Russia has sent a note to the French because of the robbery of the representative of “Rosoboronexport”

The Russian Embassy in France sent a note to the foreign Ministry with a request to thoroughly investigate the case of the robbery of the head of the delegation of “Rosoboronexport” Sergei Kornev, in Le Bourget. About this “Interfax” said the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Paris Anna Senses. “We are in contact with law enforcement authorities in France on this incident,” she added. The diplomats believe that this is the home robbery. “According to our data, the attackers stole only a bag of the driver from the front seat of the car. In the bag there was money and documents,” explained Senses. The attack on the root occurred in the evening on June 20 in San Denis — the man returning from the international aerospace salon, was in the time of the attack in the car. Police have launched an investigation. Detained four suspects.

Philippine military boasted successes in the battle against the Islamists

The Philippine military said that the Islamists are locked in one of the quarters in Marawi city, and their elimination is a matter of time. About it reports Reuters. By words a press-the Secretary of the armed forces of the Philippines Lieutenant Colonel Jo-Ar Herery, the militants left over 100 people, they are running out of ammunition, their fire power is weakening. Under their control less than a square kilometer, all possible ways of withdrawal or breakthrough blocked. The promotion of the Philippine troops, however, is slow, mainly because of snipers, leading fire from mosques and schools, and active use by insurgents of improvised explosive devices. In addition, Islamists are using captured civilians as human shields. To prevent the escape of militant leaders in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines have organized joint patrols of border waters. “We fear that they may penetrate into neighboring countries as illegal immigrants or fishermen,”

The Indian Prime Minister spoke about the role of yoga in the world the unity

Narendra Modi Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi said that yoga plays an important role in world unity. About it writes on Wednesday, June 21, the South China Morning Post. “Many countries don’t know our language, traditions and culture, but they are connected with India with the help of yoga,” — said the head of the Indian government at a ceremony marking the International day of yoga. Modi said “it connects the body, mind and soul” and “plays a big role in bringing peace.” In 2017 in the framework of the Day of yoga in India is planned to set a world record in Ahmedabad asanas will make 125 thousand people at a time. The leader of ceremony will be the famous yogi and businessman Swami Ramdev. International yoga day is celebrated on June 21. The date was established by a unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly in 2014 at

Trump year extended sanctions against the DPRK

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has extended sanctions against North Korea for another year. On Wednesday, June 21, the statement of the press service of the White house. It is noted that trump has already notified Congress about the extension of the number of unilateral constraints. To extend the validity of the Executive decree of June 2008, in which we are talking about the production of weapons-grade nuclear fuel. The decree of August 2010, dedicated to the nuclear test of North Korea and the destruction of its South Korean ship, killing 46 people. As prolonged decrees from April 2011, January 2015 and March 2016, which imposed additional sanctions against the DPRK. On the night of 3 June, the UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution expanding sanctions against North Korea. The document envisages the inclusion in the sanctions list of four organizations and ten individuals, who could work

Zhang gaoli was appointed chief on organizational issues in the civil-military development

Zhang Gaoli The first Vice-Premier of the state Council of the PRC Zhang gaoli appointed head of the office for organizational matters in the Central Commission for integrated civilian-military development. About it reports The South China Morning Post. As the newspaper notes, this is a rather unusual move by President XI: as a rule, such positions are assigned to less senior officials who are not members of the Politburo standing Committee. Experts, which refers to the newspaper, believe that the appointment of Zhang due to the fact that facing the head of the organizational task extremely difficult. He should coordinate the interests of civil and military structures occupying a high position in the party hierarchy. The Central Commission for integrated civilian-military development was established in January 2017. She makes decisions and coordinates actions at the Central level in the civil and military spheres simultaneously and is responsible only to the

Australia announced the resumption of air strikes on Syria

Australian authorities announced the resumption of air strikes on Syria. On Thursday, June 22, according to Reuters. On the suspension of attacks on Syria, Australian Ministry of defense announced Tuesday. This happened in connection with the downed U.S. air force Syrian fighter and the ensuing reaction of Russia. The Department then noted that “temporarily ceased operation following the precautions.” “At the moment the suspension is cancelled”, — specifies the Ministry of defense. When the Australian forces intend to resume air strikes, the Ministry does not specify. The evening of 18 June, the Ministry of defense of Syria said that the plane, the air force was shot down near Raqqa during the execution of the task against the militants. The pilot managed to save. The coalition led by the USA, confirmed the destruction of the aircraft, specifying that he dropped bombs in the vicinity of the positions of the armed forces

The head of the Austrian foreign Ministry called for the closure of Muslim kindergartens

Sebastian Kurz The Austrian foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz called for the closing of the Muslim kindergartens in the country. On Wednesday, June 21, according to the newspaper Kurier. “Kindergartens should prepare children for school so they could speak German, and so-called Muslim kindergartens differ along ethnic and linguistic lines. We don’t need them. Muslim kindergartens to be, we don’t need,” said Kurtz during a speech at the discussion club, which was organized by the newspaper. He added that such institutions are isolated from society both culturally and linguistically. TASS notes that currently only one in Vienna about 10 thousands of Muslim children attend different kindergartens. In this connection the Minister has suggested to toughen requirements to knowledge of German language to the nurses and teachers, so they are better able to teach children. In July 2016, the Supreme court of Austria ruled that the proper dismissal of the employee for

Iraqi Prime Minister called the undermining of the mosque in Mosul recognition is militants defeat

Haider al-Abadi The Prime Minister of Iraq Haider al-Abadi said that the undermining of militants grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), the Cathedral-mosque of al-Nouri in Mosul is a recognition of their defeat. On Thursday, June 22, according to Reuters. “Undermining the terrorists of ISIS mosque an-Nuri and the minaret of al-Hadba is a statement about their defeat”, — said the Prime Minister. The information that the militants blew up the mosque of al-Nouri appeared on June 21. According to the Iraqi military, the mosque was blown up by militants when the army of Baghdad have moved into the city, pushing the terrorists. The press service of the Iraqi army said that “is militants have committed another historical crime-blowing up the mosque an-Nuri and its historical minaret of al-Hadba”. The mosque, built in the XII century located in the old town of Mosul, where in recent times there

Russian hackers accused of hacking attempt on the US presidential election in 21 States

The U.S. Department of homeland security announced that hackers from Russia tried to hack the system of counting votes in the presidential election in 21 States of the USA. About it reports Reuters. As told representatives of the Senate intelligence Committee, Deputy assistant Secretary for cybersecurity, DHS Janet Manfre, “Russian hackers” the goal is not reached: there is no evidence of an incorrect vote count. What are the States in question Manfre refused to say what had caused sharp discontent of senators. Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election with the help of hackers. American journalists and officials asserted that they allegedly kidnapped the correspondence of the Democrats, and later posted on the Internet, and tried to penetrate into the electronic system of counting of votes. U.S. intelligence agencies have described these actions as a large-scale operation designed to help Donald Trump win the fight for

Belgian police arrested the alleged accomplices of the Brussels terrorist

Belgian police arrested the alleged accomplices of the terrorist, 20 Jun bombed at the train station in Brussels. On Wednesday, June 21, reports Le Soir. As noted, the policemen conducted in three communes in the Brussels region (Koekelberg, Anderlecht and Molenbeek) searches of persons regularly communicate with Assamoi Zaria, which on Tuesday blew up a suitcase at the Central station of Brussels, and was then shot dead by the military. According to the results of searches were detained four people. The detainees will be interrogated by the investigating judge, who will decide whether young people placed under arrest. The explosion at the Central station of Brussels, occurred around 20:30 local time on 20 June. The bomb was powered by a man who had previously shouted “Allah Akbar”. The power of the explosion was so slight that no one except the attacker was killed or injured. Nevertheless, the authorities acknowledged the