The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela may exceed Syrian

The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela may exceed Syrian As stated by experts at the Brookings institution in Washington, the refugee crisis that is unfolding in Venezuela, maybe in the near future in scope to outperform those that took place in Syria. From Venezuela, where there is an acute shortage of food and basic medicines, growing infant mortality rates, and the government refused to pay on the national debt, already ran 4 million people, and this figure is expected to grow. As noted in the publication economist at the Brookings institution, Dany Bahar, the refugee crisis in Venezuela is the most serious in the Western hemisphere in modern history. And behind him is not a war, as often happens in the world, and the collapse of the economy and the social sphere. According to some estimates, in recent years, from Venezuela in search of a better life ran to about 4

Ukraine have it on the presidents. The experts described four scenarios for the development up to 2027

Ukraine have it on the presidents. The experts described four scenarios for the development up to 2027 International expert group from six countries yesterday in Moscow presented the report “Four scenarios of development of Ukraine”. In it in the form of short stories with unexpected details describes the options for the future of this country for the next ten years, considering both internal and external factors. The authors of the document stressed that he does not pretend to scientific prediction, but intend to give an impulse to rethink the “biased assessments of the future.” They had agreed positive interchanges involve the decentralization of power, a departure from the radical ideology and the establishment of relations with Russia. But the current President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, they predict the unenviable fate. “Our discussion was very intense. We were even shouting at each other”, — was said at the presentation in Moscow,

Militants hinder the exit of civilians from Eastern ghouta

© Syrian White Helmets Civil Defense via AP MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. The militants groups in the Eastern ghouta do not release civilians from the combat zone. On Wednesday reports the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. “In Eastern ghouta develops the critical humanitarian and socio-economic situation. Appeals of the Russian Center for conciliation to groups of illegal armed groups in Eastern ghouta to cease resistance, lay down their arms and settle their status of result had not. Grouping of illegal armed groups in Eastern ghouta prevent the exit of the population from controlled areas through the checkpoint in the area of the settlement Muhim al-Vafidin”, – stated in the message.

Zhirinovsky proposed to abolish the two schools

Zhirinovsky proposed to abolish the two schools LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggested to use “two” in schools not to exclude pupils, not to hurt the children. “We looked, and in American schools, and in our case, executions of disciples connected with those whom the school has expelled for academic failure or behavior… Maybe we remove the right of the school to eliminate underachievement? Do remove the word “two”. No way to put a positive assessment — and do not put so as not to injure. And eliminate not necessary”, — said Zhirinovsky at the plenary session on Wednesday. NewsFascination with social networks does not affect the students A shooting at a school in the town of Parkland, 60 miles North of Miami happened last Wednesday. According to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, the victims of the shooting were 17 people. Physicians reported 16 victims. Immediately after the arrest of the

The state Duma adopted the law on mandatory psychological screening of recruits

The state Duma adopted the law on mandatory psychological screening of recruits The state Duma adopted in final reading the law on the mandatory conscripts and professional psychological selection. In the explanatory note to the document says that these measures are aimed “to achieve qualitative staffing of military posts”. The goal of psychological screening is to determine aptitude for training in military specialties, military service, teaching in military educational institutions and recommendations for their selection and allocation to posts.

The applicant for the civil service should be impeccable from the point of view of the law — expert

The applicant for the civil service should be impeccable from the point of view of the law — expert MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RAPE. To a position in the public service can claim a person, impeccable from the point of view of the law, and the requirements for a candidate to high office the same as the requirements to the candidate for the presidency, said RAPSI the well-known lawyer Alexey Melnikov. According to media reports, the Communist party of the Russian Federation admitted that the presidential candidate Pavel Grudinin, in case of loss on elections in Presidents of the Russian Federation, can apply for the post of Minister of agriculture or other high office. “I can’t tell that from the above facts significantly, and what is not (unclosed Bank accounts abroad, and foreign real estate — approx. RAPSI). As far as I know, Grudinin said that the account was closed,

Russia offered the UN security Council to hold an emergency meeting on the situation in Eastern ghouta

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © REUTERS/Brendan McDermid UN 21 Feb. /TASS/. Russia proposed the UN Security Council to hold Thursday an emergency meeting on the situation in the Damascus suburb of East ghouta. A request was voiced on Wednesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the security Council meeting on the maintenance of international peace and security. The discussion was attended by UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, who has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Eastern ghouta for the provision of humanitarian assistance to the population.

Who supervises the staff Sobchak?

Who supervises the staff Sobchak? Yesterday, TASS Ksenia Sobchak held a big press conference where you talked about the details of your campaign and answered questions of journalists. It is noteworthy that in addition to the candidate the meeting was attended by the heads of the most important areas of the office, including its formal head Igor Malashenko. Most of the time, of course, said Sobchak, then the floor was given to head of the regional headquarters Timur valyeev, who reported on the campaign to collect signatures, but Igor Malashenko for a press conference had not uttered a single important replica. If at the beginning the presenter has not presented all the participants, then no one would have suspected that Malashenko is the head of staff. Then he performs the role, and who really directs the staff Sobchak? Igor Malashenko — “the wedding General” In October 2017, Igor Malashenko, was

NATO has ceased to consider Russia as threat

NATO has ceased to consider Russia as threat NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg believes that Russia does not threaten any of the NATO countries. He stated this in an interview with Foreign Policy. However, he added that if the situation will repeat, like the Crimean and Ukrainian, on the part of the answer. Stoltenberg explained that at the moment NATO has carried out the biggest reinforcement of collective defense since the cold war. He noted that this reaction was followed by “aggressive actions of Russia”. The NATO Secretary General on 19 February said that Russia is violating the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range and therefore provokes a new nuclear arms race. According to Stoltenberg, the modernization of nuclear weapons in Russia could trigger other European countries to expand nuclear program. The week before the US President Donald trump said that the U.S. nuclear Arsenal will always be

The state Duma adopted a law giving the right to protect Regardie of heads of subjects

The state Duma adopted a law giving the right to protect Regardie of heads of subjects The state Duma adopted in the third final reading the law that gives Resguardo authority over the security of senior officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has submitted a relevant document to the lower house of Parliament. The draft law stipulates that Regardig the power to enforce the decision of the Russian President security the higher officials (heads of higher Executive bodies of state power) of subjects of the Russian Federation and other persons, noted in the explanatory note to the document. It is noted that services for the security of senior officials will be carried out on a contractual basis. Thus protection of other persons will be carried out, as a rule, also on a contractual basis. Added that the official presidential representative during