Surkov: new US proposals on Ukraine are implemented

The Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS/host photo Agency MOSCOW, January 27. /TASS./ “Dubai package” of the us proposals for the deployment of the UN mission in the South-East of Ukraine is quite feasible that Russia will carefully study it and give a timely response. This was stated by Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov at the meeting with the special representative of state Department of Ukraine with Kurt Volker.

High-ranking officials of Saudi Arabia has been released after allegations of corruption

High-ranking officials of Saudi Arabia has been released after allegations of corruption Moscow. 27 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Part of senior officials and members of the Royal family of Saudi Arabia were released after the payment of compensation, reported on Saturday, BBC News. Among those released, the head of the television network MBC Walid al-Ibrahim and the former head of the Royal court Khalid al-Tuwaijiri. It is known that for the release from custody had to pay large sums of money, but the specific numbers are not made public. Prisoners live at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh. On this occasion it was closed and re-open to clients only on February 14. In November, more than two hundred princes, politicians and businessmen were arrested in cases related to corruption. Since that time, some of them have already been released for significant compensation, which has reached a billion dollars. The budget of Saudi

Kosachev: Russia not playing a double game and is not helping the DPRK to circumvent the UN security Council sanctions

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS TOKYO, January 27. /TASS./ Russia is not playing a double game and is not helping the DPRK to circumvent the sanctions of the UN Security Council, in particular not engaged in re-export of coal from the DPRK in third countries. On Saturday said in Tokyo, the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “I rule out such kind of action in the part, which is connected with a state policy of the Russian Federation. No double play is not by definition. All Russian departments at the level of the decree of the President the instructions for the scrupulous implementation of all resolutions of the UN Security Council,” – said Kosachev. At the same time, he pointed to the possibility that “individual entrepreneurs can look for loopholes”. “This could happen in

Media said, as China intends to create a state of the art army

Media said, as China intends to create a state of the art army MOSCOW, 27 Jan — RIA Novosti. China took 120 professionals to work in a leading research Institute, to push the development of artificial intelligence and quantum technologies for application in the military sphere, writes the South China Morning Post, citing state media. It is reported that the people’s liberation army (PLA) has attracted professionals to work in the Chinese Academy of military Sciences. More than 95% of the researchers have scientific degrees and, in particular, spetsializiruyutsya quantum technologies and artificial intelligence. The publication notes that this measure is related to the intention of Beijing to become the military-technical superpower and catch up on the performance of the United States. This, in particular, is connected with the attempts of Chinese President XI Jinping to create cutting-edge army, which “would be able, if necessary, to repel any enemy.” At

Media: Ministry intercepts an encrypted message to the messengers

Media: Ministry intercepts an encrypted message to the messengers The Agency uses the Trojan program that makes screen shots of the device and sends them to the server. BERLIN, January 26. /TASS./ The Federal office for criminal Affairs of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Germany uses for inspections Trojan is a program that allows you to bypass the encryption and intercept messages in popular instant messengers. The software takes snapshots of the device screen with the text of correspondence, and sends them to the server, said Friday on its website, the newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung. The publication does not significant details. The office has not yet commented on this publication. The legal basis for surveillance in the messenger in June of 2017 has created the German Parliament in the framework of the anti-terrorism package of laws. As later reported by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag, the development of special programs

Saakashvili planned opposition rally being under house arrest

Saakashvili planned opposition rally being under house arrest Moscow. 27 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the party Leader “movement new forces,” the ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili announced about plans to conduct on 4 February of a new “March for impeachment,” which was last held in Kiev on 17 December last year. Saakashvili also said that completing “his film about the future of Ukraine, its new government system, the development of tourism, the economy, the exit from the crisis”. A politician is considering to organize in the apartment rented in Kiev, “something like a Studio”. As reported, on 26 January, the Kyiv court of Appeals has determined Saakashvili measure in the form of a night of house arrest from 22:00 to 7:00, which is valid until 5 Feb.

Kosachev: the new sanctions of the U.S. decision are perceived as sacred ritual and nothing more

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 27. /TASS./ Sanctions policy of the USA acquired chaotic character, one goal: to contain Russia and to encourage a Europe that increasingly doubts the value of transatlantic solidarity. This opinion was expressed on Saturday by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. “The recent us sanctions printer is clearly mad and churning out appropriate solutions like a bee, rapidly lifting curve punitive statistics up. Behind the Ministry of Finance with the state Department, releasing into circulation new sanctions decisions, already perceived as sacred ritual and nothing more than,” Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook.

“Conciliatory speech”: trump asked Davos to help America to be the first

“Conciliatory speech”: trump asked Davos to help America to be the first DAVOS, January 26 — RIA Novosti/Janis Madni, Elena Kudryavtseva. If at the world economic forum in Davos in 2017, the whole world wondered, “Who is mister Trump” — the new President of the United States this year by the end of the forum participants got the answer — he is a businessman who feels among the heads of international companies and corporations in his element and knows how to speak the common language with them. In the early days of the forum of heads of States and business with optimism talked about the beginning of economic growth, new technologies, the development of the oil market, complained to the cyber crime and protectionism. However, the most anticipated and memorable moments of the WEF became the arrival and speech of Donald trump, with the latter actually became the unofficial closing

The foreign Ministry said it reserves the right to respond to new US sanctions

The foreign Ministry said it reserves the right to respond to new US sanctions MOSCOW, January 26 — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said that if the U.S. government, expanding sanctions against Moscow, prefer to tear economic and other ties with Russia, it is their right, the Russian side reserves the right of reply. The Department also noted that Washington cannot get rid of illusions that Russia can be scared by failures in the American visas or trade restrictions, to force him to give up independent policy in the international arena, from defending its national interests. On Friday, the US imposed new sanctions because of the situation in Ukraine. In the sanctions list included 21 citizen of Russia and Ukraine (mostly from the unrecognized republics LNR and DND), as well as nine companies registered in Ukraine and in Russia.

The Ministry of industry and trade has not found an alternative to plastic bags

The Ministry of industry and trade has not found an alternative to plastic bags The office does not see the ways the complete rejection of them. The Ministry of industry and trade said it was impossible to exclude from the turnover of plastic bags. While the Department recognizes that this is the major source of environmental pollution and the cause of death of animals, birds and fish. So officials continue to work with retailers the use of paper bags along with plastic counterparts. In the Ministry of industry on behalf of the special representative of the President on environmental issues, transport and environment Sergei Ivanov to study the issue “on the manufacture of paper bags and use them in stores along with the plastic”. Complete elimination of plastic bags from circulation is not possible, because, as practice shows, paper bags are not in great demand from buyers.Victor Autocompletition Minister of