Russians have cut discounts on apartments at a record

“Floors”: sellers of secondary apartments in Russia are on average ready to give a discount of 2.4 percent In November 2021, sellers of secondary apartments in Russia more than ever rarely agreed to bargain with buyers, writes “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. On average, they are ready to give a discount of no more than 2.43 percent, the analysts of the Etazhi company calculated. The average discount on the secondary market for 11 months of 2021 was 2.6 percent, while in the same period of 2020, it reached 4.6 percent. “The level of bargaining has approached record lows, which means that in the short term, prices for secondary housing in Russia will not decrease,” Tatyana Akhmetdinova, director of the Etazha management department, told the publication. According to analysts, owners of apartments in Perm agreed to the largest discounts (6 percent on average) in November. In second place are residents of Omsk (average discount

Kremlin responds to reports of talks to return Morgenstern to Russia

Peskov denied reports about Kremlin talks on the return of rapper Morgenstern to the Russian Federation to Russia are not true. This was stated by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. He called the corresponding publications in the media a duck. Earlier,, citing sources in the presidential administration, reported that the musician's producers are negotiating his return to the country. It was noted that two options are being considered – return and cooperation with the authorities, or refusal to cooperate and the possible materialization of threats from the Investigative Committee (IC). There is no information on the results of the negotiations. Earlier, the representative of the IC, Alexander Bastrykin, accused Morgenstern of drug trafficking on the Internet. “Blogger Morgenstern sells drugs, in fact, on social networks. And we are sitting here, discussing abstractly what the highest value means, and human rights cannot be violated, “Bastrykin said.

In Russia, vandals desecrated the memorial to the British soldiers who died in the Crimean War

Investigative Committee on Sevastopol: vandals painted a memorial to the British soldiers who died in the Crimean War the war to the English soldiers. This was reported by the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. “Inscriptions appeared both on the obelisk itself and on the walls enclosing the monument. It is also reported that the complex, which is almost 30 years old, continues to collapse without the participation of vandals, “the ministry said. On behalf of the head of the regional headquarters of the TFR, Vladimir Terentyev, a check of information about the desecration of the memorial was organized. The Crimean War began in the fall of 1853. A year later, the armed forces of France, England, Turkey and Italy blocked the Russian fleet off the coast of the Crimean peninsula. During the siege of

The miner pointed out another violation in the operation of the Listvyazhnaya mine

Former employee of Listvyazhnaya Sergeev: the sensors for finding people did not work at the mine Former employee of the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region pointed out another violation in her work. This was reported by Komsomolskaya Pravda. Sergeev worked at the mine about five years ago. According to him, the sensors for finding people were not working there, with the help of which the dispatcher can track the miner when he goes down into the mine. He believes that devices were installed in “Listvyazhnaya” either for beauty, or were absent altogether. “Otherwise, during the rescue operation it would have been clear where the people are and whether they are still alive, all movements are registered”, – he said.

Eight-year-old Russian dies in hospital after complaining of abdominal pain

In Vladivostok, an eight-year-old boy died in a hospital, a criminal case was initiated In Vladivostok, the Investigative Committee opened a 2 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) after the death in the hospital of an eight-year-old boy who complained of abdominal pain. This was reported on the website of the department of the Primorsky Territory. The boy's relatives are sure that he was given an inaccurate diagnosis. On November 29, his older sister told about what happened to the child on Instagram. According to the Russian woman, the boy became ill on the afternoon of November 13, but he was admitted to the hospital only in the evening. She claims that an ambulance was called at 15:00, but at first the doctors refused to walk to the ninth floor because the elevator did not work. As a result, they went up to the patient,

The baby gained fame because of the resemblance to Kate Middleton and too thick hair

18-month-old Alana from England gained fame due to her resemblance to the Duchess of Cambridge with the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine and too thick hair. The relevant material is cited by The Sun. 23-year-old mother of 18-month-old Alana Wilkes Mia admitted that passers-by often stop her on the street while walking to compliment the child about her curls. In addition, she stressed that many notice the girl's similarity with Kate Middleton. Mia and her 25-year-old husband Emerson Beecher explain Alana's unusual appearance with their exotic genes, but the couple did not indicate their exact race. “Just two days after she was born, I had to pull her hair into ponytails because there were too many of them,” the woman shared. Mia emphasized that she had never cut a girl's hair. She noted that Alana loves to wash and comb her hair, so she and her husband let her take care

FSB conducted a special operation in Adygea to capture terrorist propagandists

FSB officers detained two terrorist supporters in Adygea In Adygea, FSB officers detained two local residents on suspicion of terrorist propaganda. This was reported to “” by a source in law enforcement agencies. According to him, the special services carried out a special operation in the Koshekhablsky district of the republic. As a result of searches in the places of residence of the suspects, literature with extremist content and electronic media relevant to the criminal case were seized. Men are being investigated under Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Public calls for terrorist activities, public acquittal terrorism or propaganda of terrorism “) At the request of the investigation, the persons involved were taken into custody.

Russia commented on the possibility of closing Egypt for tourists

Vice President of ATOR Gorin: the closure of Egypt due to the omicron strain is unlikely Vice President of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Gorin said there are currently no recommendations or restrictions on travel to Egypt for tourists. He commented on the likelihood of a possible closure of the country on the air of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, the radio station's Telegram channel reports. Gorin noted that tour operators and tourists are used to planning travel in conditions of uncertainty. However, the vice president doubts that Egypt may close to Russians due to the spread of the omicron strain of the coronavirus. “So far, there is no information about the presence of a new strain in Egypt, as well as in other popular countries. There is information only about South Africa, but before the pandemic there were no regular flights with this country, ”Gorin added. Earlier in

Putin changed the procedure for registering cars for sale

A decree was signed on changing the procedure for registering cars for sale abroad for their sale abroad. Under the new regulation, the base vehicle and chassis will not need to be registered separately. The relevant information is published on the portal of legal information. The text also notes that within ten days from the date of purchase, it is allowed to distill cars without registration. Earlier, Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin said about that parliamentarians will consider the issue of introducing criminal liability for persistent violators of traffic rules.