Peskov: Putin’s message will affect a wide range of issues concerning the future development of the Russian Federation

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. Address by President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly on March 1, will affect a wide range of issues, themes, sectors and areas for future development of the Russian Federation. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “As for the content of the message, we traditionally never announce, not going to do it this time. Of course, the message every time it covers a wide range of issues, topics, industries and areas of future development. Therefore, we will not go into details,” – said the representative of the Kremlin, responding to the request to tell about the content of an upcoming presidential address.

Patrushev and the Prime Minister of Thailand noted the effectiveness of the joint fight against drug trafficking

The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev and the Prime Minister of Thailand prayut Chan-OCHA © Alex Skowronski/TASS MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev met in Bangkok with the Prime Minister of Thailand Prutom Chan, Eyes. “Prayuth Chan-OCHA and Patrushev expressed his satisfaction with the efficiency of cooperation between the two countries in combating transnational crime and illicit drug trafficking”, – said the press service of the Russian security Council. Patrushev is visiting Thailand from February 27. On March 1, he will visit Indonesia.

Senators approved the law on equating the minimum wage to a living wage since may

Senators approved the law on equating the minimum wage to a living wage since may The Federation Council approved the law on raising the minimum wage (SMIC) to 100% of the subsistence minimum for more than six months earlier than planned: from may 1, 2018 instead of 1 January 2019. Currently the minimum wage is 9 489 roubles, or 85% of the subsistence minimum for the II quarter of 2017, previously noted in a press-service of the Ministry of labor. After the entry into force of the law on may 1 of this year the minimum wage is equal to 11 163 rubles, and the total increase in 2018 will account for 43%. The state Duma adopted the presidential law in the third final reading on February 16. January 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian economy allows to increase the level of the minimum wage to the

The Trustee Grudinina owed the Bank more than 1 million rubles

The Trustee Grudinina owed the Bank more than 1 million rubles The Trustee of the candidate in presidents of Russia from the Communist party Pavel Grudinina — the first Secretary of the Cherepovets district Committee of party Alexey Koshcheev — proved to be malignant by the debtor. So, when searching in the data Bank of enforcement proceedings in the name koshcheeva was discovered debts to 1,069 million. Judging by the bailiffs, a large part of these funds, the Trustee shall Grudinina Bank loan, writes “life”. Earlier it was reported that another Trustee Grudinina — L. Krasovsky, a part of the leadership of the Buryat regional branch of the Komsomol (the youth wing of the Communist party) had attracted media attention after he ate made him for drunken driving administrative record. Elections in Russia will be held March 18. At the moment there are eight presidential candidates: Sergey Baburin (“Russian national

NBC News: Russia discredited electoral system in seven U.S. States

NBC News: Russia discredited electoral system in seven U.S. States According to NBC News, “supported by Russian secret agents” interfered in the electoral system of seven us States before the election of 2016. According to US intelligence, have been affected by the work of the state web sites or systems of registration voting. Three senior intelligence officials said that these States were Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin. What the US accuses the defendants in the “case of Russian intervention” Recall that Russia has previously accused of an aggressive foreign policy and intervention in the Affairs of other countries, but never before had so many States at the same time not put forward in Moscow such claims, as in 2017. Power over ten Western countries — from USA to Malta — accused Russia of trying to manipulate their electoral processes and public opinion. But American experts have estimated

Ryabkov: all the “stuffing” in the “cocaine case” have nothing to do with reality

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. The invention of the fables in the “cocaine case” those who want to denigrate the productive cooperation between Russia and Argentina on suppression of drug trafficking. This was stated on Wednesday, answering the question TASS, Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “The invention of all the details that cluttered this situation, do the people who originally charged in the accusatory negative, inventing stories, they work deliberately to demonize productive unprecedented cooperation, which made possible the disclosure of the circumstances of this high profile case, he said. No “stuffing” of the last days have nothing to do with the real thing.”

In remote areas of Sakhalin and the Magadan region began early voting

© Sergey Krasnouhov/TASS TASS, February 27. Early voting in the elections of the President of Russia began on Tuesday in remote regions of Sakhalin and Magadan areas. “Today we have the first flight: Cape Kril went the helicopter, there will be able to vote lighthouse Keeper. Tomorrow we plan to fly to Moneron. There especially protected natural territory. Your vote in the election of the President will be able to pay its workers and military personnel,” – said TASS Deputy Chairman of the electoral Commission of the Sakhalin region Paul Sivalnev.

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation stated in the UK foreign office that the fight against terrorists in Syria will continue

The Russian Ambassador in London Alexander Yakovenko © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS LONDON, February 28. /TASS/. The fight against terrorists in Syria will continue, despite the attempts of external forces to use them to overthrow the current authorities in Damascus. On this, as it is spoken in arrived in TASS the statement of the Russian diplomatic mission in the UK, the Russian Ambassador in London Alexander Yakovenko said on Tuesday, during a meeting with Deputy head of the British foreign Minister, Alan Duncan.

The center for conciliation said that the militants continue shelling of Damascus from Eastern ghouta

Injured during the shelling of the suburbs of Damascus, 23 Feb-2018 © EPA-EFE/SANA HANDOUT DAMASCUS, 27 Feb. /TASS/. Illegal armed formations (IAF) are still shelling Damascus with Eastern ghouta. This was reported to journalists by the representative of the Russian centre for reconciliation the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic the General-major Vladimir Zolotukhin.