The voters in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation will be able to learn about the candidates from posters and booklets

© Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, February 14. /TASS./ Information about the candidates applying for the post of President of the Russian Federation, will be contained in posters, and special booklets that on the day of the presidential elections will be at all polling stations in the country. This was announced on Wednesday at a meeting of the CEC of the Russian Federation the Chairman of the Commission, Ella Pamfilova.

The state Duma adopted the amended law on Petrovka

The state Duma adopted the amended law on Petrovka The state Duma approved amendments to the law on hunting in the wording of the conciliation Commission: voted 392 deputies, against — two. The law, recall, was developed by the group of deputies led by the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. The original version, he suggested a complete ban contact pritravki when training hunting dogs, what was the reason for his rejection by the Federation Council (SF); a compromise was established by the conciliation Commission. The final text States that the training of hunting dogs allowed “ways that do not allow cruelty to animals and harm them physically”, and if restricted their freedom of movement, “used wall construction.” “As a result of our work was to develop a common text, fully retaining the concept of the project, which we adopted in three readings,” he said at a meeting of

The NATO Secretary General said that depends on Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance

The NATO Secretary General said that depends on Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance BRUSSELS, February 14 — RIA Novosti, Vladimir Dobrovolsky. The question of Ukraine’s membership in NATO will be decided on the basis of progress in carrying out reforms in the country, said the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Speaking to journalists, Stoltenberg said that NATO “has a strong political and practical support to Ukraine” and “will continue to strengthen its partnership” with Kiev. “I welcome the fact that Ukraine has clearly stated that they focus on reforms. The issue of membership will be considered based on the progress in reforms sought by Ukraine,” said Stoltenberg. Members of the national security and defense Council of Ukraine at the meeting on 17 January discussed and supported the draft law “On national security of Ukraine”, which should bring the Ukrainian legislation into line with NATO standards. According to the NSDC, the

The foreign Ministry called misinformation reports of hundreds of dead Russians from the airstrike in Syria

The foreign Ministry called misinformation reports of hundreds of dead Russians from the airstrike in Syria Moscow. 14 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Source reports of hundreds of dead Russians in an attack by the coalition in Syria are a classic misinformation, said a source in the Russian foreign Ministry. Earlier, CNN released a video of air strikes of the U.S. coalition under the Deir ez-Zor, the victims of which were citizens of Russia. On the death of the Russians, not serving in the armed forces of the defense Ministry, it became known on Tuesday. One of them, “Interfax” was told by Eduard Limonov. Also the reported death in Syria of four Russian citizens who, according to media reports, were not Russian soldiers. Their death presumably connected with the impact of the American coalition under the Deir ez-Zor. So, information about the death on 7 February in Syria of the enterprise Vladimir

CEC recommends that the First channel to postpone the screening of the film “Putin” to the end of the election

The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, February 14. /TASS./ The CEC offers the First channel to delay the premiere of the documentary film by American Director Oliver stone’s “Putin” to the end of the campaign. This was announced on Wednesday, CEC Chairman, Ella Pamfilova.

Klintsevich left the post of first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense

Klintsevich left the post of first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense The Federation Council at plenary session on Wednesday voted for the dismissal of the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee on security and defense Franz Klintsevich. Earlier, Klintsevich has submitted a letter of resignation from his post, while he remains a member of the Committee. The position of first Deputy Chairman of the Committee is the Senator from Karelia Alexander Rakitin. Until September last year, he was the head of the Russian Federal security service (military counterintelligence) of the Western military district. Last summer resigned as head of the defense Committee of the Federation Council filed a Viktor Ozerov, who held this position for many years. His place was taken by ex-VC commander in chief of the Russian Federation Viktor Bondarev. Previously, the newspaper “Vedomosti” reported with reference to sources in the Federation Council and

In profile Committee of the Duma was thinking about the development of the law on PMCs

In profile Committee of the Duma was thinking about the development of the law on PMCs Subject of legislative regulation of activities of private military companies, as stated earlier, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, has gained relevance, said the head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov. “It just shows that relevance, which identified foreign Minister Lavrov about private military companies, requires a national approach consideration because it is already a reality,” — said the Shamans of the media. He believes that to return to the topic of legislative regulation of PMCs is necessary “in order not to wonder, how’s and what’s there.” “That concerns the life and health of our citizens, the state should have no influence in a very direct way,” added the head of the Committee. “We will get work, just yesterday we at the working group of the expert Council considered the question and order

In the state Duma commented on the data of those killed in the strike in Deir ez-Zor

In the state Duma commented on the data of those killed in the strike in Deir ez-Zor MOSCOW, 14 Feb — RIA Novosti. There are many signs that someone is exaggerating, saying the number of those killed on 7 February in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, reliable information yet, said the head of the state Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov. “Judging from the analysis of the structures of the intelligence community, a lot of signs that this special someone exaggerating. Therefore, there is a detailed verification of the information, but yet reliable, noteworthy, unfortunately, no,” Shamanov told reporters. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov in response to a request of journalists to comment on the appeared information in mass media that in Syria since the beginning of the operation killed up to 600 Russians, said that the Kremlin does not have data on