Society stability

Society stability Political analyst Alexei Chesnakov — the order, safety and feasibility of the interests of the majority. Criticism of “Putin’s stability”, which is increasingly possible to hear from the opponents of the government, and sometimes looks bright. However, this brightness does not make it more convincing. Especially in the case of claims to this stability look like a collection of banal cliches. That reaction to this criticism is necessary, no doubt. There is a question: which is preferable — to show the vacuity of these cliches or not to spend time on “defense” and immediately offer an alternative explanation? However, there are both. Let’s start with the fact that traditionally turns out in Russia best. With a critique of the critics. With criticism inaccurate and extremely harmful opposition to the stability of the development. All the more so among ready to bite on this propaganda bait are consistent supporters

The Ministry of labor reported inability to increase the population due to birth rate

The Ministry of labor reported inability to increase the population due to birth rate According to the head of the Agency in the coming years in Russia, the number of women of reproductive age will decrease by more than a quarter and the situation with birth rate in the country improves. The birth rate in Russia is insufficient to ensure population growth, and in the coming years the situation will only get worse, warned the head of the Ministry of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin. “The birth rate today is not the factor, not the instrument and not the element of the demographic policy, which can give the increase of the population,” the Minister stated (quoted by “RIA Novosti”) on the forum of the Russian popular front (onf). According to Topilin, in the coming years the number of people living in Russia of women of childbearing age will decline

Naryshkin said the threat of transfer to terrorist activity in Central Asia and Russia

Director of the foreign intelligence Service of Russia Sergei Naryshkin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. The terrorist group was defeated in Syria, you can try to transfer the activity to the countries of Central Asia and several regions of Russia. This assessment gave the Director of the foreign intelligence Service of Russia Sergei Naryshkin, speaking Tuesday at a meeting of the Council of heads of security bodies and special services of the CIS countries.

Peskov said the “Imperial nature” of the new strategy of national security of the USA

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. The new national security strategy of the USA is Imperial in nature and shows a persistent unwillingness to abandon a unipolar world. This opinion was expressed to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “A cursory reading [of the strategy], particularly those parts that somehow referred to our country as a whole [shows that] there is the Imperial character of the document, there is a reluctance to abandon a unipolar world, and a persistent unwillingness, rejection of a multipolar world”, – said Peskov.

The head of the FSB was announced by the terrorist tactic of “Autonomous Jihad”

The head of the FSB was announced by the terrorist tactic of “Autonomous Jihad” Alexander Bortnikov also said that international terrorists are changing their main base. However, they continue to threaten the countries of the CIS. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Speaking at the meeting of the Council of heads of security bodies and special services of the CIS, Bortnikov said that the terrorists change their pattern of their actions, and now rely on the tactic of “Autonomous Jihad”, reports the Agency “RIA Novosti”. As explained by the Director of the FSB, leaders of international terrorist organizations focus their supporters on the killing of civilians, law enforcement officers. Their goals are the urban and social infrastructure. Bortnikov also said that after the defeat in Syria and Iraq, terrorist organizations send their forces beyond the Middle East, particularly in Afghanistan. From there, they threaten including CIS, penetrating through the border with forged or false documents,

Media: North Korea refuses to dialogue with the United States over its nuclear program

Media: North Korea refuses to dialogue with the United States over its nuclear program PYONGYANG, December 19. /TASS/. The DPRK rejected the proposal by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson about the beginning of bilateral dialogue without preconditions. This is stated in the commentary, which publishes 19 December, the newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “Offering us talks, the United States thus want to pass on Pyongyang the responsibility for the worsening situation on the Korean Peninsula”, — emphasizes the newspaper. According to the authors, Washington wants to use this waiver in order to “create in the UN Security Council prepared to adopt a new sanctions resolution against the DPRK, including its naval blockade”. “Our position remains unchanged: we will continue to strengthen its own nuclear forces,” — concludes the newspaper. Tillerson 12 Dec announced its readiness to dialogue with Pyongyang “without preconditions.” A few days later he said that the U.S.

The government sent to pension payments in 2018 7 billion rubles

The government sent to pension payments in 2018 7 billion rubles Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the allocation in 2018 of interbudgetary transfers to the regions for the payment of the regional social payments to pensions, reports the website of the Russian government. “Signed by order approved the allocation in 2018 of interbudgetary transfers to budgets of 13 of the Federation on payment surcharges in the amount of 7085,7 million rubles”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the total number of recipients of payments will be about 424,6 thousand. The average size of the bonuses — from 2 thousand to 8 351,4 414,2 thousand rubles.

The USA officially accused North Korea the spread of the virus WannaCry

The USA officially accused North Korea the spread of the virus WannaCry Moscow. 19 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — USA, Korea filed formal charges WannaCry spread of the virus that struck in may of this year thousands of computers around the world; this statement was made assistant to the President for security Affairs Thomas Bossert in an article published Monday in the Wall Street Journal. “After a thorough investigation, the United States officially blamed for a massive attack of the virus WannaCry on North Korea”, — says the publication. Bossert refers to the findings of the British secret service and Microsoft, which also suggest that the hackers are the government of the DPRK. According to him, the US President Donald trump will take all necessary measures in order to convince the authorities of other countries to repel the North Korean threat to cyber security, and intends to seek new sanctions against Pyongyang

Towards elections made by the initiative group

Towards elections made by the initiative group Vladimir Putin is preparing to nominate for President. According to “Kommersant”, on Tuesday evening a meeting of supporters of Vladimir Putin, who will take the decision on creation of initiative group for his nomination for the presidency. Members of the initiative group may be co-Chairman of the Central headquarters of the popular front Stanislav Govorukhin, singer Nikolay Rastorguev, doctor Leo Bokeria. Some regions have already started to form campaign headquarters under the leadership of governors and Vice-governors, in the Crimea it will be headed by the head of the Republic Sergey Aksenov. Monday officially started the election campaign before the presidential elections that will be held on March 18. On December 19 Vladimir Putin, which will go on elections as the independent candidate, will take part in the annual final forum of the popular front “Russia looking into the future”. As expected, the

The banks will share with the security of biometrics of citizens

The banks will share with the security of biometrics of citizens Biometric system — part of the process of remote identification of the Russians, which will allow them to obtain financial and other services online. The system should work so: the client is the primary identity — at the Bank, with a passport. The Bank sends its data to a Single system of identification and authentication (portal), takes off on video his face and records the voice. These data will be stored in the biometric system, and the client will be able to apply for online service of any Bank, he will only need to enter the username and password of an account on the portal, then the code from the SMS and using the camera on your computer or phone to transfer data voice and face for verification. The operator of a biometric system will provide the interior Ministry