Telegram turned off controversial eggplant and peach animation at Apple's request

Telegram founder Durov: Apple demanded to disable the eggplant and peach animation seeds. Otherwise, the messenger could face blocking on all devices of the American company. This was announced by the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov. He also conducted a corresponding survey on his page in the messenger, in which he asked his subscribers what to do best. The majority of users voted to “completely stop Telegram from working on Apple devices”, and a minority to “remove the gushing eggplant.” However, despite the voting results, the animation no longer works on iOS, Android and PC clients. Together with eggplant, they turned off the animation of the peach, which is often used in correspondence to denote the buttocks. Previously, when sending, the fruit was accompanied by a slap of the palm. A spicy animation appeared on Telegram a few weeks ago. To see it, you had to send an emoji to

Named the most annoying foreign words for Russians

“”: Russians are most annoyed by foreign words to follow, fix and proof Research Center of the service named the most annoying foreign words for Russians in professional communication. The research data is cited by RT. It turned out that only half of the 1,800 respondents use Anglicisms in professional communication. At the same time, every tenth Russian aged 45-55 does not understand the meaning of borrowing. 14 percent of respondents aged 35-44 said they get annoyed when they hear foreign words in the speech of their colleagues. Russians from 25 to 34 years old have a positive attitude towards Anglicism, 67 percent of respondents among this age group use foreign words at work and do not mind when others use them. The most annoying for respondents, according to the study, were words sync (sync), follow (follow), submit (submit), approve (approve or approve something) and brainstorm (brainstorm). Also, Russians

Scammers have come up with a tax-related fraudulent scheme

BI.ZONE discovered a fraudulent distribution of fake tax notices Strategic digital risk management company BI.ZONE reported that Fraudsters, on the eve of December 1, the end of the payment of property taxes, decided to activate the sending of malicious letters to Russians notifying them of the need to make a payment. RIA Novosti writes about this. The company detected fraudulent mailing in the form of fake tax notifications, which comes on behalf of one of the financial regulators. Users receive letters by e-mail without reference to the name. They are encouraged to have time to pay property taxes by December 1 to avoid the accrual of interest. The letter contained a link that leads to various resources with malicious content. According to Evgeny Voloshin, director of the BI.ZONE expert services block, phishing emails and links are one of the most popular types of attacks. “There were cases when fraudsters imitated

The secret of the contents of the personal safe of Elizabeth II has been revealed

Representative of Elizabeth II Macfarlane: the wills of her family members are kept in the Queen's safe People have revealed the secret of the contents of her tightly guarded safe. According to McFarlane, the safe, which is restricted to a narrow circle of members of the royal family, contains officially certified wills – both of the Queen and her relatives. The vault contains over 30 documents in sealed envelopes. After the death of a member of the Windsor family, his will will become public, and the envelope with it will no longer be kept in the safe. In September, Elizabeth II became a great-grandmother for the 12th time. Princess Beatrice of York, 33, ranked ninth in the line of succession to the British throne, gave birth to her daughter on Saturday 18 September. The girl, weighing 2.77 kilograms, was born at 11:42 pm in a London hospital. She became 11th

Russians with high cholesterol were given advice on healthy eating

Nutritionist Bukin: if you have high cholesterol, you can't eat fatty meat, oils and egg yolks named foods that should be avoided and which should be paid attention to people with high cholesterol levels in the body. She noted that contrary to common misconceptions, cholesterol is found not only in the human body, but also in food: in the liver, brain, kidneys, meat, whole milk and other foods. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy person should consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol-containing foods per day, and a patient with high levels should consume less than 200 mg per day. Otherwise, the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other serious heart problems increases. The doctor recommends focusing on fish, poultry and legumes in the diet. At the same time, in any case, it is worth removing fat from lean meats, and skin from

Shukshina spoke about an attempt to contact the doctor who invited her to the “red zone”

Actress Shukshina tried to contact one of the doctors after being invited to the “red zone” of the doctors who signed an open letter inviting famous anti-Axis to the “red zones”. She announced this in her Telegram channel. According to Shukshina, she turned to the head physician of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg Denis Gusev, who, along with other Russian doctors, signed an open letter to anti-vaccinations … Having called him at the reception, she was told that all the managers were busy, so she had to wait. “It seemed that the phone was designed to accept orders for paid services. When they answered me, she asked if it was really the chief doctor's office. They answered me in the affirmative and asked about what issue I was calling, “she said. After the artist announced her intention to talk to the head doctor about the proposal to visit the”

Pushkov reacted to the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts after Bastrykin's statement

Pushkov on the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts: Bastrykin should be thanked at least for this Member of the Federation Council Alexey Mushkov responded to the cancellation (Alisher Morgenstern) after the statement of the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SK) Alexander Bastrykin that the singer is engaged in drug trafficking through social networks. The senator spoke on his Telegram channel. “Bastrykin should be thanked at least for this. Now you can place bets – in how many months the singer will run out of money in his mouth and he will ask to return to his homeland. For no one else in the world needs his “work” … not even starlings, ”he wrote. that the artist is selling drugs on social networks. The musician's lawyer Sergei Zhorin said that he fears pressure from law enforcement officers on his client after Bastrykin's speech.

Pushkov reacted to the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts after Bastrykin's statement

Pushkov on the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts: Bastrykin should be grateful at least for this Member of the Federation Council Alexey Mushkov responded to the cancellation (Alisher Morgenstern) after the statement of the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SK) Alexander Bastrykin that the singer is engaged in drug trafficking through social networks. The senator spoke on his Telegram channel. “Bastrykin should be thanked at least for this. Now you can place bets – in how many months the singer will run out of money in his mouth and he will ask to return to his homeland. For no one else in the world needs his “work” … not even starlings, ”he wrote. that the artist is selling drugs on social networks. The musician's lawyer Sergei Zhorin said that he fears pressure from law enforcement officers on his client after Bastrykin's speech.

Japan allowed the possibility of preemptive strikes on enemy bases

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida allowed the possibility of preventive strikes on enemy bases as a defensive measure. This is reported by TASS. As the head of the Japanese government said, speaking to the military in the Asaka camp of the country's ground self-defense forces, Tokyo will consider all the options necessary to strengthen its defense capabilities. In addition In addition, Kishida also touched on the DPRK, stressing that Pyongyang's continued development of missile technology, including the development of supersonic weapons, should not be overlooked.

The endocrinologist named the external signs of the onset of diabetes

Endocrinologist Syurashkina: symptoms of onset diabetes can be determined by the skin on the palms Symptoms of onset diabetes in the palms can be identified by external changes. This was reported by endocrinologist Elena Syurashkina, Channel Five reports. According to the doctor, at a dangerous level of sugar in the blood, the skin of the hands becomes thicker, and the flexion function of the hands is impaired. Stiff hand syndrome can affect up to 30 percent of people with diabetes, the doctor said. Numbness in the hands is another sign. Diabetics are often unable to fully extend the palm so that the fingers become straight. A syndrome occurs from the little finger, passing to the thumb. First, numbness or tingling is felt, then stiffness sets in. If the fingers do not touch each other when the palms are folded together, this may indicate a deterioration in blood supply, which led