Sands forwarded to the CEC the question is whether campaigning replay on TV of a film about Putin

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS Moscow, February 13. /TASS./ Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov forwarded to the Central election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation the question of whether agitation repeat on the First channel display of a documentary film by Oliver stone about Vladimir Putin.

China Europe worse than Russia

China Europe worse than Russia The German Institute for the study of China the name of Gerhard Mercator (MERICS) has released a report that accused Beijing of trying to “interfere in European policy” and “to split the unity of Europe.” The main “agents” of China in the European Union called Hungary, the Czech Republic and Greece, although it is noted that “lovers of Beijing” is, in Germany, in France and in other countries. As a result, China called the “greater long-term threat to Europe than Russia.” The authors constantly draw Parallels between the influence of Russia and China on the Affairs of Europe. According to them, Moscow’s strategy (it experts include “the dissemination of misinformation, interference in elections, hacker attacks, recruit supporters among politicians”) focused on achieving a rapid effect, and is based mostly on the “techniques of the cold war”. On the contrary, the Chinese influence in Europe, more

The Duma refused to transfer to the budget of the PACE contribution in 2018

The Duma refused to transfer to the budget of the PACE contribution in 2018 Moscow. 13 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Duma Council decided to withhold the contribution to the budget of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), said first Vice-speaker of the state Duma Ivan Melnikov. “The Duma Council adopted decision about payment of contributions of the Russian Federation for 2018 in the budgets of international organizations”, — told reporters on Tuesday the millers. He listed those organizations where the decision to list the contributions of the Russian Federation: this inter-parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, the parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe parliamentary Assembly of black sea economic cooperation, inter-parliamentary Union, international Federation of library societies and associations and the Secretariat of the parliamentary conference of the Caspian sea. As you probably noticed, some of these organizations do not have the PACE.Ivan Belnikaservis

Disclosed US plans to contain Russia

Disclosed US plans to contain Russia The administration of us President Donald trump intends to direct on the program of containment of Russia in Europe, more than $ 6.3 billion. This is stated in the draft Federal budget of the United States for the 2019 financial year, released by the White house. The so-called European initiative deterrence means the restoration of the “credible” the us military presence in the region and the strengthening of the military capacity of partners in the country. It is necessary to “resist Russian coercion and aggression in the region”, indicated in the document. The project allows to build a robust schedule of joint exercises with NATO allies and partners, “especially in Eastern Europe,” and their advice. The United States also intend to keep one battalion of the land forces in Poland, to increase their stocks in European warehouses, upgrade the equipment of troops in the

Putin’s headquarters refused free airtime for debates on the Federal channels

© Yegor Aleev/TASS MOSCOW, February 13. /TASS./ The headquarters of the incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin, who is running for another term, said the refusal of the candidate of the free TV and radio broadcast on Federal channels allocated for debate. This was announced on Tuesday, the CEC Chairperson Ella Pamfilova before the draw allocation between the presidential candidates and nominating parties airtime on Federal TV and radio channels.

Ex-Director of Shell admitted that the rumors about the meeting at Putin’s dacha

Ex-Director of Shell admitted that the rumors about the meeting at Putin’s dacha MOSCOW, February 13 — RIA Novosti. Ex-Director of Shell Jeroen van der Veer said that he is the source of the story about a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at his dacha in 2006, which told the foreign Minister of the Netherlands Halbe Zijlstra however, the Minister incorrectly interpreted the words of the Russian leader, according to the newspaper Volkskrant. Zijlstra informed in interview to the newspaper Volkskrant said that he lied about the presence at the meeting with Putin at his dacha in 2006. Since 2014 he has repeatedly stated that during this meeting personally heard Putin called Byelorussia, Ukraine, Baltic States and Kazakhstan parts of the “great Russia”. In a new interview, the Minister said that he invented the fact of his presence, because he was trying to protect the real participant stories, from

The Committee of the Federation Council proposed to replace Klintsevich of the first Deputy Chairman

The Committee of the Federation Council proposed to replace Klintsevich of the first Deputy Chairman The Federation Council Committee on defense and security considered at the Tuesday meeting, the statement of the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee Franz Klintsevich with a request to release him from his post, announced to RIA Novosti a source in the Committee. According to him, the vacant place was offered the candidacy of the Senator from Karelia Alexander Rakitin, who until September of 2017 held the position of head of the FSB of Russia in the Western military district. Finally, these changes in the Committee will approve the Federation Council on Wednesday, the General solution of senators at the plenary session of the chamber. On Monday, a source in the Federation Council told RIA Novosti that Klintsevich wrote a letter of resignation from his post. He will remain a member of the Committee as

MIA of Ukraine announced the arrest of Saakashvili during working off of places of concentration of illegal migrants

MIA of Ukraine announced the arrest of Saakashvili during working off of places of concentration of illegal migrants The interior Ministry of Ukraine reported details of detention of ex-President of Georgia and leader of the “movement of new forces” of Mikhail Saakashvili. “When conducting coordinated interdepartmental working off in one of the establishments, law enforcement officers found the person without citizenship, Saakashvili N. M. Against him at the request of GMS (the state migration service — if), the Polish side agreed on readmission”, — says the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine. The interior Ministry indicate that territorial authority of the migration service took the rejection of Saakashvili’s recognition of the refugee or person in need of complementary protection, and the decision was ruled legal in the courts. In this regard, the Department believes that Saakashvili has lost legitimate grounds for further stay in Ukraine. “For the

The Federation Council Committee on defence has accepted the resignation of Klintsevich from the post of first Deputy Chairman

First Deputy Chairman of Committee of Federation Council on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, February 13. /TASS./ The Federation Council Committee on defense and security endorsed the statement of the Senator Franz Klintsevich of resignation from the post of first Deputy Chairman of the Committee. The Committee will propose to the upper house of Parliament on Wednesday to support the appointment of the candidacy of Alexander Rakitin. The decision was taken at the Committee meeting on Tuesday.