The Russian leadership took in the sights of

The Russian leadership took in the sights of The US government released “a list of friends of Putin”, the list of Russian officials and businessmen, whom Washington considered close to President of Russia. In total, the list includes 210 people, including Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the head of Sberbank German Gref, Minister of transport Maxim Sokolov, the head of “Kaspersky Lab” Eugene Kaspersky and many others. Being on the list does not mean automatic imposition of sanctions. However, according to experts interviewed by Kommersant, the pressure he exerts. In the U.S. Treasury document States that the criterion for a hit was “close to the Russian regime and the total as” more than $1 billion At the same time, the report directly says that “it is not the sanctions list, and the inclusion of people or structures does not mean getting them under US sanctions”. Being on the list, therefore, cannot

“Kremlin report” of the U.S. Treasury contains secret app

“Kremlin report” of the U.S. Treasury contains secret app It is noted that the defendants in secret list “can be lower grade or to have a status less than $1 billion.” TASS, January 30. “Kremlin report” transmitted to Congress by the Ministry of Finance, contains a classified Annex with “additional information,” reads the text of the message of the Ministry of Finance. “Secret, the app may include persons not listed in Annex 1 and 2 of the unclassified report (the leadership of Russia and major Russian entrepreneurs — approx. TASS),” — said in the document. The defendants in the secret list, says it “may be lower in rank or have a status less than $1 billion.”

Grey smartphones are preparing black lists

Grey smartphones are preparing black lists Association of companies the Internet-trade (AKIT) developed the concept of regulation in Russia mobile devices by IMEI numbers, the introduction of which had previously been discussed in the Federation Council. AKITA offers to make a black list and block stolen or illegally imported smartphones and tablets. To combat the grey imports offer to oblige purchasers to register imported devices: will be free to bring not more than one year, the second will have to pay $20, and for each subsequent — $30. The grey segment is particularly common among Chinese smartphone, where it can reach 10%, evaluate distributors. AKITA has developed the concept of regulation of the market of mobile devices based on IMEI number (there is a “b”). The document sent to the Chairman of the interim Commission of the Federation Council on the development of the information society Lyudmila Lateral and Minister

The U.S. Treasury has submitted to Congress the “Kremlin report”, it is 210 names

The U.S. Treasury has submitted to Congress the “Kremlin report”, it is 210 names In the list, in particular, were Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and members of the Cabinet, a Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, and Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko. WASHINGTON, January 30. /TASS./ The U.S. Treasury has provided to Congress “the Kremlin report.” The document contains 210 names: 114 high officials of the Russian Federation and heads of state companies and 96 of the so-called Russian oligarchs. So, in “the Kremlin list” were the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, his Deputy and other Cabinet Ministers, including foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, energy Minister Alexander Novak, transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, Minister of industry and trade and the Ministry of communications Denis Manturov and Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of agriculture Alexander Tkachev, Minister of natural resources and ecology Sergey Donskoy. The American authorities have

Russia is not intimidated by sanctions, said Antonov

Russia is not intimidated by sanctions, said Antonov MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Sanctions are meaningless, Moscow such actions will not be intimidated, said Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov. “We try to explain that the sanctions — the movement to nowhere,” said Antonov in interview to TV channel “Russia-24”, an excerpt of which was shown on Tuesday morning. “This is not a slogan, what I’m saying, I really do. Speaking of which, let me remind you that I am the only Ambassador in the world — proudly say — which is under sanctions. I am under the sanctions of the EU and Canada. So I want to ask the question: is those policies, those people who impose sanctions against Russia, I think that we will pre-load your tail and won’t defend their positions?”the Ambassador added. The U.S. state Department Monday gave the Congress a report on the

The state Department called the intercept by fighter jet Russian airplane of the United States “disregard for international norms»

The state Department called the intercept by fighter jet Russian airplane of the United States “disregard for international norms» The US state Department said that the interception by Russian fighter su-27 reconnaissance aircraft the United States Navy EP-3E Aries II (one of the modifications of P-3 Orion) over the Black sea is a “gross violation by Russia of international norms and agreements”. “We call on Russia to stop these unsafe actions that increase the risk of miscalculations that threaten the flight crews of both sides, as well as collisions in the air,” reads the statement of the state Department. Earlier it was reported that the electronic reconnaissance aircraft long-range made a long reconnaissance flight near the Russian borders on the Black sea. American pilots said that the fighter approached the US aircraft at a distance of five feet (1.5 m). Because of this, the mission P-3 Orion ended prematurely. The

The state Department called the new anti-Russian sanctions

The state Department called the new anti-Russian sanctions Moscow. 30 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — New anti-Russian sanctions will be directed against foreign institutions engaged in large transactions in the defense sector and the intelligence of the Russian Federation, said Tuesday the U.S. state Department. These restrictive measures should prevent trade by the Russian military and intelligence developments. The sanctions programme will run until until Russia will not stop the action, because of which she started. In the framework of the law “On counteraction to opponents of the United States through sanctions,” the state Department can begin to introduce from January 29 to new anti-Russian sanctions. It is noted that the state Department will not give “prior information about their actions sanction of character.” “When and if there are penalties, which can be declared, we will do”, — the statement stresses. In addition, the U.S. state Department refused to disclose the details

The Director of the CIA told about a new round of “subversive activities” of Russia

The Director of the CIA told about a new round of “subversive activities” of Russia The Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo expects that Russia will meddle in the mid-term elections in the U.S. Congress, scheduled for autumn 2018. He stated this in an interview with the BBC. “Of course, I certainly expect that Russia will continue to try and do this, but I am sure that America will be able to hold free and fair elections, and that we will resist quite successfully, and their impact on our elections will not be significant,” said Pompeo. In his opinion, Russia has reduced the intensity of attempts to conduct subversive activities in the United States and Europe. Pompeo noticed that recently, the CIA helped the Russian special services prevented a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, but the relationship has not improved. “Consider Russia mainly as the enemy, sharing the concern of

Chubais was surprised competitive performance of the Russian energy and called them good

Chubais was surprised competitive performance of the Russian energy and called them good The Chairman of the Board “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais said in a generally complete discussion about the need for the commissioning of renewable energy sources. About this newspaper “Vedomosti”, owned by the family Demyan Kudryavtsev. According to Chubais, many countries are now switching to renewable energy, and the extent of this process is staggering. “The numbers are absolutely magical, just extraordinary. The plan of introduction of renewable energy in China in the coming years more than the entire installed capacity of the power system in Russia. It is absolutely unthinkable for the energy thing,” he said. It said that at the end of 2017, the total capacity of the Russian power system was 240 gigawatts, and the power available at the China renewable energy — 650 gigawatts. “This is China, but when there, in the program of renewable