The U.S. Senate approved a bill on sanctions against Russia and Iran

The U.S. Senate voted to amend the bill amendments providing for new sanctions against Russia and Iran. On Thursday, June 15, reports the Washington Examiner. For the resolution voted by the majority of votes: 97 against two, the newspaper notes. So the bill became law, it still must be approved by the house of representatives and be signed by the President. Amendment to toughen anti-Russian restrictive measures included in the bill, which was originally aimed at increasing pressure on Tehran “because of the support of terrorism and Iran’s nuclear program”. In particular, the document suggests to reduce the maximum term of market financing of Russian banks under sanctions, up to 14 days, oil and gas companies, also under sanctions, up to 30 days, reports RIA Novosti. According to the Washington Examiner, the restrictive measures will affect the mining industry, metallurgy, shipbuilding and railway industry.

Turkey declared neutrality during the crisis in the Persian Gulf

Mevlut Cavusoglu Turkey does not intend to take sides during the crisis in the Persian Gulf. As reported by Reuters, citing Arab sources, said the head of the foreign Ministry Mevlut Cavusoglu. “Turkey takes an equidistant position with respect to both the Qatar and Saudi Arabia,” the Minister said during a press conference in Kuwait. However, he denounced sanctions imposed by the Saudi Kingdom, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain against Qatar over its support of terrorism. Cavusoglu arrived on a visit to Kuwait in order to discuss the possibility of settlement of the conflict between the Gulf countries. Materials on теме00:06 — 6 JunSeven against Dahican Gulf countries gathered to eradicate the Cathar heresy On Tuesday, June 13, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the isolation of Qatar inhuman and contrary to Islamic values. According to the Turkish leader, the methods used against Doha, unacceptable. “As if in the attitude of

The militants seized the Tora Bora caves in Afghanistan

Militants “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) took cave complex of Tora Bora in Afghanistan. About it reports Reuters, citing Afghan security forces. “The area around Tora Bora was formerly a stronghold of the Taliban, but now they are captured after fighting the militants, — said the head of the local police in Shah Wali. They needed a new tower and now they get it.” This information was confirmed by the commander of the ISIS in Afghanistan, Abu Omar Khorasani: according to him, the militants seized the cave and are now fighting with government forces, supported by American special forces and U.S. air force. “We entered Tora Bora, but the end is not yet. We plan to take control of new territory, having beaten them at the Kabul troops and the Taliban” — he explained. The official representative of the “Taliban” Zabiulla Mujahid denied this information. He said that

Washington has expressed its commitment to the Minsk agreements

The U.S. committed to the Minsk agreements, on the basis of which the settlement of the armed conflict in the Donbass, however, dissatisfied with the progress of their implementation. On Thursday, June 15, said the official U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert, RIA Novosti reported. “We remain committed to the Minsk agreements. The various parties have signed it, so we continue to urge these parties to respect these agreements. We are not satisfied with the progress and execution of the agreement. We are deeply concerned about the escalation and violence in the Donbass”, — she said. Nauert added that the US “can’t see the results of the Minsk agreements, which I would like to see.” At the same time, the state Department spokesman noted that if the parties come to any agreement themselves to create another mechanism and it will be successful, the United States will be ready to support

The Prime Minister is criticized for talking about migrants in Auschwitz

Beata Szydlo Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo was criticized for the speech she gave at the Auschwitz concentration camp. About it reports BBC News. Speaking at a memorial ceremony in the former death camp, the Prime Minister said: “In the current turbulent times of Auschwitz is a lesson to us and teaches us that to protect the country’s security and the lives of citizens should be done everything possible”. The opposition immediately accused the policy that she tried thus to justify anti-migrant policies of his office and “to force the poles to fear of migrants”. The President of the European Council Donald Tusk said that “the Polish Prime Minister has no right to say such words in this place.” The press service of the government, in response, explained that the statement Szydlo was taken out of context. “If need be, criticism in any comments will find something to complain about,”

The Syrian Ambassador boasted free Russian assistance

Riyad Haddad The aid that Russia gives to the Syrian government, entirely unselfish. This was announced by the Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) in Russia Riyad Haddad at the conference of the Russian Committee for solidarity and cooperation with the peoples of Asia and Africa, his words RIA Novosti reported. “The support of Russia to the government and people of Syria in the fight against terrorism and attempts of aggression, the Western countries, as well as providing assistance to Syria in various fields, including humanitarian, economic and military, was not selfish,” explained Haddad. According to him, while Western countries are trying to maintain its hegemony, to appropriate the wealth of other countries and Deplete them, Russia is working to strengthen the international order and respect for the sovereignty of other States. On March 26, Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak held talks on the participation of a number of

Media reported patrolling the streets in Britain disguised as vagrants by the security forces

To prevent terrorist attacks on the streets of London and other British cities patrol dressed in bums and janitors security officers. On Thursday, June 15, writes the Daily Mirror with reference to sources in military structures of the United Kingdom. On these measures the UK authorities have gone in connection with the terrorist attacks in the country. So, the interior Ministry published data showing that this year increased the number of arrests on suspicion of involvement in extremist activities. According to The Independent, recently on suspicion of terrorism were arrested 304 people. It is noted that this is the highest figure since 2001. 100 of those arrested had been released without charge. The evening of June 3, three men in a van ran over pedestrians near London bridge, then got to the borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked passers-by. The victims of this

In Japan adopted the law on the suppression of terrorist conspirators

Japanese lawmakers passed a law against conspirators and terrorists. On Thursday, June 15, reports BBC News. In accordance with the new normative legal act will be considered a crime the planning and implementation of specified in the law 277 of the acts, including the raising of funds and survey of the territory for carrying out a terrorist act. Also the responsibility can be held, the whole group of conspirators, if it turns out that a specific crime had planned only one of its members. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the new law will allow Tokyo to work closely with the international community to prevent terrorist attacks. As the newspaper notes, is the new law a ban and less dangerous acts: for example, copying music, sit-in protest because of the construction of apartment houses, the use of counterfeit seals and even powerboat racing without a license or picking mushrooms in

The majority of Scots voted against the new referendum on independence

About 60 per cent of Scots oppose a new referendum on independence. This is according to the poll published by The Daily Record Thursday, June 15. According to the publication, a third of those who in 2014 voted for the secession of Scotland from the UK, speak now against the new plebiscite. There is also a reduction in the number of supporters of independence: if three years ago the Department voted to 44.7 percent, now it is ready to make 43 percent. More than a third of respondents believe that the first Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, is actively campaigning for a referendum must resign. The Scottish national party (SNP), headed by the Sturgeon, was defeated in the elections to the British Parliament June 8, 2017, losing 21 seats out of 56. The survey findings suggest this was partly due to the fact that the nationalists too fascinated by the

Trump allowed the Pentagon to determine the number of troops in Afghanistan

The President of the United States Donald trump allowed the Pentagon to determine exactly how many troops need to be sent to Afghanistan. About it reports The Independent. The corresponding statement was made by the Minister of defence James Mattis, speaking before one of the subcommittees of the Senate. The Minister noted that it is not going to immediately send to Afghanistan a new force. “It just helps us, facilitates missions and allows you to respond faster to changes in the situation, explained Mattis. In particular, our troops will be able to obtain air support”. As the newspaper notes, trump has decided to expand the powers of the Pentagon a few days after Mattis announced that U.S. and Afghan security forces are losing the war to the Taliban. “The Taliban has made great strides in the past year, and they are trying to repeat their success in this, — said