In Crimea, the resumption of water supply from Ukraine was ruled out

Vice Speaker Fix: Crimean authorities have ruled out the resumption of water supply from Ukraine First Vice Speaker of the Crimean Parliament Efim the peninsula did not and will not raise the issue of resuming water supply from Ukraine through the North Crimean Canal. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “Let them continue to build obstacles and fight against windmills. > Fix noted that the issue of water supply through the North Crimean Canal from Ukraine, starting from 2015, does not exist for Crimea. According to him, even in the driest years, the peninsula successfully got out of the situation. “Among other things, nature helped us in this story. Let the Kiev authorities live with their own water. The time will come when they will be held accountable for all their crimes against Crimeans, “he stressed. In August, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on ecocide

Ukrainian journalist said about the smell of high treason Zelensky

Ukrainian journalist Drozdov: President Zelensky was caught in a lie, smacks of treason Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter Ostap Drozdov said caught in a lie, which “smacks of treason.” He announced this on the air of the “Fourth Channel”, the broadcast was conducted on YouTube. This is how the journalist commented on the action of the nationalists, who deployed a banner in the center of Kiev accusing Zelensky of lying. According to Drozdov, this is a warning and a “mark” for the Ukrainian president. “They caught (Zelensky) in a lie that smacks of high treason,” he said. Drozdov suggested that the statements about the “Russian threat” that are regularly heard in Kiev may be related to attempts to divert the attention of Ukrainian citizens from what is happening in the country. “As high treason loomed – so immediately” (Russian President Vladimir) Putin attacks. It's all Putin. Whoever is against Zelensky

The largest crypto exchange in the world has found a way to calm the aggressive authorities

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao spoke about negotiations with sovereign wealth funds The world's largest crypto exchange Binance is negotiating with sovereign wealth funds trying to improve relations with state authorities and smooth out the aggressive policy of regulators. The head of the company, Changpeng Zhao, spoke about the found way of interaction in an interview with the Financial Times. This year, the company faces growing pressure from the authorities and finds that fund investments can improve its image in the eyes of governments of different countries and reassure them Zhao pointed out. “However, this will also link us to specific countries, and in this regard, we would like to be careful,” – said the head of Binance.

FSB detained foreigner who financed terrorists

The FSB detained in Khabarovsk a foreigner who financed terrorists Jabhat al-Nusra “. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the regional department of the department for the Khabarovsk Territory. It is reported that a 26-year-old native of one of the Central Asian countries is involved in the commission of crimes under Part 1.1 of Article 205.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation activity “). He voluntarily transferred funds for the needs of one of the armed formations that are part of the al-Nusra structure. In addition, four of his compatriots have been identified. who knew about the crime, but did not report it to the law enforcement agencies. Criminal cases were initiated against them under Article 205.6 (“Failure to report to the authorities authorized to consider reports of a crime about a person who has reliably known information provided for in Article 205.1 of the

Poland thinks about starting a “preventive war” with Russia over Moldova

Biznes Alert: EU needs to start a legal and financial war with Russia over Moldova Russia to protect Moldova from Moscow's influence. This was stated by Polish journalist Wojciech Jakubik in an article for the Biznes Alert. “It's time to strike a preemptive strike. Not with tanks, but with politics, law and finance. If we help Chisinau, we will get rid of another point of destabilization on the map of Europe, “the publicist believes. Yakubik also said that Russia is using Chisinau's debts to Gazprom to influence Moldovan policy. According to him, the situation is aggravated by the European gas crisis. Earlier, a member of the Federation Council Alexei Pushkov commented on the statement of Moldovan Foreign Minister Nikolai Popescu on strategic partnership with Moscow. According to Pushkov, Chisinau intends to be the closest ally of the United States, not a partner of Russia. “In politics and diplomacy, words are

Russian mobile operators want YouTube compensation

Kommersant: The Ministry of Digital Science proposed to oblige foreign services to pay compensation for online traffic the telecom industry proposes to oblige foreign streaming services and online cinemas to pay compensation to Russian telecom operators for online traffic. Kommersant writes about this. According to the department, operators are in a difficult situation due to traffic growth and do not have sufficient funding sources to upgrade their networks. Therefore, the Ministry of Digital Development wants to create a mechanism for foreign Internet companies to finance the development of telecommunications infrastructure in Russia and introduce payments for foreign OTT companies (technology for transmitting video over the Internet) for traffic “which they send to subscribers of Russian operators.” Director General of the Institute for Internet Research Karen Ghazaryan drew attention to the fact that the traffic of domestic online cinemas and streaming services does not differ from the traffic of foreign ones,

The Russians were called the rate of water consumption during the cold season

Nutritionist Ginzburg: the body needs less water in the cold season from radio Sputnik named the rate of water consumption during the cold season. According to him, the body needs less water in the cold season, when the amount of fluid released from sweat decreases. However, he advised not to consciously change your drinking regime depending on the air temperature. Ginzburg noted that in this matter you need to focus on your own feelings and make sure that water is always at hand. “A person drinks water individually, according to his perceived need,” he said. The doctor added that only people with certain heart and kidney diseases should purposefully reduce the amount of fluid they consume. Related materials00: 07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and interferes to lose weight – says a neuroscientist how common food kills Russians

Morgenstern's lawyer responded to Bastrykin's drug trafficking accusations

Morgenstern's lawyer Zhorin: he is not involved in selling drugs, he is a musician Rapper Morgenstern's lawyer Sergey Zhorin responded TFR) Alexander Bastrykin in the drug trade. RIA Novosti reports this. According to the human rights activist, the performer's sphere of activity is limited to music. “This statement caused, to put it mildly, bewilderment. Morgenstern does not sell drugs. This is not his field of activity. He is a musician, “the agency's interlocutor said. Earlier, Zhorin said that he was afraid of pressure from law enforcement officers on his client after Bastrykin's statement. “What we think, how we will react, is of secondary importance here – it is more important how Bastrykin's subordinates will react to it. No matter how they take it as a call to action, ”said the lawyer. This summer, Morgenstern was fined for drug propaganda. The expertise was carried out in relation to his videos for

Bastrykin's proposal to cancel the exam was criticized

Russian teacher Lukhovitsky on Bastrykin's call to cancel the Unified State Exam: it will cause torture in an interview with “” criticized the proposal of the chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, to cancel the unified state examination (USE). According to him, Bastrykin is not an expert in the field of education, and “it is not clear why someone should listen to his opinion. ” I hope that it will not occur to anyone this or next year to suddenly take and cancel the Unified State Exam. This will cause such torment for the children, and for the parents, and for the teachers that it will take five years to shake the school. Probably, Mr. Bastrykin knows well what torture is, but as far as I know, most children, parents and teachers over the past 15 years have already got used to the form of the

The Russians were warned about the shortage of a number of drugs in pharmacies

Kommersant: OPI warned of a seasonal shortage of drugs for COVID-19, flu and colds Roszdravnadzor on the seasonal shortage of drugs for COVID-19, flu and colds in pharmacies. This is reported by the newspaper “Kommersant” with reference to a letter from the chairman of the OPI Oleg Pavlov to the supervisory department with a request to Roszdravnadzor to take measures to suppress the situation. – why prices for drugs are growing against the background of shortages. Pavlov notes that the situation is aggravated by the fact that 80 percent of pharmacies continue to freely sell prescription drugs. The OPI claims that interruptions have already begun in the supply of a number of drugs recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of coronavirus (favipiravir, paracetamol, umifenovir, apixaban, rivaroxaban). According to the organization, the most difficult situation is in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tatarstan, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk regions. Against