The Serbian President once again promised to never introduce sanctions against Russia

The Serbian President once again promised to never introduce sanctions against Russia Moscow. 21 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Serbia will not take any action against the interests of Moscow, said Wednesday the President of this country Alexander Vucic after the meeting with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “Serbia will not change its policy towards the Russian Federation. Serbia will not introduce sanctions against Russia”, — he said, answering the question of whether to change the policy of Serbia in connection with the new doctrine in the EU. For his part, Lavrov expressed doubt that the requirement for the partners of the European Union to conduct anti-Russian policy may be long-term.

Kiriyenko urged “not bureaucratic” volunteer movement in Russia

Kiriyenko urged “not bureaucratic” volunteer movement in Russia MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. Chairman of the organizing Committee on holding the Year of the volunteer in the Russian Federation, first Deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko called “not bureaucratic” volunteerism and create all the necessary conditions for the further development of volunteering in the country. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On holding in the Russian Federation year of the volunteer (volunteer)” in 2018. According to the President, the year of the volunteer will be a merit to society and assessment of the enormous contribution of volunteers to the development of the country. “Obviously, volunteers in Russia is a very powerful unit, about 15% of our citizens are participating in volunteer projects, and an even greater number of people says that with pleasure would participate if they understand how it can be done if they are presented

Russia has called for an urgent UN security Council meeting on Eastern ghouta

Russia has called for an urgent UN security Council meeting on Eastern ghouta Moscow. 21 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian side proposes to hold Thursday an emergency meeting of the UN security Council to discuss the situation in the Damascus suburb — Eastern ghouta, according to the environment of the Western media. Such a proposal was made by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, explaining that at the meeting all parties will be able to formulate its position on the events in Eastern ghouta and offer solutions to the problem. Eastern ghouta — one of the main strongholds of the extremists and armed opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In recent days there have been reports about the intensification of attacks on the positions of militants, including from the air. Supporters of the Syrian opposition, for its part, argued that as a result of attacks severely affected the

The state border service of Ukraine has banned Saakashvili entry into the country until 2021

The state border service of Ukraine has banned Saakashvili entry into the country until 2021 Moscow. 21 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — head of the Mostyska border detachment (Lviv region) has decided to ban the former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili on Ukraine’s entry until February 13, 2021. In response, the Deputy head of the State border service Basil Servatka at the request of the lawyers of Saakashvili, who has provided the Agency “Interfax-Ukraine” defender Ruslan policy Chernolutsky, indicated that the administration of the state border service believes this decision is fully consistent with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine. The Agency notes that 12 February was made “readmission Mikhail Saakashvili’s standard procedure,” because he illegally stayed in the territory of Ukraine after the court decisions. Chernolutsky noted that the protection of Saakashvili believes the decision of the state border service illegal and intends to appeal. The long departure of Saakashvili

Afrin was surrounded by uncertainty

Afrin was surrounded by uncertainty The situation in the town of Afrin with a predominantly Kurdish population in the North of Syria remains unclear. After reports emerged about the agreement of the Kurdish forces c Damascus and the imminent entry into the area of government troops to prevent the advance of Turkish forces, the situation escalated. While in Ankara claim that the information about the entry of Syrian troops is just “propaganda” and an attempt to advance loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s armed forces repulsed. However, the RT TV channel has published a video that shows: Pro-government troops still came into the town in jeeps. Today, the Kurds have confirmed this information “RIA Novosti”. 6фотографий6фотографий In the evening yesterday, Turkish and Syrian sources report contradictory information about the situation in Afrin. We will remind, on Monday, citing Kurdish sources reported that Syrian government troops were preparing to enter the

Chaika criticized the work of the investigators in Russia, saying about their professional degradation

Chaika criticized the work of the investigators in Russia, saying about their professional degradation Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika criticized the work of Russian investigators, while expressing their professional degradation. As stated by the public Prosecutor in Tula at the meeting on the protection of rights of investors, for many of the investigators of the criminal procedure law and substantive law is “space”. “Unfortunately, for many of our investigators criminal procedural law, the substantive law is the cosmos. If 20-25 years ago and a criminal investigator is a battle of intellects, and who will replay, now it’s very simple — the prison and a special order of consideration. Now up to 70% of cases are heard in a special manner. And there comes the degradation of the investigator, he feels the same way to respond to the legitimate demands of prosecutors, unfortunately”, — said Chaika. Criminal investigation in Russia involved

Volodin refuted statements of the USA about the failure of Russian contracts in the field of MTC for $3 billion

Volodin refuted statements of the USA about the failure of Russian contracts in the field of MTC for $3 billion Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers that the U.S. state Department wishful thinking, talking about the failure of the Russian contracts on a line military-technical cooperation of $3 billion. So here, said the speaker. “Tell the world about the “dangers of Russia”, used a lot of manpower and resources in support of its sanctions policy, has put pressure on its European partners, ensuring the adoption of similar measures against Russia. And now it is apparently time to mark some kind of result. So there were three billion”, — expressed his opinion of the politician. The United States in connection with the law “On combating the enemies of America by sanctions” (CAATSA) warn and dissuade countries around the world to do business with Russian enterprises of the military-industrial complex,

Corruption scandal in CB: what will be the financial reputation of Latvia

Corruption scandal in CB: what will be the financial reputation of Latvia The President of the Bank of Latvia (the Central Bank), Ilmars Rimsevics, was detained by the Bureau on struggle against corruption (KNAB) on suspicion in receiving a bribe in especially large size. Police removed him from the management of the Bank, and the Latvian deputies proposed to limit the stay on a post of the President of the Central Bank the maximum two terms. Western partners still prefer not to intervene in the situation, however, the financial reputation of Latvia in the international arena has already been shaken, especially given the outbreak last week of the scandal АBLV Bank, which the United States accused of money laundering and bribery. Are things Rimshevicha and АBLV Bank, is unclear. Search and interrogation On Friday, February 16, employees KNAB raided the office and home Rimshevicha. He Rimsevics this time was in

The Kremlin confirmed that Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 1 March

The Kremlin confirmed that Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 1 March Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Valdimir Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 1 March. “Yesterday it became known, and I can confirm that the message really will be announced by the President on March 1,” he said. According to Mr. Peskov, the President continues to work on the text of the message. “Naturally, the preparation of the message associated with internal meetings, internal meetings”, — said the press Secretary of the President of Russia. Recall that in article 84 of the Constitution says that the President “shall address the Federal Assembly with annual messages on the situation in the country, about the basic directions internal and foreign policy”, but in 2017 the message was not released. It was announced in December. It was planned

Lavrov: the law on the reintegration of Donbass crosses the Minsk agreement

Lavrov: the law on the reintegration of Donbass crosses the Minsk agreement The signing by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko law on the reintegration of Donbass leads away from the fulfillment of Minsk agreements and attempts to cross, told reporters the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov said after meeting his Slovenian counterpart Karl Arabicum. “We hope that in the West, especially in Berlin and Paris as the capitals of the countries participating in the “Normandy format” understand that the last step of the Ukrainian leadership lead away from fulfillment of the Minsk agreements and are trying to cross. I mean, first of all the so-called law on the reintegration of Donbass, which permits and even encourages the use of force to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We believe this is absolutely unacceptable,” Lavrov said. Poroshenko signed the document on Tuesday. The document called Russia “an aggressor”,