Russians warned about changes in laws from December 1

In the Russian Federation, payments for a part of pensioners will increase from December and flights with a number of countries will resume … In particular, extrajudicial blocking of fraudulent sites will be introduced, free access to socially significant portals will appear, the fight against “gray” corporate SIM-cards will enter the active phase, and a pilot project on a new system of medical salaries will be launched and air traffic will open to new countries. Read more about this in the material “”. Fraudulent sites will begin to block out of court From December 1, this procedure will take only a few days, and not months, as before. The corresponding law was signed in summer by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Bank of Russia will send lists of fraudulent websites to the Prosecutor General's Office, which, in turn, will issue Roskomnadzor orders to block them out of court. Access to

WHO urged not to “punish” countries that have discovered the omicron strain

WHO Chief Ghebreyesus: States must take rational action against the omicron strain “Punish” countries that have discovered the omicron strain of the coronavirus, and take rational and proportionate measures to combat the spread of the infection. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “I well understand the desire of all countries to protect their citizens from a strain that we still do not fully understand. But I am also concerned that some member states are introducing drastic, general measures that are not factual and ineffective, and that will only exacerbate inequalities, ”Ghebreyesus emphasized. Related Content 00:01 – September 8 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/bebeb32662e05172c359a9e82ab17040.jpg" /> “The lack of vaccines is a shame” The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 17: 19 – 27 November ? He recommended taking measures to reduce the risk of spreading infection in accordance with the

Psychiatrist revealed the dangers of antidepressants

Psychiatrist Savenko: taking antidepressants without a doctor's prescription leads to anxiety and suicide Psychiatrist, President of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia the use of antidepressants is dangerous. According to him, self-administration of such drugs without a doctor's prescription threatens to disrupt the physical and spiritual condition of a person, writes URA.RU. Savenko stressed that antidepressants should be prescribed by a “narrow specialist” – a psychiatrist. According to him, it is important to know the contraindications for taking specific drugs, since the combination of psychotropic drugs is “a whole complex science.” The expert revealed the danger of antidepressants: their use in some cases leads to anxiety and suicide. “Depression is fraught with suicidal risks and extreme actions, when a person in such a state of mind can meet danger. There are latent, hidden, disguised depressions under the guise of something harmless, somatic, ordinary. And self-medication can blur the picture even

19-year-old blogger complained about her mother overshadowing her beauty

The American showed her mother, whose appearance, in her opinion, overshadows her beauty which, in her opinion, overshadows her own beauty. The Sun reporters drew attention to the corresponding video on TikTok. 19-year-old Jess from Florida, known under the nickname jessfiorillo, posted a video on the social network, in the beginning of which she shows her face in close-up. “Why is my mom more beautiful than me?” – read the inscription superimposed on the frames. Next, the girl showed her parent Jill. The woman posed in a white jumpsuit with a cleavage and loose blond hair on the open veranda of the building. “Jill is the best MILF,” Jess signed her post, but did not indicate the exact age of her mother. The American video went viral and gained about 10 thousand views. Netizens began to speculate about the appearance of both heroines of the material. “It's simple … She

Aksyonov appreciated Lukashenka's plans to visit Crimea

The head of Crimea Aksenov positively assessed the plans of the leader of Belarus Lukashenko to visit the region Crimean residents will be happy to see Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on the peninsula, said Russian region Sergei Aksyonov in his Telegram channel. According to him, the decision of the leader of Belarus to visit the peninsula corresponds to the spirit of fraternal relations. Aksenov expressed confidence that the guest will be able to appreciate the unique nature of Crimea, monuments of history and culture, hospitality. “This visit will open up tremendous opportunities in terms of developing relations between Belarus and Crimea,” he gave a positive assessment to Lukashenko's idea. Earlier, Lukashenko said that he plans to visit the Russian region by agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He recalled that the peninsula became de facto and de jure Russian after the 2014 referendum. Lukashenko stressed that his visit would mean

Lukashenko spoke about flights to a Belarusian sanatorium in Crimea

Alexander Lukashenko: Belavia will be able to take Belarusian citizens to a sanatorium in Crimea Belarusian airline Belavia will fly to Crimea when Minsk will have a need for this. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti. He announced the potential for launching Belavia flights to the peninsula and complained that they could not be sent there through Ukraine. “Twice, probably, the circle or one and a half will be further,” Lukashenko explained. The head of state also spoke about the Belarusian sanatorium, which is located in Crimea, and stressed that Minsk is ready to send its citizens there … “Listen, our hands are free,” the president noted. Earlier, Lukashenko admitted that Crimea is de facto and de jure a territory of Russia, and added that he was going to visit the peninsula. According to him, on this score he already has an

NATO Secretary General called the condition for Ukraine's entry into the alliance

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: Ukraine will join the alliance if all 30 member countries support it NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has named Ukraine's entry into the alliance. According to him, this will happen if all 30 member states support such a decision, but Russia cannot interfere in this process, TASS reports. The Secretary General noted that the organization supports Kiev on the path to membership and Euro-Atlantic integration , including through reforms, fighting corruption, strengthening defense and security systems to meet accepted standards. “This should be a decision of 30 member states, a consensus is needed to expand the alliance. Russia has no right to interfere in this process, since Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state … This issue can be resolved by Ukraine and the NATO countries, Russia has no veto right, “Stoltenberg emphasized. Earlier, the NATO Secretary General said, that the alliance does not know Russia's

Fraudsters stole an apartment from a Russian in a new building

In Volgograd, swindlers who sold housing on fake documents will be tried … A man lost square meters in a new building through the fault of swindlers: they forged housing documents and resold it to a 62-year-old pensioner. This was reported on the website of the regional prosecutor's office. As the investigators found out, two residents of the region – 46-year-old and 53-year-old – in 2019 forged an agreement on equity participation in construction and an agreement on the assignment of claim rights, thus registering the right ownership of a two-room apartment in the Volgograd new building. Subsequently, they sold the property to a pensioner for 3.1 million rubles. Over time, the real owner of the apartment found out that the square meters had been stolen, and went to court with a claim to return the property. The fictitiousness of the documents, according to which the apartment was re-sold, was