The Pentagon chief said that Turkey had already warned the US about the operation against the Kurds

The Pentagon chief said that Turkey had already warned the US about the operation against the Kurds The Minister of defence James Mattis assured reporters that the U.S. command thinks further action. WASHINGTON, January 22. /TASS/. Turkey pre-warned US that he plans to commit airstrikes in Northern Syria against Washington supported the Kurds from a coalition of “democratic Forces of Syria” (SDS). This was stated to journalists on Sunday by the Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis. “Turkey was Frank. They warned us before sending the aircraft and to do so, consulted with us,” — said the head of the Pentagon, quoted Sunday by Reuters. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces announced on Saturday to launch the operation “Olive branch” against Kurdish groups from units of the “forces of the people’s protection units” (SNA) and the party “Democratic Union” in the area of Afrin, home to

Experts OIG evaluated the activity of the candidates for the post of President of the Russian Federation at the stage of nomination

© Alexander Demyanchuk/TASS MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. Experts of Committee of civil initiatives (CGI), led by Alexei Kudrin, noted the high activity of a candidate during the current presidential campaign, however, I believe low the role of parties in the process. They also pay attention to the quiet campaign “from the point of view of passing the formal legal procedures” and efficiency of actions of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation.

Peskov told about the first meeting with Putin

Peskov told about the first meeting with Putin Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov in interview to the program “actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia-1” told about his first meeting with Vladimir Putin. His words on Sunday, January 21, leads TASS. According to Peskov, the first time the incumbent Russian President, he personally saw in 1999 during the negotiations of Putin, who then held the post of Prime Minister, with the Prime Minister of Turkey Bullentin Agavita. At that meeting Sands acted as a translator from Turkish. “It was quite unique, and I have, by the way, remember this only when he came to Moscow and started working in the presidential administration”, — he explained. This Peskov said that it cannot be called a meeting with Putin, since “when the Prime Minister talks, it is, of course, any attention to the translators doesn’t pay”. He

The UN security Council on Monday will discuss the situation in Syria in connection with the operation of Ankara

The UN security Council on Monday will discuss the situation in Syria in connection with the operation of Ankara The Turkish foreign Minister warns the country of “move to the side of the terrorists.” Moscow. 21 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Member of the UN security Council on Monday 22 January to discuss developments in Syria, said on Sunday foreign Minister of France Jean-Yves Le Drian. “The UN security Council will gather on Monday for consultations on the situation in Syria. France, among others, emphasize the importance of providing access (the Syrians — if) humanitarian aid,” he wrote on Twitter. Jean-Yves Le Drian during his visit to Algeria made an appeal for convening a meeting of the UN security Council in connection with the escalation of tensions in Syria. In turn, the Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose words are quoted by Anadolu, said that if France or any other country will make

Peskov denied the interpretation of his words about the alleged meeting between Putin and Poroshenko

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has denied the interpretation by certain media of his words about the contacts of Russian President Vladimir Putin with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Earlier on Sunday, some publications citing Peskov interview for the program “actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia 1” said that supposedly take place a private meeting between Putin and Poroshenko. “No one of any meetings and did not speak,” – said Peskov in an interview with TASS. “In an interview I said that such meetings were”, – he stressed.

Lavrov: attempts to change Russia’s foreign policy pressure on the elites is futile

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Attempts to change Russia’s foreign policy by putting pressure on the elite and selected companies is futile. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant”, posted by Sunday evening on the newspaper’s website. “The fact that our foreign policy enjoys in society, broad support, in my opinion, the best evidence that an attempt to change foreign policy by putting pressure on the elite and individual companies have no prospects,” Lavrov said, answering a question about the preparation of States reports on sanctions, which can be switched on Russian officials and businessmen. “We have repeatedly said that do not seek any confrontation, – said the Minister. – We believe that sanctions are absolutely groundless in regard to their causes. As for the objectives they aim to achieve, it is also meaningless, because over the

Kadyrov has accused the West of ignoring the crisis in Afghanistan

Kadyrov has accused the West of ignoring the crisis in Afghanistan MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, commenting on the attack of militants on a hotel in Kabul, said that the West ignores the “blood crisis” in Afghanistan, which every year will only get worse. Armed militants entered the Intercontinental Hotel on Saturday evening. TV channel Tolo News reported that the attack, which lasted about 18 hours, was suppressed. In the end, managed to save 126 people, including 41 foreigners. Responsibility for the attack took on a radical movement “Taliban”*, were involved in the attack, five militants of the group. According the source channel Tolo News, the attack killed 43 people, but the interior Ministry confirmed the death of only 18 people. According to the Ministry, among them 14 of the foreigners. “Every day is bloody crisis only deepens, millions of people lost their

The United States hosted the “Women’s March” against Donald trump

The United States hosted the “Women’s March” against Donald trump In Washington, new York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and in about 250 U.S. cities held protests under the name “Women’s March”. The participants criticized U.S. President Donald trump over a policy that, in their opinion, are directed against women. They also encouraged women to participate in elections to Congress, which will take place in November this year. The largest rally was held in Los Angeles — where, at the request of the mayor of the city, on the streets about 600 thousand people, reports Reuters. Mr. trump sarcastically supported the marchers. “Beautiful weather throughout our great country, it is a perfect day for all women to go on the March, — he wrote in Twitter.— Rather go to celebrate milestones and unprecedented achievements in the economy and welfare that have occurred in the last 12 months. Guarantee the lowest female unemployment

Fighters of the Kurdish militia knocked out five Turkish tanks in ‘ Afrīn

Fighters of the Kurdish militia knocked out five Turkish tanks in ‘ Afrīn MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The fighters of the Kurdish YPG militia killed five Turkish tanks in different parts of the Canton of Afrin in the fighting Sunday, said the Kurdish Agency Firat. So, one of the tanks were hit anti-tank missile near the village Kurda district Bilbil (Bilbile). The Agency also released a video of the attack fighters. Was also hit two tanks in the village of Dikmetas district Sentires (Cindires) and two near the town of tel Rifat (Tal Rifat). According to the Agency, in this place are particularly fierce fighting between the Turkish army and the Kurdish militia. During the download an error has occurred. Before the start of Turkey against the Kurdish forces of “operation Olive branch”. Ankara maintains that its actions are directed exclusively on struggle against terrorists. Damascus condemned the

Peskov acknowledged contacts between Putin and Poroshenko, which are not misleading

Peskov acknowledged contacts between Putin and Poroshenko, which are not misleading Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko have contacts that are not reported, said the press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov. “It is a common practice. And when you see the intense labour President’s day, which consists of a dozen different meetings, press conferences, statements, negotiations and so on, this does not mean that this day of the President and limited,” said Sands in the program “actors with Naila Asker-Zade” on TV channel “Russia 1”. According to the press-Secretary of the working day Putin is much more intense and meaningful than TV shows. Peskov acknowledged that Putin’s work schedule has contacts, which the Kremlin said. In response to the question, are there any contacts between Putin and Poroshenko, Peskov replied in the affirmative. “Such meetings take place, which we do not share”, — said