with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.” Press Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov later confirmed that Putin will hold a meeting with the foreign Minister of Germany. The St. Petersburg international economic forum has become the world’s leading platform for communication of representatives of business circles and the discussion of economic issues. This year it takes place from 1 to 3 June. 2 may in Sochi, negotiations were held between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vladimir

The expert spoke about the role of North Korea in hacking attack WannaCry

North Korea has long been paying serious attention to the application of information technologies for military purposes. About it in conversation with the correspondent “” said the Director of the Center for Asian strategy of Russia of the Institute of Economics Georgy Toloraya. “I think there is reason to believe that the North Koreans are preparing “cyberview” or, in other words, hackers. It invested significant resources. North Korea in this very serious potential,” he said. According to the expert, to determine with accuracy whether the hacker group Lazarus attitude to attack WannaCry impossible. The traces indicate that the hackers worked from the DPRK could be left especially to confuse those who would investigate the crime. “But even the North Koreans have the ability to apply this kind of methods (…) Maybe it’s just the North Korean warning that it is not necessary to have a nuclear weapon or to use

The Chancellor estimated losses from anti-Russian sanctions

Christian Kern Anti-Russian sanctions is extremely disadvantageous for Austria, Vienna they cost almost almost 0.3 percent of GDP. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the Chancellor of the country’s Christian Kern. “Austria is suffering from this. In this regard, we believe that we need enhanced cooperation in this regard to create a vision for the future, osnovannogo on cooperation,” he said. At the same time, Kern recalled that Europe on the question of restrictions against Moscow formed a common position. “These sanctions are discussed, the discussion concerning their renewal. The role of Austria within the existing framework — to participate in what is happening,” he said, adding that “this is a sensitive issue”. On 18 January the Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz said in favour of a gradual lifting of EU sanctions against Russia in case the Minsk agreement. According to Kurtz, in the case of

In Moscow saw the long-standing insult to call Merkel on the EU to take destiny into their own hands

Angela Merkel The President of Russia Vladimir Putin believes that the recent call by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Europe to take destiny into their own hands is dictated by the long-accumulated resentment against the restrictions of sovereignty to the EU. On Friday, June 2, reports “Interfax”. The Russian leader noted that “in the framework of military-political alliances it [sovereignty] is limited officially, it stipulates what is allowed and what is not”. “But in practice it’s even harder: nothing is impossible, except for that allowed. Who allows? Authorities. Where’s the boss? Well, there…”, — concluded the head of state. Putin added that there are not many countries that have sovereignty. “Russia cherishes the fact that we have that sovereignty,” — said the President. On may 28 the Chancellor said that the EU should be in friendly relations with the United States and great Britain, and to be “good neighbors” with