A fire in a London skyscraper became a faulty fridge

A fire in a London skyscraper Grenfell Tower, killing 79 people, has become faulty fridge. On Friday, June 23, citing a police report, reports BBC News. The fire started in the freezer. It is also noted that outer skin of the building has not passed the required tests. That it can be made of combustible materials, mentioned before. The police will consider the issue on initiation of proceedings under article “Causing death on imprudence”. The guards confirmed that we are not talking about deliberate arson. Earlier residents of the area, which was Grenfell Tower, was troubled by the behavior of tourists doing selfies against the backdrop of charred skeleton of a building. They surrounded the fire with posters, urging to refrain from such behavior and a reminder that this place of tragedy, and not an attraction. The 24-storey building located in the West of the British capital, caught fire on

The author of the torture methods of the CIA spoke about the work of the government

Psychologist Bruce Jessen, the author of the techniques used by the CIA for “enhanced questioning techniques” sometimes classified as torture, told about how cooperating with the authorities. Its words transfers Associated Press. “Every day I was told that in the US explode a nuclear bomb. I demanded from them, that they’re behind me, and they said that it would be on my conscience,” he explained, giving testimony in the case against him that was filed by a non-governmental organization “the American Union of protection of civil liberties” on behalf of the victims of CIA interrogation. Jessen agreed, and it combines with psychologist James Mitchell, the company received from the government $ 81 million on the development of methods of legal torture. According to doctors, Washington decided to go with them to cooperate, because they had previously taught the us military to withstand torture. And Jessen, and Mitchell went on overseas

Five visitors to a Turkish water Park was electrocuted

Five people died from electrocution in one of Turkish parks. It is reported Milliyet. The incident occurred in the northwestern town of akyazı (province of Skara). Three children swam in the pool, and for some unknown reason, was subjected to electric shock. Seeing what had happened, went into the water Park the owner Mehmet Kaya and his son Kadir — they tried to rescue victims, but they failed. When the building was de-energized, all five were taken to the hospital, but they died from cardiac arrest. Two people touching the metal structures in the pool, suffered. The initial examination did not reveal the cause of the incident, investigators establish the circumstances of the case.

Beijing school removed the camera from the men’s toilets after the scandal

The management of one of schools of Beijing decided to remove security cameras from the men’s toilets. It says The South China Morning Post. The reason for this decision was the scandal: the parents and the students themselves deluged the administration with angry letters. “It’s too embarrassing. Do not want to use more of that toilet,” wrote one of the students, laying out a picture with the camera on the Internet. The students noted that the installation of cameras, apparently, did not inform even the teachers, those learned with astonishment about them in the wards. One of the teachers, however, said that the cameras help to catch students Smoking or calculate the bullies. The school authorities initially claimed that there was nothing in the observation of no access to the rollers has only the headmaster is a man, but then still took the decision to dismantle the equipment.

American COP shot my dog and killed a teenager

Deputy Sheriff County of Los Angeles (California, USA) shot attacked his dog and killed the teenager. About it reports BBC News. The guards arrived on call in one of the local houses — the residents complained of a loud party. When they disembarked, they were attacked by a 30-pound pit bull. The dog calmed his owner, Armando Garcia-Muro. Soon the dog apparently escaped from the hands of Garcia-Muro and again attacked the guards, biting one of them behind the knee. The police opened fire, and the dog, having been wounded, retreated. Ten meters away from the scene and was found the body of Garcia-Muro. The bullet probably grazed the pavement and ricocheted and hit him in the chest 17-year-old American. “According to our preliminary assessment, police did not see that from the corner someone goes”, — told the guards at the press conference. Investigators establish the exact circumstances of the

The former leader of the Khmer Rouge justified for Pol Pot and the genocide

Khieu Samphan One of the former leaders of the regime “Khmer Rouge”, Khieu Samphan, the formal head of Kampuchea in the years 1976-1979, has been the main leader of Pol Pot. It is reported by the Phnom Penh Post. According to him, representatives of the movement had not carried out the genocide. “The Communist party of Kampuchea did not destroy their own people!” he said the last word in court in Phnom Penh, considering the accusations of mass killings of Vietnamese propaganda. Materials on теме00:June 09 — 15“to Destroy them completely, killing and taking slaves”Why not every massacre can be called a genocide According to him, the purpose of government was not to make people slaves of Pol Pot, and to raise the country and recover its economy after the civil war. The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia (then called Kampuchea) from 1975 to 1979 until he was overthrown by Vietnamese

The suspect in the attack on the Muslims in London charged with

The van driver who committed a hit-and-run near London Muslim mosque near Finsbury Park, charged with terrorism, murder and attempted murder. About it reports Reuters. 19 Jun 47-year-old Darren Osborne, who was driving the car, pointed it at the group of believers that appeared after evening prayers from the mosque. In result one person was lost, 11 more got wounds. Eyewitnesses said that the man shouted: “I will kill the Muslims!” He was arrested at the scene. Prime Minister Theresa may has condemned the crime. The next day newspaper the Independent reported that the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) urged his supporters to take revenge for the attempted mass murder of Muslims in London. “Oh Muslims, you need to Wake up, the war is already on your street, right outside the walls of mosques. Lose your parents, your sisters”, — quotes the edition

In the Turkish schools decided to abandon the study of the theory of evolution

Turkish high school students will no longer teach the theory of evolution. About it reports The Guardian. “We believe this topic is beyond the understanding of the students,” said education Minister Alpaslan durmush. According to him, the idea of evolution is too controversial and complex, and because of the textbooks of 9th class it will be removed. Talk about it only to students. This decision was criticised by secular segments of society: in their view, life in the country is increasingly exposed to the influence of religious institutions and the legacy of the founder of the modern Turkish state — Mustafa Kemal Ataturk — is gradually forgotten. Turkish media, according to the Guardian, also reported that the new educational programmes of the country about Ataturk tell to be less about Islam and more.

Friend the fortune-teller of the former South Korean President was sent to jail

Choi Sung-SIL Choi sung-SIL, a fortune teller and a friend sent in the resignation of former South Korean President Park Geun-Henna, sentenced to three years in prison. About it reports The South China Morning Post. According to the judge, Choi sung-SIL committed many illegal actions to force one of the universities in the country to adopt her daughter and then put her high marks. In jail for a short time sent and the employees of the school. Investigations of other crimes against fortune tellers is being continued: it is not excluded that to three years of imprisonment will be added and other penalties. Park Geun-Hye was finally removed from power on March 10 and placed in a pretrial detention center. The reason was the corruption scandal involving Choi sung-SIL. Investigators believe the President was an accomplice to receiving bribes Choi sung-SIL from the leadership of Samsung in exchange for business

The Bundestag has canceled all post-war sentences for homosexuality

Convicted after the war, German gay rehabilitated, they will be paid compensation. This decision was unanimously adopted by the deputies of the Bundestag, Deutsche Welle (DW). Victims relies lump sum the size of three thousand euros, plus fifteen thousand for every started year. The Minister of justice of Germany Heiko Maas called the decision “a late act of justice”. According to estimates of Department headed by it, for compensation will address up to five thousand people. It clarifies the Russian version of DW, at the last moment before the vote, deputies from the Christian democratic Union (CDU) and Christian social Union (CSU) excluded from the program of compensation of persons convicted of homosexual acts with adolescents under 16 years. Paragraph 175 of the Criminal code, envisaging criminal liability for homosexual relations between men, appeared in Germany even under the Kaiser and was used extensively during the Nazi period. The article