Zhirinovsky introduces a bill to repeal article 282 of the criminal code on the incitement of hatred and enmity

Zhirinovsky introduces a bill to repeal article 282 of the criminal code on the incitement of hatred and enmity MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The deputies of the liberal democratic party headed by its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky has developed and will submit a draft law on abrogation of article 282 of the Russian Criminal code (“inciting hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity”). TASS reported on 11 January, the press service of the Duma of the liberal Democrats. Developers are reminded that “article 282 of the criminal code establishes liability not only for propaganda or agitation, but for any actions aimed at the incitement of hatred or enmity, and also on humiliation of dignity of a person or group of persons on grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion or membership of a particular social group.” While offences acts committed in public or using the media or

Campaign headquarters Sobchak in St. Petersburg gathered over 2,500 signatures in support of the

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from party “Civil initiative” Ksenia Sobchak © Yegor Aleev/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, 10 Jan. /TASS/. Activists of the headquarters of supporters of Ksenia Sobchak in St. Petersburg were able to collect over 2,500 signatures in support of nomination of its candidate for the presidential election. TASS said Wednesday the coordinator of staff Nikolai Artemenko.

Putin’s campaign headquarters was headed by academician of the RAS, General Director of “KAMAZ” and the head of the “Sirius”

The head of the center “Sirius” Elena Shmeleva and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. The co-chairs of the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin, who is running for another presidential term in elections in March 2018, became the head of the center of gifted children “Sirius” Elena Shmelev, General Director of “KAMAZ” Sergey Kogogin and Director General of the Center. Dmitry Rogachev Alexander Rumyantsev.

Putin handed a sweatshirt with the logo of his campaign staff

© Alexei Druzhinin/TASS MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Volunteers gave Vladimir Putin a sweatshirt with the logo of the campaign headquarters during a visit by the candidate in presidents of Russia Gostiny Dvor in Moscow. “I want to give you our signature hoodie. It will remain to you as a memory of this election campaign,” Putin said one of the volunteers handing a souvenir. Putin noted that he could not wear this thing, because it says his name: “I will not Wear, but in memory”, – said the candidate in presidents of Russia. Speaking to volunteers, Putin said that they “have good experience of working with people”. “You have kind eyes and this is important because the trust that a person is in communion, is most important in life. And in this case, which we in these days do, this is especially important,” he said. In the end, Putin thanked the

USA has included Russia in the group of dangerous for travel States

USA has included Russia in the group of dangerous for travel States A website with an interactive map for travelers presented the U.S. state Department. The portal contains an interactive map where all countries are divided into levels of security for traveling Americans. Russia is included in the third group of States, visits are “necessary to revise”, it is reported by “RIA Novosti”. There are a total of four groups. In the first, the most prosperous, in terms of visits by citizens of the United States, were the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe and almost all the former republics of the Soviet Union. In the second group of States where Americans should observe extreme caution. The third category — countries that Americans “need to revise”, it is Russia. The “neighbors” of the Russian Federation in the group called, in particular, Niger, Chad, Turkey and Pakistan, reports channel “Star”. Afghanistan,

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ecuador has not confirmed the granting of citizenship to Assange

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ecuador has not confirmed the granting of citizenship to Assange TASS, 10 Jan. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ecuador said Wednesday that it does not intend to comment on the rumors after in mass media there was information on granting citizenship of the Republic of the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange. “Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ecuador once again said he would not comment on speculation, distorted or taken out of context information in this case”, — the document says. Earlier, the Universo newspaper reported that Assange living in the Embassy of Ecuador in London, has received the identity card of the citizen of this South American Republic. According to the newspaper, he also was issued Ecuadorian passports. In a statement, the foreign Ministry stressed that it “continues to seek a solution to the case of the citizen Julian Assange in strict accordance

Julian Assange has been granted citizenship of Ecuador

Julian Assange has been granted citizenship of Ecuador Ecuador issued a passport to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, writes portal El Universo. The document is the code of the Ecuadorian province of Pichincha. According to the publication, compliance with the registration number of the passport is confirmed by the data of the Tax service of Ecuador. It is noted that any other information on the new citizen in the institution’s database no. Assange himself for five years hiding in the Embassy of Ecuador in London for fear of extradition by Swedish authorities in the United States in connection with his activities in WikiLeaks. But now the Embassy is looking for a mediator to evict Assange. The Embassy is negotiating with Britain. A mediator can be a third country or an individual. pic.twitter.com/LB5jzQmJLb — Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) 10 Jan 2018 During the download an error has occurred.

Representatives of various professions was among the confidants of Putin

Co-Chairman of the election headquarters of Vladimir Putin, head of the center for gifted children “Sirius” Elena Shmeleva © Alexei Druzhinin//TASS MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Singer Polina Gagarina, head of the Executive Committee of the popular front Alexey Anisimov, cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev and the head of the movement “Victory Volunteers” Olga Emelchenkova is among the trusted persons of the candidate in presidents of Russia of Vladimir Putin. This was announced on Wednesday, TASS the head of the educational center “Sirius”, the co-Chairman of Putin’s election staff Elena Shmeleva.

Zhirinovsky introduces a bill to repeal article 282 of the criminal code on the incitement of hatred and enmity

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. The deputies of the liberal democratic party headed by its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky has developed and will submit a draft law on abrogation of article 282 of the Russian Criminal code (“inciting hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity”). TASS reported on 11 January, the press service of the Duma of the liberal Democrats.

Putin’s campaign headquarters was headed by three co-chairs

© Alexei Druzhinin/TASS MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who intends to participate in presidential elections on March 18, 2018 as an independent candidate, visited on Wednesday his campaign headquarters, where he met with its co-chairs and spoke with volunteers collecting signatures of citizens. The staff at Gostiny Dvor Putin’s campaign headquarters is located at Gostiny Dvor, located near the Kremlin, a monument of architecture, one of the largest exhibition centres and shopping area. During the last election campaign, in which Putin was part of the “United Russia”, its headquarters are in the city hall building on Novy Arbat, where this time will act in the public reception of the candidate. In addition, as explained to journalists one of the co-chairmen of the headquarters of the Elena Shmeleva, to contact election headquarters will include a telephone “hot line”, there is also the discovery site of the candidate. Shmeleva