Russian epidemiologists have learned to quickly identify the source of HIV

Izvestia: Rospotrebnadzor has created a method for rapid investigation of the chain of HIV infection person. It is necessary to quickly determine the chain of HIV infection and search for its source, Izvestia writes. Russian scientists have created a method for accelerated sequencing (determining the genetic sequence of DNA and RNA) of HIV samples by analogy with that used for analysis strains SARS-CoV-2. They learned to identify individual parts of the pathogen genome, which can increase the throughput of laboratories fivefold. Head of the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Molecular Epidemiology of HIV Infection of the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Epidemiology of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology Dmitry Kireev emphasized that it is impossible to interrupt the chain of infections HIV, if the source of its spread is not investigated. “In the course of such investigations, we compare the nucleotide sequences of virus samples with each other and identify

Risks for nannies in Russian families disclosed

Izvestia: Household staff in families faces the risk of abuse from their employer domestic staff in Russian families. These people, who are sometimes called servants in the old fashion, face abuse and even crime on the part of their employers. “The difficulty is in the specifics of the job: it is necessary that the nanny is suitable for the family, so that the ideas about upbringing and other basic concepts coincide. But the financial interests of the parties are diametrically opposite: the employer wants to pay the nanny as little as possible. As they say, a canary for a penny so that she sings and does not eat, “said Irina Gurenkova, the owner of the Assistant recruiting agency. According to her, abuses can happen in the opposite direction, but if the nanny breaks the contract usually unknowingly , then the owner deliberately, for example, does not pay and fines. However,

Zelensky accused of preparing to gain unlimited power

Former deputy of Rada Muraev: introducing martial law Zelensky will receive unlimited power OUR ”accused President Volodymyr Zelensky of the fact that he was preparing to introduce martial law in the country, while receiving unlimited power. According to him, in this case, he will be able to restrict the work of the media, rights and freedoms, as well as introduce a curfew. “What will martial law give Zelensky: he will be able to restrict the media, rights and freedoms, there may be a curfew … This gives him unlimited power for the duration of martial law. I really hope that the Verkhovna Rada will not agree to this, without it it is impossible to do this, “said the ex-Rada deputy. Earlier, Muraev said that Europe has been under US occupation since 1945. According to the politician, only Russia and China are capable of helping to free her. He noted that

Attempt to dialogue with anti-vaccination agents invited to the red zone failed

Chief physician Vechorko: the dialogue with the anti-vaccinations who visited the red zone failed Vechorko, who was invited to visit the anti-vaccine red zone, said that the attempt to dialogue with visitors had failed. He told about this on the air of the YouTube channel “Soloviev Live”. According to Vechorko, on Saturday, November 27, they agreed that the opponents of the vaccines would come to the hospital and the doctors would show the work from the inside. “There is no dialogue, only negative. I realized that it was useless, ”said the head physician. He explained that opponents of vaccination were asked to wear personal protective equipment to visit the red zone, but most of them refused to comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules. “Pretense, some kind of laughter, this is an unhealthy situation, but when they began to be rude in front of [one of] patients, I said that

Gunzburg allowed the creation of nasal vaccines against other infections

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: a nasal vaccine may also appear for other diseases Head of the Center. NF Gamalei Alexander Gintsburg allowed the creation of nasal vaccines against other infections, in which it is important to create immune protection at the level of the mucous membranes. At the same time, in an interview with TASS, he noted that there are difficulties in determining the effectiveness of vaccination with a similar method. “So far, the development of all vaccines in nasal form is constrained by the fact that it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of vaccination by some marker,” – he said, noting that only an epidemiological marker can be a marker, but it may not appear in more than one year. At the same time, vaccines that are used injections can measure the antibody titer there, thereby showing whether the vaccine is effective or not. “It is

The doctor spoke about the fraud with “decipization” after vaccination

Chief physician of “Kashchenko” Kostyuk: scammers have created a “dechipizer” for vaccination against COVID-19 Chief freelance psychiatrist of the Moscow Department of Health doctor of the psychiatric hospital No. 1 named after N.А. Alekseeva (better known as “Kashchenko”) Georgy Kostyuk said that scammers began to offer Russians help in getting rid of the chips allegedly implanted during vaccination against coronavirus, reports RBC. The head physician said that “enterprising people ”, who allegedly created a“ dechipizer ”- a compact disposable device that should be attached to the injection site against COVID-19. The cybercriminals promise “for a very small fee, you can destroy all the“ chips ”. “ Someone thought it was a conspiracy idea that Bill Gates had developed the chips. Further – this is already a matter of technology. Who knows what 5G is? What if it is something that is really capable of infecting the coronavirus? ” – Kostyuk

Chefs have revealed the secret of the perfect shawarma

Chef of the VLAVASHE chain Anton Rashba: delicious shawarma requires only fresh products »Revealed the secret of the ideal shawarma, as well as the methods of its preparation at home, so that it would not be distinguished from a restaurant dish. Culinary experts note that this is a hearty, tasty and quick to prepare and inexpensive food. Brand-chef of the VLAVASHE chain Anton Rashba notes that recipes can be varied, this street food can be turned into a healthy product. So, he called shawarma with beef and cranberries, with stewed pork and cola sauce, with sausages and even with shrimps. The classic one is made with chicken. To do this, you should marinate the meat in spices, the main thing is to keep it fresh, otherwise it will come out dry and tasteless. The sauce is made from mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic, salt, suneli hops, ground pepper, dill and lemon

Loza invited to the “red zone” accused the doctors of the Botkin hospital of lying

Singer Loza refused to visit the “red zone” of Botkin Hospital and accused doctors of lying Russian singer Yuri Loza said that the doctor of the Botkin hospital Denis Gusev to visit the “red zone”, writes “Gazeta.Ru”. The composer accused the doctor of lying and clarified that he was busy with the concert. “I didn’t give any promises to anyone and didn’t intend to go anywhere. He's lying, as always, “he added. The chief physician of the Botkin Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases named after S. P. Botkin, Denis Gusev, said that the doctors had invited and were waiting for Loza's visit to the department, but the artist did not appear. According to him, the musician first confirmed plans to visit the hospital, and then refused them. Gusev complained that the singer did not answer the calls. Earlier, the chief doctors of large hospitals in Russia invited them on an

Serbian President promised eternal friendship to Russia

Serbian President Vucic: Belgrade will never renounce friendship with Moscow and Beijing Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic promised Russia and China eternal friendship, stating that Belgrade will never renounce its partners. His words are quoted by TASS. “Serbia is on the European path, this is important for us, but Serbia has kept its friends all this time. We never turned our backs on our friends. Neither when it was hard for them, nor when it was hard for us to withstand the pressure, “the Serbian leader emphasized. Vucic added that for this reason Serbia today receives the lowest gas price in Europe and can count on support in the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. The head of state also expressed confidence that Russia and China will not renounce friendship between the countries. Earlier, the president said that Serbia's economic successes were made possible thanks to friendship with Russia and China. He

Ukraine called Russia capable of freeing Europe from US occupation

Former deputy of Rada Muraev: only Russia and China are capable of freeing Europe from the US occupation on the air of the “NASH” TV channel said that Europe has been under US occupation since 1945. According to the politician, only Russia and China are capable of helping to free her. “It is impossible now to talk about a developed and independent Europe, because it has been under US occupation since 1945 and to get out of this occupation without Russia or China will not be able to. They are also tired, extreme right sentiments are growing, they get tired of the fact that they are always satisfied with migration crises, they want to live by their own interests, and not the agenda that is imposed on them from overseas and this is our common problem, ”said ex-deputy of the Rada. He added that Kiev should understand what kind of