North Korea decided to make the road toll

North Korea decided to make the road toll Roads in North Korea will be paid from January 20, including a Hiking route Pyongyang — Wonsan. This is stated in the message of the Russian Embassy in the DPRK hosted on the website of the Embassy in Facebook. “On the main highways of the country are established toll-gates”, — said in the text. In the Russian Embassy noted that now “the country in the summer to ride with the breeze from the North Korean capital to vaninskogo beach on the coast of Japanese (East) sea, will have to pay for his car eight Euro (two way)”. The diplomatic mission noted that innovation “refers not only to Russians, but also other foreigners and local owners “iron horses””. January 16, North Korea began to advertise new models of cars. About it reported in a press release of the Embassy of the DPRK, arrived

The Kosovo police has announced a reward for information about the killers Ivanovich

The Kosovo police has announced a reward for information about the killers Ivanovich Police self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo has a reward of €10 thousand for murder of the Serbian politician Oliver Ivanovic. Militiamen are ready to pay such amount to those who can provide information that can help to locate the culprit, reports “RIA Novosti”. The Agency also reports that, according to doctors, he has died after receiving six gunshot wounds. The bullets were fired from a pistol of Yugoslav production. As reported by the portal the President of Serbia Aleksandar vučić said earlier that is considering the murder Ivanovich as a terrorist act. Ivanovic was one of the leaders of the Kosovo Serbs. In 2014, in Kosovo, he was accused of war crimes against the civilian population. In 2016, the politician was sentenced to nine years in prison, but in February of 2017 the decision of the court

The CEC considered all the applications of presidential candidates

© Cyril Kuhmar/TASS MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia at the meeting of January 16, considered the question of the nomination for the presidential elections of the last three candidates, following the nomination of election campaign continued the 17 contenders for the highest office. “We finished the procedure of reviewing the submitted documents, can no longer anyone to be. According to court unless someone is restored, but I of new applications [to the court] does not see”, – said journalists the Deputy Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev.

Russia is counting on a thorough investigation of the assassination of Serbian policy in Kosovo

© AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russia strongly condemns the murder of a Serb politician, Oliver Ivanovic, Kosovo and looked forward to its thorough investigation. This was stated on Tuesday at the foreign Ministry. “I was saddened to learn about the murder of 16 January, a famous politician, Oliver Ivanovic, one of the leaders of the Serbs living in the North of the Autonomous province of Kosovo – said in comments to Russian depodesta. – We Express our deep condolences to his family and friends”. Moscow “decisively condemns this dastardly act”, the Ministry noted. “The settling of political scores in this way is fraught with the growth of the atmosphere of terror, the re-emergence of the ethnic conflict in the region, – stressed in the foreign Ministry. – Call upon the entire international presence in Kosovo in accordance with the existing mandates, to take exhaustive measures to prevent

To support the participation of Putin in the elections has collected over a million signatures

To support the participation of Putin in the elections has collected over a million signatures In the election headquarters decided to continue collecting signatures and to “give an opportunity for everyone to Express their support for the candidate” for the presidency. MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. More than 1 million voter signatures collected in support of Vladimir Putin, who is involved in the Russian presidential elections as an independent candidate. This was reported on Tuesday to journalists in the electoral headquarters of the candidate. “As of January 16, in support of the nomination of Vladimir Putin for President of the Russian Federation received 1 001 459 signatures”, — have informed in a staff. It stressed: despite the fact that candidate registration the CEC requires 300 thousand signatures “of the electoral headquarters of the candidate decided not to stop collecting and give an opportunity for everyone to Express their support for the

Demographic editor

Demographic editor Governors recommended the adoption of further measures to increase the birth rate. The regional authorities should take action to increase the birth rate in addition to applicable Federal. The labour Ministry has written to the governors letter with the recommendations. Talking about additional cash payments, for example, the regional maternity capital, improvement of living conditions for families, creating a 12-hour kindergartens. And the measures should be applied to all families regardless of income. Additional support is needed, as in the last two years, the falling birth rate and demographic situation may worsen, officials note. About the need to take additional measures to increase the birth rate said in the draft guidelines, prepared by the Ministry. The Agency has already sent them to the regions (a letter signed by the first Deputy Minister Alexei Vovchenko at the disposal of “Izvestia”). Based on recommendations, government entities needs to determine the

Medvedev: robotics will lead to higher salaries

Medvedev: robotics will lead to higher salaries Robotics will help to overcome the labor shortage in Russia, and also to raise the salaries of already employed citizens, said the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He stated this today, January 16, in the framework of the Gaidar forum, the correspondent Indicator.Ru. “It is believed that the increase in unemployment is the direct and inevitable consequence of automation and robotics, — said Medvedev. — New technologies, for example, can help to cope with the shortage of labor in those countries where this is relevant, including, by the way, in our country. Russia because of the consequences of decreasing birth rates in the near future, will indeed experience such problems. And robotics, automation in this case, can play a positive role in the labour market, not to boost unemployment, but rather to create the conditions for increased productivity and reasonable wage growth,” — said

Killed in Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic

Killed in Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic Moscow. 16 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — One of Kosovo Serb leaders, the head of the movement “Freedom, democracy, truth,” Oliver Ivanovic killed in Kosovo, the Associated Press reports. The 64-year-old politician was shot when he entered the building his party in Kosovska Mitrovica at 8:10 am local time. Attorney Ivanovich Nebojsa, Vlajic said: “He received five bullet wounds, he was immediately transported to the hospital, but doctors were unable to save him”. As said the doctors, the policy was impossible to save because of “multiple wounds in the upper torso”. In connection with the murder of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has called an emergency meeting of the security Council of the country. About an hour after the murder on the streets of the city were found the burned car, which, according to the police, could be used for crime. Oliver Ivanovich in 2008-2012

WSJ: the Pentagon is developing new nuclear weapons in response to the strengthening of Russia and China

WSJ: the Pentagon is developing new nuclear weapons in response to the strengthening of Russia and China The U.S. Department of defense is developing two new units of strategic nuclear weapons, reported the newspaper the Wall Street Journal. According to the publication, this will be done as part of the updated state policy of the United States for the reaction at strengthening the military capabilities of Russia and China. New weapons, according to the newspaper, will be placed on submarines nuclear warheads of low power, which may be a charge for ballistic missiles Trident II. The second development unit should become a cruise missile of sea basing also is equipped with nuclear warheads. The WSJ notes that the same unit was present in the nuclear Arsenal of the United States in 2010. New US nuclear strategy, revised in the direction of amplification, President Donald trump instructed to develop almost a