Lavrov: the law on the reintegration of Donbass crosses the Minsk agreements

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS NEW YORK, January 19. /TASS/. The law on the reintegration of Donbass crosses the Minsk agreement, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference at the UN. The “law on reintegration, if approached from a legal standpoint, negates the Minsk agreement, which was unanimously approved by the UN Security Council in a resolution adopted a few days after the meeting of four leaders of the “Norman format” in Minsk”, – he said.

The Turks were transferred to Syria for dealing with s-400

The Turks were transferred to Syria for dealing with s-400 Turkish electronic warfare (EW) Koral noticed in the border areas near the town of Afrin in the North Syrian province of Aleppo. The photograph system, Friday, January 19, publishes Telegram channel 338. The complex is likely to be involved in the attack on Turkish military positions of armed groups of the Syrian Kurds of the YPG, affiliated with the outlawed Turkey Kurdistan workers ‘ party. Koral test, developed by the Turkish company Aselsan has started in 2009, was held since 2013. The first sample was transferred to the Turkish air force in February 2016. It was noted that the complex will create noise and impulse noise in a wide frequency range. In particular, according to the developers, Koral is able to neutralize the action of the ground anti-aircraft missile systems, medium and long range, including the Russian s-400 “Triumph” at

Zhirinovsky accused Grudinina in a political fraud

Zhirinovsky accused Grudinina in a political fraud The LDPR leader also said that the presidential candidate from the Communist party is “more of a oligarchy than a Communist.” MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. The presidential candidate of the Russian Federation, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky accused his opponent in the election campaign of the candidate in presidents from the Communist party Pavel Grudinina, political fraud, noting that he is more oligarchy than a Communist. This is a political fraud. Do not lie that you are Communists, socialists, their candidate — capitalist and oligarch. Reset its name, discard Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Brezhnev, and say that you will live like Cherkizovsky market.Vladimir Zhirinovsky Thus the leader of LDPR sure Grudinin not survive the election of the revelations, and “quit”. “Billionaire — stay a billionaire. It is not necessary to deceive voters and to go on elections of the President, is a bad

Pentagon promises to severely punish those “threatening American democracy”

Pentagon promises to severely punish those “threatening American democracy” WASHINGTON, 19 Jan — RIA Novosti. Washington warns that the threat to American democracy would be severely punished, said Friday the head of the defence Department of the USA James Mattis. “Those who would threaten the experiment of American democracy: if you test us, it will be your longest and most difficult day. Work with our diplomats.. you don’t want to deal with the defence Ministry,” said Mattis, representing the National defense strategy of the United States.

To support the participation of Putin in the presidential elections collected over 1.5 million signatures

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. More than 1.5 million signatures collected in support of nomination for the post of President of Russia Vladimir Putin, participating in the presidential elections as an independent candidate. This was reported on Friday to journalists the co-Chairman of Putin’s election headquarters Sergei Kogogin. “Today, collected 1 million 503 thousand 781 signature on the signature sheets”, – he informed, noting that over the past two weeks (the collection of signatures in support of Putin started on the 5th of January – approx. TASS) “managed to collect five times more signatures than required by law.” “Truly nationwide support. Was active subscription campaign, many came [to pass signature] families,” – said Kogoghin, Recalling that the activity of the citizens was due to the additional manufacturing of signature sheets 200 thousand signatures.

The vast majority of Russians trust Putin, the survey showed

The vast majority of Russians trust Putin, the survey showed MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The vast majority of Russians — 78% of respondents trust in the current President, Vladimir Putin, the poll Fund “Public opinion” (FOM). To the question, do they trust the head of state or not, 37% of respondents said that “of course we trust” to the President, and 41% — “rather trust”. A quarter of respondents said that over the last month, the credibility of the first person increased. Overall assessment of Putin, according to FOM, for the last year practically has not changed: 81% of respondents appreciated the work of the President. The public opinion Foundation conducted a survey in 53 subjects of the Russian Federation on January 13-14. It was attended by fifteen hundred respondents from 104 settlements. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%. In March of this year in Russia will

Putin is not planning to take a vacation before the presidential election

Putin is not planning to take a vacation before the presidential election MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin does not plan to take leave until March 18, when the Russian presidential election scheduled, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The President has no plans. By law he is not obliged to do so,” said Sands, answering the question of whether Putin plans to leave before March 18. According to him, the President has a purely electoral activities, but they are few.

Poklonskaya came up with the punishment for parliamentarians for conflict of interest

Poklonskaya came up with the punishment for parliamentarians for conflict of interest Moscow. 19 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Head of the state Duma Commission on control over reliability of data on incomes and expenses of deputies Natalia Poklonskaya, has developed a bill that proposes two kinds of punishment for MPs and senators who have discovered a conflict of interest. “I can’t publish the text (of the bill) while the fraction (“United Russia”) will not Express my opinion,” said Poklonski reporters on Friday. At the same time, she said that the bill proposes to introduce two types of liability for the discovery of the facts of the conflict of interests of deputies and senators of either the publication of information about establishing the actions of a Deputy or Senator of a conflict of interest, or the early termination of Deputy powers. “This gradation depends on the consequences. If the conflict of

Putin discussed with the security Council, the impact of the adoption of the law on the reintegration of Donbass

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of the security Council of the Russian Federation the adoption by Ukraine of the law on the reintegration of Donbass, which could adversely affect the settlement of the internal Ukrainian conflict.

The Russian military will withdraw from Syrian cities before the invasion of the Turks

The Russian military will withdraw from Syrian cities before the invasion of the Turks Russia withdraws its troops from the Syrian city of Afrin in order to avoid clashes with Turkish army units, which are going to start operation against Kurds in Northern Syria. This was stated by defense Minister of Turkey Nurettin Canikli, AMN reports citing the newspaper A Haber. “The threat against Turkey is growing every day. We will conduct this operation and will defeat the terrorists,” — said the politician. According to the Agency Anadolu, currently in ‘afrīn are 8 to 10 thousand fighters of the YPG (militias of the Kurds in the Syrian Kurdistan, affiliated with the outlawed Turkey Kurdistan workers’ party). January 17, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said that Turkey holds consultations with Moscow and Washington over a possible operation in the Syrian city of Afrin against the armed forces of the Syrian