The Federation Council has denied the preparation of sanctions against foreign sports officials

Deputy Chairman of Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Andrey Klimov © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. The head of the temporary Commission of the Federation Council for the protection of Gouverneto and to prevent interference in the internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrey Klimov has denied reports that the upper house of Parliament preparing sanctions for international sporting officials involved in the removal of Russia from the Olympic games 2018 in Pyeongchang. On the eve of the publication RBK reported that the Federation Council has prepared a preliminary version of the list involved in the removal of Russia from the Olympics-2018 persons can be extended the sanctions. In such a list, according to the publication, can be included the head of the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) Craig reedy, spectracolor USA Robert Mueller, the head of the Commission WADA to investigate allegations of doping frauds in the

Russian foreign Ministry: US statement on the failure of Russia to the sanctions against the DPRK are not justified

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Morgulov © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS NEW DELHI, January 18. /TASS/. Statements by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson about the failure of Moscow, the sanctions against Pyongyang are completely untrue, the Russian Federation fulfills its obligations in full. This was stated on Thursday in an interview with TASS Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Igor Morgulov.

Trump has published a rating of “fake media”

Trump has published a rating of “fake media” TASS, January 18. The US President Donald trump has published a list of “winners” of this makeshift “award” for the “fake media”. This information was published on the website of the Republican party. Trump included in the rating of “fake media” newspaper The New York Times and the Washington Post, ABC and CNN TV channels, magazines Time and Newsweek. Stories CNN received four of the eleven spots on the list of the trump. In the last, eleventh paragraph of the rating trump put the scandal with his alleged links with Russia. “And last but not least: “Russian conspiracy!” Russian conspiracy is perhaps the greatest hoax created for (deception — approx. TASS) the American people. Conspiracy does not exist!” — said in the text. Trump repeatedly openly stated that most of the American media deliberately acts against him by publishing false information. He

The Minister of defense said there was no plan for war with North Korea

The Minister of defense said there was no plan for war with North Korea TOKYO, January 18. /TASS/. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis said that Washington has a plan of war with the DPRK. As reported on Thursday, news Agency Kyodo, he said this during conversations at the dinner before the meeting in Vancouver a meeting of foreign Ministers of a number of the country on the situation on the Korean Peninsula. “The US is preparing. We have a plan for war,” said Mattis, answering the question about the U.S. approach to North Korea, which is actively promoting its nuclear missile program. At the same time the Pentagon chief has reportedly said that while the priority is given to a peaceful solution through diplomatic efforts. At the same dinner, with the presence of, in particular, Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, foreign Minister Taro Kono and other

Train US forces in Syria are not “new army,” said the Pentagon

Train US forces in Syria are not “new army,” said the Pentagon WASHINGTON, 18 Jan — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The Pentagon claims that the forces in Syria that are training US, are not “new army or border police”. “The U.S. continues to train local security forces in Syria. Training is aimed at enhancing the security of refugees returning to a destroyed city. It is also important that IG* are unable to reappear in the liberated and unmanaged areas. This is not a new “army” or the traditional power of the “border guard”, — said the press service of the Pentagon. “Workout data and power in accordance with the objectives of the campaign for the final defeat of the IG* help the efforts to stabilize and create conditions in support of the Geneva process under the auspices of the UN,” according to the Pentagon. “These security forces are focused on

Trump spoke out with accusations against Russia over the DPRK

Trump spoke out with accusations against Russia over the DPRK The US President Donald trump said that Russia is helping the DPRK to “circumvent” international sanctions, Reuters reports. Previously, the Agency with reference to sources reported that the Russian tankers of not less than three times supplied fuel to North Korea in violation of international sanctions. He added that Russia for its actions back to zero all the results achieved with the help of China. After another missile test of the DPRK, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley has called on all countries to sever ties with the DPRK and stop the country’s oil supplies. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the US call to break ties with the DPRK, said that we should concentrate on finding a solution to the problem.

Putin promised to allocate an additional small towns 5 billion

Putin promised to allocate an additional small towns 5 billion The President of Russia Vladimir Putin promised to allocate an additional 5 billion roubles to small towns on the formation of a comfortable urban environment. The correspondent reports about it “Газеты.Ru”. The head of state noted that not all the money reached the small towns. Earlier, the Minister of construction and housing of Russia Mikhail Men reported that the creation of a comfortable urban environment in small towns the Ministry of construction will ask an additional 5 billion rubles from the Federal budget. “Because the division has already begun, will not cheat, scroll to additional 5 billion rubles”, — Putin said at the forum of small towns and historic settlements. According to him, the small towns will be allocated 30-100 million rubles, and the historic settlements — 50 million rubles. In turn, the Men said that regulation is already there,

The United States will remain in Syria until the final defeat of ISIS*, said Tillerson

The United States will remain in Syria until the final defeat of ISIS*, said Tillerson WASHINGTON, 17 Jan — RIA Novosti. The United States will maintain a presence in Syria until the final defeat of the terrorist group ISIS*, said U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. “The United States will maintain a military presence in Syria focused on ISIS* do not re-emerged. Our presence will be based on certain conditions,” said Tillerson, speaking at Stanford University in California. Broadcast performances led the Department of state’s website. “IG* one already in the grave, and our military presence until then, until it is finally defeated, will ensure that it gets there and the other leg,” added Tillerson. *Banned in Russia as a terrorist organization

Moscow will respond to a mirror, if the United States will maintain measures against the Russian media

© REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan WASHINGTON, January 17. /TASS/. Moscow intends to meet the mirror, if the United States continues to apply restrictive measures against the Russian press. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday statement, the Russian Embassy in the United States. “If restrictive measures against the press will continue, we will reply mirror. Always will be, whatever sanctions we do not threatened”, – said in the text released on the official website of the Embassy in Facebook. “The other day – January 13 – Russian journalists celebrated their professional holiday. In the U.S. this event for them was overshadowed by another decision of the authorities be forced to register as a foreign agent, another organization which serves the Russian media. We see this as the failure of the West to fair competition in the information field. The desire to deprive citizens of access to alternative opinion, the rejection