XIII Film Festival “Male Role” will be held in Penza

The XIII Ivan Mozzhukhin Film Festival “Male Role” will be held in the Penza region The XIII Ivan Mozzhukhin Film Festival “The Male Role” will be held in the Penza region. This is reported by Pravda News. The festival will start on December 1st and end on the 5th. It will feature the best works of Russian cinema, created by men. Alexander Pal, Konstantin Khabensky, Kirill Kyaro and Philip Yankovsky will compete for the victory in the Best Actor nomination. The festival will also select the best young artist and “King of the Screen”. Viewers will be asked to determine the best film in the Male Role and to award the most gifted actor with the Audience Award. Screenings will be held in Penza, Kondol and Kuznetsk. In 2020, the festival was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Earlier it was reported that on December 11, Ufa will host a

Belarusian border guards find refugees with broken legs

Investigative Committee of Belarus: Polish border guards beat and expelled refugees with broken legs broken legs, beaten by Polish security forces. BelTA writes about this on Thursday, November 25. According to the Investigative Committee, the incident took place on the evening of November 21 at one of the sections of the Peschatka frontier post in the Kamenets region. An initial medical examination of a 33-year-old and 51-year-old Iraqi citizen revealed broken leg bones. They were hospitalized. “According to the victims, it became known that they were in a group on the territory of Poland. There they were detained by local border guards, who beat them and expelled them to Belarus, “the Investigative Committee said. queues. The migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus escalated on November 8, when thousands of citizens of the Middle East gathered on the border with Poland and Lithuania, trying to get into the

The works of the painter Sultan Gadaborshev will be shown in Ingushetia

The exhibition of the painter Sultan Gadaborshev “A Look at the World” will open in Ingushetia on November 30 »Will open at the Museum of Fine Arts of Ingushetia on November 30. As the press service of the cultural institution clarifies, guests will not only be shown the works of the artist's early and later creative paths, but will also be offered to acquire exclusive postcards prepared by the Russian Post with the image of the master's paintings. “The painting of Sultan Gadaborshev is realistic, he sensitively conveys the mood of nature, its subtle spiritualized state. The artist reveals to us with all his love his heartfelt attention to the beauty of native nature “, – said representatives of the museum, talking about the works of the painter. It is indicated that the general public presented Gadaborshev's work in 2020 during the exhibition” We are together ”, which was timed

Netflix complained to police over LGBT propaganda

Olga Baranets complained to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the Netflix service because of LGBT propaganda Public Commissioner for Family Protection Olga Baranets cases of Russia demanding to check the streaming service Netflix for violations of the law on the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors. Baranets said that the service has a selection of films and TV series with LGBT themes with an age limit of 16+, Vedomosti writes. Related materials 00:02 – November 1 The return of the greats. The Tiger King, Dexter and Crazy Catherine II in the main series November 00:01 – 23 November Russia cannot be understood. How did the new season of the scandalous series” Great “about Catherine II, her power and orgies turn out? Baranets was referring to the selection of the Oscar-winning drama Brokeback Mountain and the mini-series The Assassination of Gianni Versace. At the same time, the aforementioned projects

A film based on the book of the writer Alexei Ivanov will be shot in Yekaterinburg

Another book by the author “The Geographer Drank The Globe” Alexei Ivanov will be filmed in Yekaterinburg “. This was reported by his representative Yulia Zaitseva, reports 66.ru. “A daring project of a full meter about the city of the brave was signed right on the birthday of someone who does not teach the rules, does not see the horizon, does not ask permission, does not seek examples, does not wait for approval, does not look back, does not stop, is not afraid, “Zaitseva announced. It is noted that Ivanov is 52 years old. the field of culture, which gained fame thanks to books about the Urals (in particular, “The Heart of Parma”), as well as the novel “The Geographer Drank the Globe”, later filmed with Konstantin Khabensky in the title role. He also authored the novel “Pishcheblok”, based on which the series of the same name was filmed.

Bailiffs opened cases against Telegram and Twitter on the recovery of millions in fines

“Interfax”: the bailiffs opened three more cases against Telegram on the recovery of 7 million rubles in a fine Employees of the Federal Bailiff Service started three new cases against Telegram on the enforcement of a 7 million rubles fine for refusing to remove prohibited content. According to Interfax, the bailiffs also opened six similar cases against Twitter on the collection of fines. It is clarified that three enforcement proceedings against Telegram on the collection of 7 million rubles in fines were opened on November 22 in accordance with the decision of the Tagansky Court of Moscow .

Kirkorov was published in a Louis Vuitton jacket for almost half a million rubles

Philip Kirkorov attended the premiere of the cartoon “Encanto” in a Louis Vuitton leather jacket Russian singer Philip Kirkorov attended the premiere of the cartoon with children in the outerwear of the French fashion house Louis Vuitton for almost half a million rubles. He posted the photo on his Instagram account. It is known that the event took place in Moscow's Zaryadye park. The celebrity came out with his daughter Alla-Victoria and son Martin. The paparazzi captured him in a white T-shirt, cargo pants and a Louis Vuitton leather jacket in brown and orange stripes. The cost of a similar thing on the brand's website is 435 thousand rubles. In addition, Kirkorov appeared before photographers with a bag of the same fashion house with a monogram. The singer chose white sneakers as shoes. “Today we went to the premiere of” Encanto “(…) And our school friends have joined our company!

An alternative to a cheap mortgage has been found in Russia

Member of the Federation Council Shevchenko called for the development of social rental housing in Russia housing conditions – social rent. This was stated by a member of the Federation Council, head of the regional policy committee Andrei Shevchenko, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. According to the senator, the construction of single rental houses in a number of regions will not help to reverse the situation with the provision of housing for citizens in need. primarily the poor. The problem with the shortage of housing is complex, Shevchenko stressed. He also pointed out the absence of a civilized rental market in the country: according to the parliamentarian, citizens who rent out apartments are not registered either as self-employed or as individual entrepreneurs. Shevchenko found a solution to the problem by proposing to introduce measures of state support for developers. building rental housing. We are talking, in particular, about the gratuitous provision of

The timing of immunity to coronavirus in adolescents after the Sputnik M vaccine was estimated

The duration of immunity to COVID-19 in adolescents after vaccination with “Sputnik M” is unknown M “showed the formation of cellular and humoral immunity, but the duration of protection is unknown. So the duration of immunity to coronavirus is assessed in the instructions of the drug, reports TASS. It is clarified that the immunological properties of the vaccine for adolescents were studied in a clinical study in volunteers from 12 to 17 years old. Earlier it was reported that after vaccination with Sputnik M, 93.2 percent of adolescents developed cellular immunity to COVID-19. The vaccine is contraindicated in severe allergic reactions, infectious and non-infectious diseases. Sputnik M should be used with caution in chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and endocrine system. Side effects of vaccination for adolescents can develop on the first or second day after the introduction of the vaccine – they disappear within three days.