Peskov explained his words about the meeting of Putin and Poroshenko

Peskov explained his words about the meeting of Putin and Poroshenko Press Secretary of the Russian leader said that his statement about non-public contacts, the President wrongly interpreted. Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, said he did not talked about “non-public meetings” of the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko. This is an incorrect interpretation of my words. It was about the working schedule of the President, a very intense overall, which is replete with events, not enduring in the public plane. Contacts between Putin and Poroshenko, I did not.Dmitry Peskov On the eve of the “actors” on the channel “Russia 1” (VGTRK), the spokesman of the Russian President, responding, in particular, on the question of contacts between Russian and Ukrainian leaders, said, “Indeed, have a meeting place that we don’t reported by the media, there are different telephone conversations, which we

Achievements and losses: Trump can be proud of?

Achievements and losses: Trump can be proud of? Anniversary of the presidency in the “shutdown”: while the American Congress adopted the budget, from-for what hundreds of thousands of civil servants have gone on indefinite leave, trump noted the year of his stay in power. What are the achievements and what are the losses we can say during this time? The results of a survey commissioned by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News show: 69 percent of Americans satisfied with the state of the American economy. Simultaneously, another positive indicator for trump and the Republican party — that has reduced the number of supporters of the Democratic party. The Democrats still have majority in Congress. Anyway, trump can be happy with the way he passed his first year in the White house. Although it was difficult, said the managing Director of law firm Marks & Sokolov, Bruce Marx, living in

Saudi princes “dispossessed” at $ 100 billion

Saudi princes “dispossessed” at $ 100 billion The authorities of Saudi Arabia intend to obtain from the arrested princes 100 billion dollars in settlement of corruption charges. It is reported Bloomberg. Negotiations with the princes, which are contained in the five-star Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh, should be completed at the end of January, the Agency said. The terms of the government took 90 people, they have already released and five others are considering the offer, and a 95 — refuse to pay and risk of being sued. Reuters January 14 reported that the detainee Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the richest men of the Kingdom, offered a “donation” to the authorities. But the Prosecutor General is not satisfied with the amount of the contribution. In November 2017, the national anti-corruption Committee of Saudi Arabia, headed by Prince Mohammad bin Salman al Saud, was taken into custody about 200 people

The head of the British General staff recognized the advantage of the Russian army, writing, media

The head of the British General staff recognized the advantage of the Russian army, writing, media MOSCOW, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. The UK armed forces behind the Russian army. This is stated in the text of the speech of the British chief of the General staff nick Carter, which will be held on Monday, writes The Telegraph. Carter, in his speech stressed the serious threat that, in his opinion, are the Russian cruise missile, was successfully applied in Syria (obviously, we are talking about “Caliber” — ed). In London there was no protection, says the head of the General staff. General notes with regret the decrease in spending on military research and believes that in recent years, Moscow managed to demonstrate military capabilities with which Britain can hardly match. In addition, the edition with reference to sources wrote that the British senior military are concerned about the dominance of

Sobchak has collected the necessary 100 thousand signatures for registration in the presidential elections

Sobchak has collected the necessary 100 thousand signatures for registration in the presidential elections According to the counter on the campaign website presenter, currently collected 101 8 thousand signatures. MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. Activists of the election headquarters of TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak has collected more than 101 thousand signatures in its support, with the necessary 100 thousand. this is evidenced by the counter on the campaign website Sobchak. Sobchak stands in presidents of Russia from party “Civil initiative”. Candidates from non-parliamentary parties to register for elections is required to collect at least 100 thousand signatures to deliver to the CEC not more than 105 thousand According to the counter on the site, is currently collected 101 8 thousand signatures. To hand over the signatures and the registration documents to the CEC candidates until 18:00 GMT on 31 January. Must be checked for 60 thousand signatures from each candidate. Ksenia

Kurd massacre

Kurd massacre The Turkish army launched an operation against Kurdish militias in Northern Syria, putting the region on the brink of a major crisis. Ankara is determined to end military action “promptly”, however, the onset of risk of developing into a long-term campaign, jeopardize Turkey’s relations with its key ally, of supporting the Kurds, the United States. Despite the interest of Moscow in the participation of Kurds in the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue, scheduled for January 30 in Sochi, Russia did not condemn Ankara’s actions, limiting “expression of concern”. Held on the eve of visit to Moscow heads of the General staff and intelligence services of Turkey shows that Ankara’s actions have been agreed with the Kremlin. The Syrian war becomes Kurdish Official statement, which served as a signal to attack the positions of Syrian Kurds, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made on Saturday during the visit to

Sergey Lavrov: the Russian proposal on cooperation with the United States remain in force

Sergey Lavrov: the Russian proposal on cooperation with the United States remain in force Submitted by the end of March 2017, the Russian proposal remains in force. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview to “Kommersant”. “In this case, we understand that there is a combination of a number of factors that lead to this unprecedented aggression, as they say now, the American establishment”. The Russian Minister highlighted three factors which, in his opinion, affect the policy of Washington against Moscow. “The main factor is the Democrats can’t handle defeat, having invested so much effort and taking so many actions, including the removal of Bernie Sanders “to run the” what now few want to remember. It was a direct manipulation of the electoral process and a flagrant violation of the US Constitution — said the Russian foreign Minister. The second factor is the fact that

In the state Duma the bill equating unregistered marriages to the official

In the state Duma the bill equating unregistered marriages to the official Speaking on the initiative is Senator Anton Belyakov believes that the Institute of actual marital relations should be recognized by the state and subject to some degree of protection. MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. In the state Duma introduced a bill to introduce to the Family code of the Russian Federation the concept of “de facto relationship”, which, in fact, unregistered relationship men and women are equal to official marriage after five years of living together couples with all the legal consequences. The actual marriage is not registered in the prescribed manner the Union of a man and woman living together and having a common economy. Signs of a de facto relationship are living together for five years; living together for two years and the presence of a common child (children).The text of the bill According to the initiative,

“The law of Spring” bring to reality

“The law of Spring” bring to reality Government soften its conditions and timing. As found “Kommersant”, the government still recognized the sound of the criticism is anti-terrorism “Spring law”, obliges operators to store traffic. As requested by market participants, the necessary amount of data storage will be calculated on the basis of network capacity and actual traffic. May be postponed and the term of the entry requirements in force from July to October 2018. But support from the state budget is still not provided for: reducing the expected costs of operators is planned to be achieved only at the expense of mitigation requirements. The Federal government waived the requirement to calculate the storage capacity of user data for the execution of anti-terrorism “law of Spring” on the basis of installed capacity of the networks operators. This should reduce operator cost, to the letter (a copy is in “Kommersant”) Deputy head