Mauritania severed diplomatic relations with Qatar

Mauritania after other countries decided to break off diplomatic relations with Qatar. This was reported by AMI. As noted in the statement of the government policy of Qatar is associated with support of terrorist organizations in the region, the spread of extremist ideas. Mauritania also accused Qatar that it promotes anarchy and tensions in many Arab countries, and it causes a humanitarian catastrophe in these States as well as in Europe and in the world. The government expressed regret at the fact that Qatar has gone into the habit of working to undermine Arab unity. Prior to that, Jordan has decided to downgrade its diplomatic mission in Qatar. Also the power of the Kingdom was withdrawn on its territory a license to operate from the Qatari channel “al Jazeera”. Monday, June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha

Russian hackers were credited with causing the crisis “breaking news”

American intelligence agencies believe that Russian hackers broke into the website of the state news Agency of Qatar to put out a fake news report that provoked the crisis in the relations of that state with its neighbors. It is reported by CNN. According to TV channel, the FBI sent to Doha team of investigators to assist the government of Qatar to investigate the alleged hacking incident. The information gathered by us intelligence agencies, indicates that the invasion of Russian hackers, says CNN. As noted, the alleged involvement of Russian hackers growing concern by intelligence and law enforcement bodies of the USA about the fact that Russia is trying to make the same actions cyberslam allies. According to officials, Russia’s goal, apparently, is to cause a rift between the United States and its allies. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Qatar Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said the FBI confirmed

Putin discussed with the Emir of Qatar international issues

Vladimir Putin The President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. This was reported on the Kremlin website. As noted, the sides discussed issues of Russian-Qatari cooperation, primarily in trade-economic and investment spheres, and praised the outcome of the April 2017 meeting of the bilateral intergovernmental Commission. Also touched upon international issues. Putin reiterated the principled position of Russia in favor of resolving crisis situations by political and diplomatic means, through dialogue. Monday, June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorist organisations, including the banned in Russia “Islamic state” (IG) and “al-Qaeda”, and in destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States. Later their decision was joined by Yemen, Libya, the Maldives and Mauritius. In late may, energy Minister Alexander Novak announced that Russia and Qatar are

Jordan reduce the level of diplomatic missions in Qatar

Jordan has decided to downgrade its diplomatic representation in Qatar, reports Reuters with reference to the representative of the government Mohammad al-Momani. According to him, on such step the authorities of the Kingdom went after studying “the causes of the crisis” between Doha and several Arab States. Also the government of Jordan revoked on its territory the license to operate from the Qatari channel “al Jazeera”. Monday, June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha of supporting terrorist organisations, including the banned in Russia “Islamic state” (IG) and “al-Qaeda”, and in destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States. Later that day their decision was joined by Yemen, Libya, the Maldives and Mauritius.

Lavrov predicted the NATO new costs due to the accession of Montenegro

Sergei Lavrov The accession of Montenegro to NATO will strengthen the security nor the Alliance, nor of this country, and will only lead to more expenses of the members of the North Atlantic bloc. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov following talks with his Slovak counterpart Miroslav Lajcak, reports “Interfax”. Thus, according to Lavrov, Russia has nothing against European economic integration of the Balkan countries, including Montenegro and Macedonia. At the same time, Lavrov expressed the view that the United States and leading EU countries are “obsessed with the next task of mastering the Balkans.” Montenegro officially became the 29th member of NATO on 5 June. During the ceremony, which was held in Washington, US Deputy Secretary of state Thomas Shannon was given the Protocol of accession to the North Atlantic Alliance. Earlier in the day the Russian foreign Ministry said that Moscow reserves

Almost 50 Teherani were injured in the collision of two subway trains

As a result of collision of two trains on one of the subway stations in Tehran were injured 48 people. It is reported Tasnim News. At the scene working rescuers and ambulance crews, about 40 men taken to hospitals. In turn, the IRNA news Agency says that a collision between trains occurred at about 18:15 local time (16:45 GMT). One of the trains stopped at the station, the passengers went out and came in cars. In this moment it crashed into the train followed. On the causes of the accident is not reported. March 28, 2015 in the Rome metro was suspended the movement because of the collapse of the ceiling at one of the stations. Passengers were removed from the subways, no one was hurt.

EU ambassadors agreed on the extension of sanctions against Crimea

The ambassadors of the member countries of the European Union agreed on sanctions against the Crimea for a period of one year. It is reported TASS citing a source in the EU Council. “Permanent representatives of EU agreed on the extension for another year restrictive measures against the Crimea and Sevastopol in the framework of the strategy of non-recognition of the Crimea”, — explained the diplomat. According to him, this decision is likely to be approved at the meeting of foreign Ministers of member countries of the European Union, which will take place on June 19 in Luxembourg. The ambassadors recommended to approve it without discussion. The sanctions include a ban on imports into the EU of any Crimean goods, any European investment in the territory of the Peninsula, including the acquisition of real estate there, business financing, provision of services, in particular tourism. European naval vessels are also permitted

In Afghan Herat near the mosque explosion

The JAMA Masjid mosque in Herat In the Afghan city of Herat and exploded a bomb planted near the mosque. About it reports Reuters. According to the latest data, the explosive device was hidden in a motorcycle parked near the mosque of the XII century JAMA Masjid. It worked, as the crowd of believers passed through the Park, heading to prayer. Killed seven people, injured 15. Responsibility for the attack itself until no one picked up. In recent weeks the Islamists in Afghanistan have staged a series of attacks. So, in Kabul June 3, at the funeral of the son of a Senator of the upper house of the Afghan Parliament Salim Izadyar explosion killed 20 people and injured 35. At the funeral ceremony was attended by dignitaries, including the Minister of foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Salahuddin Rabbani and Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah. They both suffered. May 31, a powerful

The man attacked the police near the Cathedral of Notre-Dame

Employee of the Paris police opened fire on a man near the Notre Dame Cathedral in the centre of the French capital. It is reported BFMTV. In the area of the accident blocked the movement of vehicles, the area is cordoned off by law enforcement. According to preliminary information, the attacker was armed with a hammer and tried to attack the officer. From impact tool, a police officer received minor damage. The assailant was shot by other patrolmen. According to witnesses, immediately after the incident, visitors to the Cathedral EN masse tried to leave him, resulting in a stampede and panic. No injuries were reported. In addition, some eyewitnesses say that they heard two loud bangs, like explosions. According to others, in the premises of the Cathedral remain to 900 people, which is not allowed to go outside. In fact the incident the Paris Prosecutor’s office opened a case on

Police have released the name of the third executor of the terrorist act in London

UK police have named the name of the third executor of the terrorist act in London. About it reports Reuters. Party attacks identified as 22-year-old Youssef Sagba, an Italian of Moroccan origin. Before the attack he had not come into the view law enforcement bodies in the United Kingdom. Earlier, on 5 June, at Scotland Yard said that one of the terrorists who staged the attack in London was a 27-year-old Khurram shazad butt, others — 30-year-old Rashid, Redouane. Butt — a native of Pakistan who received a British passport. His name was known to the secret service, however, indications that he is preparing a terrorist attack, it was not. As explained by the investigators, the second offender — Redouane — police was not known. The evening of June 3, three men of the “southern appearance” as described by their witnesses, the van ran over pedestrians near London bridge, then