Mila Jovovich got rid of one of her homes in Los Angeles

Dirt: actress Mila Jovovich sold a house in Beverly Hills for $ 4.6 million American actress Mila Jovovich sold one real estate properties in Los Angeles County. The house cost the new owner $ 4.6 million (more than 343 million rubles), Dirt reports, citing tax reports. The house is located in Beverly Hills, Jovovich owned it for 18 years. Her husband, British filmmaker Paul Anderson, purchased the property in 2003 prior to their wedding, but soon rewrote the property to the actress. The couple lived in it in the mid-2000s, after which they moved to a larger house in the same area. According to the tax office, the mansion was built in the 1960s, but 30 years later it was reconstructed. giving it a modern look. The new owner has a house of 390 square meters with four bedrooms, each of which is adjacent to its own bathroom. The site

The court arrested the Shubin house in the Vrublevsky case

Moscow Regional Court: the decision of the Odintsovo court was canceled, the Shubins' house was arrested Vladimir Shubin and Pavel Vrublevsky, according to the official information on the website of the judicial authority. A decision was made, which came into effect immediately on the judicial arrest of the subject of the dispute – the Shubins' house on Nikolina Gora and his car. Also, the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (UEB and PC) of the Moscow Region accepted for production all statements about the unlawful actions of Vladimir Shubin and his wife and began a check for detecting possible crimes. “As I said earlier, I count on the triumph of justice in this matter and intend to go all the way. I very much hope that the UEB and PC will adequately check and confirm my assumptions about the presence of corpus delicti of the Shubins' family under Articles 159,

Policeman fighting illegal alcohol sentenced to three years for bribe

In Taganrog, an operative was sentenced to three years for a bribe of half a million rubles – he promised for this money to settle the “tax issue” to a local businessman. This was reported to “” on Thursday, November 25, in the press service of the united courts. According to the investigation, Vyacheslav V., now a former senior detective of the department for crimes in the consumer market and in the field of illegal trade in alcoholic beverages, he told a local businessman that he had good acquaintances at the tax office. The businessman had problems with taxes, so the operative offered him to solve these problems for 400 thousand rubles. Soon the amount increased to 500 thousand rubles. However, Vyacheslav was detained by security officials. The court sentenced him to three years in a general regime colony and a fine of 2.5 million rubles. It is not known

Cherchesov reacted to Kudryashov's own goal in the match with Croatia

Stanislav Cherchesov said that he did not call Kudryashov after his own goal in the match with Croatia 2022 against Croatia was an accident. This is how the former head coach of the national team Stanislav Cherchesov reacted to what happened in an interview with KP.RU. The specialist also noted that he did not call the player after the match. “He's a strong guy. My call to him “don't worry” can only go negatively, ”Cherchesov added. The coach said that he would have talked to Kudryashov if he had made a tactical mistake that led to a goal. “In a coaching manner, I would suggest what I see, and he would appreciate it,” the specialist noted. Russia lost to Croatia on November 14, Kudryashov hit his goal in the 81st minute. The goal was the only one in the match, and the Russian team could not directly make it to

The WHO announced the passed peak of the COVID-19 wave in Russia

WHO/Europe Director Kluge: the peak of the current wave of coronavirus in Russia seems to have passed the current wave of coronavirus. This was announced on Thursday, November 25, by Hans Kluge, Director of the European Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO), on the Russia 1 TV channel. According to him, in the western part of the European Region – Germany, Austria, Denmark , Ireland – there is an increase in the incidence of COVID-19, while the countries of the eastern part – Belarus, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania – have probably already overcome the peak values. At the same time, Kluge stressed that the current success in reducing the number of infections does not promise future success. “Therefore, I would definitely like to ask the citizens of Russia to continue to adhere to the preventive measures of the government, because we know that preventive measures work,” concluded the WHO representative.

IMF has calculated billions in losses of Ukraine from “Nord Stream-2”

IMF: Ukraine's revenues will decrease by more than $ 1 billion a year due to Nord Stream 2 stream-2 “will lead to the fact that Ukraine's revenues from gas transit will decrease by more than a billion dollars a year in the period until 2024, while the current contract for pumping with Gazprom is in force. Estimates of the country's potential losses were provided by the International Monetary Fund. “Over the past five years, Ukraine has received an average of slightly more than $ 2.5 billion a year in exchange for providing its gas pipelines to Gazprom. In 2021, it is assumed that transit fees will be 40 percent lower than in previous years, ”says the document on the revision of the stand-by lending program for Ukraine. The IMF explained. that after the launch of the project, the volume of gas passing through Ukraine will decrease additionally. “Ukraine's revenues from

Billie Eilish asked to give up turkey for Thanksgiving

Singer Billie Eilish urged to change traditions and stop eating turkey American singer Billie Eilish asked to stop eating turkey on Thanksgiving Day. A post on this appeared to him in her Instagram story. The singer posted a photo with a bird in her hands. “Turkeys are some of the most delicate creatures in the world. And every Thanksgiving Day, 46 million individuals are killed in the world. I know it's hard to abandon tradition, but keep this information in mind, “Eilish wrote. In October, the seven-year Grammy winner spoke out against a new Texas law banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. Eilish confessed onstage at the Austin City Limits 2021 Texas Music Festival that she originally wanted to cancel her performance at the event to protest the state's new abortion law. punish this ****** [fucking] place for being allowed there. But then I remembered that you guys are

A rare plant with a large orange “cone” blossomed in Tomsk

A terrifying encephalyartos blossomed in Tomsk, which surprised Russians with an orange “cone” surprised the Russians with his large and unusual orange “bump”. This is reported on the official website of the organization. It is specified that this is the rarest gymnosperm plant that appeared on the planet before the era of the dinosaurs. “Many of them [encephalyartos] are now under protection, are extremely rare in natural habitats, but at the same time are preserved in the collections of botanical gardens,” the experts said. The sex of the plant can also be determined by the structure of the “cone” … “Our encephalyartos is a boy,” the organization explained. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) had to include this species in the list of rare plants, since the encephalyartos is “close to a vulnerable position.” Such a plant was common in southern Africa. Local tribes mined starch from it.

42-year-old Russian was given 12 years in prison for the murder of a 17-year-old lover

In Volgograd, 42-year-old Amazasp Grigoryan was sentenced to 12 years for the murder of a 17-year-old girl freedom of 42-year-old Volgograd resident Amazasp Grigoryan for the murder of a 17-year-old local resident. This was reported to “” in the united press service of the courts of the region. The Russian was found guilty under Articles 105 (Murder), 126 (Kidnapping), 167 (Intentional destruction of someone else's property “), 150 (” Involvement of a minor in the commission of a crime “), 222 (” Illegal possession of firearms “) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He will serve time in a strict regime colony. According to the investigation, on the night of August 17, 2020, a quarrel broke out between Grigoryan and his young lover. According to the victim's friend, that evening the three of them rode in a car belonging to Grigoryan. Jealousy became the cause of the conflict

The Russians named the most expensive foreign travel destinations

Maldives and Seychelles named the most expensive foreign destinations for Russians Their words are quoted by URA.RU/a>. said the president of the “Ural Tourism Association” Mikhail Maltsev. The specialist included New Zealand, Colombia and the countries of Black Africa in the first group, where the cost of the trip is influenced by individual programs, instructors and security. The second – the Maldives and Seychelles. Natalia Osipova, executive director of the Alliance of Travel Agencies agreed with her colleague. She noted that the Maldives and Seychelles are considered the most expensive and popular luxury resorts, which are not mass destinations due to the high price tag. “The Emirates cannot enter this list because there are hotels for every budget,” she added. Earlier in November, Russian tourists were warned of an impending shortage of places in Maldives hotels during the New Year period. According to tour operators, the republic is one of