Russia’s envoy to the UN called illegal presence in Syria, the coalition headed by the USA

Russia’s envoy to the UN called illegal presence in Syria, the coalition headed by the USA Moscow. 9 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russia in closed consultations of the UN Security Council on Syria reminded the American colleagues that the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS (banned in Russia) is in Syria illegally, said Russia’s permanent representative at the world organization Vasily sebenza. “I asked them to remember that they are in Syria illegally. They had not been invited, they always say that there are fighting against international terrorism, but we see that they go beyond that. Confront those who are really struggling with international terrorism on the ground from the Syrian side, is a crime,” he told reporters after a closed-door meeting of the UN security Council. Consultations of the UN security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria took place on Thursday at the initiative of Kuwait and Sweden. Earlier Thursday, the

The Pentagon said that the advance informed Russia about the impact of the coalition in Syria

The Pentagon said that the advance informed Russia about the impact of the coalition in Syria MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. Western coalition led by the United States previously informed the Russian side about the impact on the Pro-government forces in Syria, said at the Pentagon. “The coalition saw a slow build-up of forces supporting the regime of (Syrian authorities — ed.) during the week. Officials of the coalition has warned Russian officials about the presence of SDF channels of conflict prevention before the attack. These channels had served their purpose”, — said the representative of the U.S. defense Department Dana white. She noted that the relationship with the Russian military maintained during and after the attack of the coalition forces. While white has confirmed the coalition about the details of the incident and noted that “the attack on the SDF forces were coordinated”. Retaliation On Wednesday, the Western

The state Department announced the US intention to “rebuild” relations with Russia

The state Department announced the US intention to “rebuild” relations with Russia WASHINGTON, February 8. /TASS./ The United States would like to “rebuild” relations with Russia, given that the two States have many areas that cause mutual concern. This was stated on Thursday the head a press-services of the Department of state Heather Nauert during a regular press briefing. “We would like to rebuild those relations because we have many areas of mutual concern”, she said. At the same time, added Nauert, the United States will continue to exert pressure on Russia in connection with the situation in Syria. “We’re there (in Syria) to help people. We will continue to put pressure on the Russian government to do the right thing”, she said. Nauert again accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. According to her, this is “with the permission of Russia”. “Let me remind you that six times

Sobchak told about the meetings in Washington and hopes for a reset in relations of Russia and the US

Ksenia Sobchak © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS NEW YORK, 9 Feb. /TASS./ The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak during a trip in the USA were trying to establish non-governmental communication between the two countries, and Washington has held a number of meetings, including confidential. She spoke about it Thursday in new York, speaking in Germanovka the Institute of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies at Columbia University.

The DPRK demonstrated at the military parade of the latest ballistic missile

The DPRK demonstrated at the military parade of the latest ballistic missile During the military parade held in Pyongyang the day before the start of the Olympic games in South Korea, the audience was shown the Hwasong-15. This Intercontinental ballistic missile, which, on assurances of the military leadership of North Korea can reach the U.S. mainland. In addition, the area drove trucks with missiles Hwasong-12 and Hwasong-14, tanks, artillery and BTS. “We have to warn the aggressors who may try to disrupt or make fun of our dignity and sovereignty of at least 0.001 mm”, — quotes Agency Renhap of a word of DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN, who spoke at the parade. In addition, he added that this event should demonstrate to all that North Korea is a military world power. However, officials say South Korea and the United States, the current parade was shorter than the previous, which was

The Ministry of the interior was removed from office 20 employees due to the extra weight

The Ministry of the interior was removed from office 20 employees due to the extra weight DUSHANBE, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. Twenty employees of the Ministry of the interior was removed from office in 2017 due to excess weight, said the Minister of internal Affairs, Ramazon Rahimzoda. Rahimzoda stressed that they are given the time to get in shape, after which they will be reinstated. Police have repeatedly warned about the need to keep yourself in good physical shape. So, in December 2016, the Minister of internal Affairs of Tajikistan has issued a decree according to which the employees were threatened with dismissal because of excess weight within a month had to lose weight. Some did not have time to lose weight and have lost their jobs: ten employees of the Ministry of the interior were fired. In addition, the Agency issued standards for the ratio of height and

The source reported on the inspection of officials of the two ministries in Dagestan

The source reported on the inspection of officials of the two ministries in Dagestan Moscow. 8 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Operational-investigative activities carried out by the Ministry of construction and Ministry of transport, energy and communications of Dagestan, officials in these agencies are checked on participation in corruption offences, reported “Interfax” an informed source on Thursday. “Officials of the Ministry of construction checked on the legality of spending of budgetary funds allocated within the framework of the Republican target program of resettlement from dilapidated housing”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, checks the version of overstating the cost of “resettlement Fund and overspending of public money”. Officials of the Ministry of transport, energy and communications are also checked in connection with the information “about the acquisition at deliberately inflated prices of equipment for the needs of the office”. Interfax does not have official confirmation of this information. Sands: the

Antonov called the unpredictability of Washington, one of the main problems between Russia and the United States

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, February 9. /TASS./ The lack of predictability of the current administration in the USA is at this stage, one of the key problems of Russian-American relations. This opinion was expressed in interview to TV channel “Russia 24” Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov. He did not rule out further deterioration of bilateral ties. “Realistically assessing the situation, I must say that the time we have a very difficult, very difficult, have to live in those conditions that exist today. And we have no firm assurance today that these relations cannot get worse,” – said the diplomat. “Sanctions – the movement to nowhere, the us sanctions will not be intimidated,” he warned in this regard, Antonov.