Foreign Policy: the US is preparing for a possible cyberwar on the DPRK

Foreign Policy: the US is preparing for a possible cyberwar on the DPRK The US is working towards the preparation of possible cyberwar on North Korea, writes the magazine Foreign Policy, citing informed sources. The first strike against the regime of Kim Jong-UN may not be military, but digital, they say. Sources characterize the level of resources to counter North Korea, as “almost unprecedented.” Recent months, the U.S. are preparing for a possible cyber attack on North Korea, including South Korea and Japan. From there, hackers can attempt to access North Korean Internet, which is almost completely closed from the outside world. Recall that China and the United States began to discuss her actions in the event of a fall of the ruling regime of the DPRK. The Chinese military conducted exercises, which were worked to gain control over the nuclear facility, similar to one of the existing North Korean

The armed forces rejected the complaint Sobchak for the registration of Putin

The armed forces rejected the complaint Sobchak for the registration of Putin Participant of the presidential race noted that her rival was already head of state for two consecutive terms. Moscow. 16 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russia’s Supreme court on Friday dismissed the claims of the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak to invalidate the registration of Vladimir Putin as the candidate on elections of the head of state. “Satisfaction of the administrative claim Sobchak Xenia anatolevny about cancellation of the resolution of the CEC of Russia of 6 February 2018 “On registration of the candidate for the position of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin” to refuse”, — announced the judgement of the Supreme court judge Nikolai Romanenkov. Thus, the Supreme court found no violation of law in the actions of the CEC, Putin registered as candidate for presidential elections, and also recognized not contradicting the

In Russia are discussing the establishment of the Ministry of tourism

In Russia are discussing the establishment of the Ministry of tourism MOSCOW, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. In Russia it is necessary to create the Ministry of tourism, moreover, according to the world tourism organization, our country can take 40 million foreign visitors a year, said at a press conference dedicated to the 2018 world Cup, the Chairman of the Duma Committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth Affairs Mikhail Degtyarev. Also, according to the Deputy, it is necessary to provide a tool for the development of domestic and inbound tourism Fund tourism renovation. He could control the state of objects of tourist infrastructure, from hotels and resorts to hotels that have “gone to the state Bank, as the collateral weight of bankrupt property developers or hoteliers failed”. “The Fund would prepare investment proposals on a competitive basis to offer businesses”, — said Mikhail Degtyarev. He stressed that to

What Putin said Belyaninov after the “show” with searches?

What Putin said Belyaninov after the “show” with searches? As stated by the former head of the FCS, he was going to leave the post, but could not “throw the President” because he “was a big responsibility” in front of him. The former head of the customs service Andrei Belyaninov, the searches which the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has described as “the show” (the public showed the money in the boxes from under the Shoe) for the first time revealed some details about what happened to him. Now Andrei Belyaninov holds the post of Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian development Bank. In an interview with RBC he said that the next day after a memorable raids on his office and the apartment met with Vladimir Putin, who asked him to resign. “The next day after the search — said Belyaninov on the question of the date of

Zakharova called absurd the accusations of the Russians meddling in U.S. elections

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called absurd the accusations of the American spectacular Robert Mueller in address 13 of the Russians alleged to have participated in the intervention in the US presidential election. She wrote about this on Friday on his page on Facebook. “They, it appears, was 13, according to the U.S. Department of justice. 13 people intervened in elections in the US?! 13 against the billion-dollar budgets of the intelligence services? Against the intelligence and counterintelligence against the latest developments and technologies? Absurd? Yes. But this is modern American political reality”, – stated in the message.

The Prosecutor General did not see a violation in the registration of Putin as a presidential candidate

The Prosecutor General did not see a violation in the registration of Putin as a presidential candidate Moscow. 16 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russian Prosecutor General’s office asked the Supreme court to refuse the request of the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak to invalidate the registration of Vladimir Putin as the candidate on elections of the head of state. The Prosecutor also noted that the actions of the CEC on registration did not go beyond its powers and the contested decision made lawfully and reasonably. In the complaint Sobchak asks the Supreme court to “declare illegal and cancel the decision of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation from February 6, 2018 on registration of Vladimir Putin as a candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation”. As stated in the complaint, Putin has no right under the Constitution to run for this position, as he held

Poland opposed the supply of Russian gas to the EU bypassing Ukraine

Poland opposed the supply of Russian gas to the EU bypassing Ukraine Poland opposes the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”, because he believes it necessary to preserve Russia’s dependence on gas transit via Ukraine, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in the Polish radio. According to him, Warsaw wants Russia had the opportunity to transport gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine. “This is primarily because today is all the time a few dozen billion cubic meters of gas Russia has to send to Western Europe through Ukraine. Russia supplies around 180-185 billion cubic meters of gas and about a third of this volume, and in some years significantly more, she was dependent on Ukraine”, — said Morawiecki. The Prime Minister believes that the dependence on the Ukrainian transit hinders Russia from “aggressive actions”. “In this regard, its aggressive actions in the Donbas, that is, in the Eastern part of Ukraine, held

The state Duma adopted in the third reading a law increasing the minimum wage

The state Duma adopted in the third reading a law increasing the minimum wage The state Duma at plenary session on Friday adopted in the third and final reading the presidential law on raising the minimum wage (SMIC) to the level of a living wage since may 1, 2018. The document submitted by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, was approved in the first reading last week. In the second reading the MPs did not support the only amendment that came from the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky. It was proposed to raise the minimum wage to 20 thousand rubles. The law proposes to set the minimum wage since may 1 11 163 thousand rubles a month, bringing it to the subsistence minimum of the working population. As noted in the explanatory Memorandum, the implementation of its provisions will affect 3 million people, of which 1.6 million are employed in state