In Australia the police have laid siege to the house with the armed man and four children inside

In Melbourne, Australia the police have laid siege to the house, which was locked armed man. It is reported by The Australian. Special operation held in the Epping suburb of Melbourne. 26-year-old local resident, armed with a gun, fled from police who tried to arrest him in one of the investigations, and locked himself in the house. Besides him, there are also a woman and four children. According to the guards, it’s not a hostage situation — they refuse to come out and say that staying in the house voluntarily. The police blocked all the surrounding streets. In 2014 in Sydney a gunman took hostage visitors cafe, shooting one of the managers. Terrorist eliminated in a special operation, during the assault killed a hostage. In June 2017 Thriller Jakub hare in Melbourne killed a man and took a woman hostage, declaring that acts on behalf of the “Islamic state” (IG,

Japan sent its first plane to the Kuril Islands

In the village of Nakashibetsu ceremony on the occasion of the first flight between the Japanese island of Hokkaido and the southern Kuril Islands, RIA Novosti reported on Saturday, June 17. A Charter flight will bring a group of Japanese visa-free travel to the Islands of Kunashir and Iturup to visit the graves of their ancestors. Previously, such visits were used Maritime transport. In April, following the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had agreed to provide former residents of the South Kuril Islands the opportunity to travel by plane. Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Japan, Nobuo Kishi called the opening of this route is a “great step forward” to improve conditions for citizens of the country the four Islands. In December 2016, during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan, the two leaders agreed on the document on the beginning of

More than 30 people were sentenced to death for murder of Prosecutor General of Egypt

The criminal court of Cairo has sentenced to death 31 the defendant. They were found guilty of involvement in the murder of Prosecutor General of Egypt in 2015. About it reports Reuters. Now, according to Egyptian law, before the final verdict, a death sentence must be approved by the mufti. This is expected to occur on July 22. On the same day, the court shall render a verdict on the remaining defendants. Only in the case of the death of the public Prosecutor are 67 people. Egypt’s top Prosecutor Hisham Barakat died 29 June 2015 in Cairo after his car blew up in the city centre. From his wounds, a senior official died in hospital. The post of Prosecutor General Barakat has held since July 2013. In less than two years of his career, he has participated in many high-profile criminal proceedings against members of the organization “Muslim brotherhood” (banned

The Commission will check compliance with the property trump human rights

Donald Trump The Commission on civil rights, States to check the activities of the administration of us President Donald trump on human rights. On Saturday, June 17, according to a statement. “The Commission believes that this investigation needed to carry out our basic duty to enforce Federal civil rights laws in the United States,” — said the press service. It is also noted that the expertise will be carried out within two years, it will be completed in the 2019 financial year. According to the document, the objective of the audit is to “determine the degree to which current income and expenditure of the budget and staffing of the state employees to work agencies in civil rights.” The Supervisory body, which includes both Republicans and Democrats, expressed concern that the proposed White house budget cuts human rights organizations would lead to “threat reduction level of compliance with civil rights across

Published financial statement of trump

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump presented his financial report for the year 2016. The 98-page document published on the website of the Office of ethics in government. In particular, the President received an income of 298 million dollars from owning Golf clubs. Also shows the profit of 37.2 million dollars from the resort “Mar-a-Lago” in Florida. 19,7 million dollars received from opened last year, hotels in Washington DC Trump Hotel. The report lists the 565 companies in which trump has left the leadership positions before assuming the position of President. Debt obligations of trump account for 315 million dollars. The White house noted that the report is provided voluntarily, the President has the right to do this until may 2018. Trump in January left his company the Trump Organization. His Advisor on tax Sheri Dillon stated that it is up to the inauguration will transfer

A collection of tales from XI Jinping became a bestseller in China

XI Jinping A collection of “Stories and statements” of the leader of China, XI Jinping, has become a bestseller in China. It is reported by the China Daily. The book has won acclaim from literary critics who saw in it “an informal perspective on the challenges facing leaders in the twenty-first century.” “Public speech, XI Jinping, have two characteristics: they are very convincing and reflect Chinese realities. Reading this book, I feel his unique charisma,” said Professor of the School of Chinese language and literature at Beijing normal University Kang Zhen. The book, published June 8, contains 109 stories. After each, the editors described the circumstances under which the head of state mentioned certain stories or sayings. This week “Stories and statements” took second place in the category of “political and military literature” major book online company Jingdong.

In Havana condemned the decision by trump to toughen the policy towards Cuba

The Cuban government condemned the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump to toughen policy towards the island. It is reported TASS with reference to the read out on state television the statement of the government of the island nation. In Havana initiative the White house called “a rollback in U.S.-Cuban relations.” However, Cuba intends to continue dialogue with the United States. “The US President Donald trump in his speech in Miami that was full of hostile rhetoric, reminiscent of the open confrontation with our country, announced the policy of his government against Cuba, which negates the progress made over the past two years,” reads the statement. The document also States that the government of the Republic intends to continue a “respectful dialogue with the U.S. government and cooperation in areas of mutual interest.” While in Havana underline that the Cuban people will never renounce its sovereignty

France demanded that the USA consult with the EU about anti-Russian sanctions

The French foreign Ministry said that Washington should coordinate their policies in the field of anti-Russian sanctions with EU member States and countries outside the G7. About it reports Reuters. “For several years we have explained to US the difficulties that arise due to the nature of their extraterritorial legislation, — stated in the Ministry statement. — We would like to on issues related to security and European policy in the field of industry, the United States coordinated its actions with partners, primarily with the members of the G7”. Indignation of Paris caused a new package of sanctions proposed by the U.S. Senate. If it is approved by President trump, under the restrictions will be subject to a number of French firms including energy giant Engie. June 15, foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel and the Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern condemned the draft of new U.S. sanctions. In a joint

The Swedish authorities told about the thousands of Islamists in the country

The number of radical Islamists living in Sweden has increased from two hundred to several thousand. This was stated by the head of the Swedish security police (SEPO) Anders Thornberg, of his words, reports The Local. “We’ve never encountered before. They have not hundreds, but thousands. This “new normal”, the growing number of extremists is a historic challenge,” said Thornberg. According to him, however, only a small number have the desire and opportunity to commit the attack. The chief of police blamed this trend on a propaganda machine of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG). Thornberg indicates that before the radicals of North Africa, the Middle East and Somalia had virtually no contact with each other, but now United into a single network. He gave the figures: in 2012, the citizens of Sweden said in SEPO on the likely terrorists two thousand times, in 2016 this figure has tripled.

The number of missing in a fire in London reached 70 people

Missing in a fire in an apartment building in London are 70 people. Presumably, they all died, informs on Friday, June 16, Sky News, citing sources. Earlier Friday, representatives of the local authorities reported about 30 casualties, warning that the death toll could rise. On the night of June 14 in a 24-storey residential building in the British capital began a strong fire. In hospitals there are 24 people, 12 of them in serious condition. The British authorities promised a thorough investigation into the incident. Evacuees temporarily housed in nearby aid centers, mosques and churches. The Guardian reported that the contractor repairing the apartment building, saved by the skin of the building.