Putin will submit the message to Parliament in a new format with graphics.

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 1 will announce the message to the Federal Assembly. It is traditional, usually annual address of the President to members of Parliament provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This year it will take place less than a month before the presidential election, participation in which will accept and running for the new term of Putin.

Almost 70% of respondents VTSIOM ready for the presidential election vote for Putin

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Nearly 70% of survey participants, conducted by the Russian centre for public opinion studies (VTSIOM), the Russian presidential elections are ready to vote for the incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin, who is running as self-nominated candidates. Sociologists also note that the increased intrigue of the fight for second place in the upcoming elections. During the poll, held from 19 to 22 and from 24 to 26 February 2018, respondents were asked for whom they would vote if presidential elections were held next Sunday. The leader of the ranking “As of February 19-26, to vote for Putin in the presidential election ready for 69.1% of Russians”, – stated in the TASS research. According to the previous survey for the 12-18 February, to vote for Putin in the presidential election were ready 69.5 per cent. “The index of the candidate-the leader is under the

Putin has demanded from the interior Ministry to strengthen the fight against extremism and provide security in schools

Putin has demanded from the interior Ministry to strengthen the fight against extremism and provide security in schools Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the fight against extremism a priority of the internal Affairs bodies. Speaking Wednesday at the annual expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the head of state pointed to the need to “resolutely curb the activity of” extremist groups. Putin drew attention to the decline in the overall level of crime and demanded “significantly improve the quality of investigation and inquiry”. “Absolutely unacceptable,” called the President of pressure upon business from law enforcement bodies. He added that he intends to raise the subject in his address to the Federal Assembly on Thursday. The head of state stressed that one of the main tasks of law enforcement is to ensure safety in public places, especially schools, in transport, during sports and entertainment events.

Media found in Poroshenko’s new business in Russia

Media found in Poroshenko’s new business in Russia The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has Russia not only confectionery factory in Lipetsk, but also other companies, according to the TV channel “1+1”. Starch and grain According to journalists, including “secret assets” of the Ukrainian President, calls Russia the aggressor, turned out to be a plant for the production of starch in the Lipetsk region and firm “Lamigra” engaged in cultivation of grain. In 2015, these businesses brought Poroshenko 700 thousand dollars, says the investigation. However, as the authors of the material, after the recognition of Russia “aggressor country,” the President of Ukraine has not abandoned ownership rights to the specified business of the company was sold, the related legal entities continue to exist. An unnamed source channel in the holding company “Ukrprominvest-agro” confirmed the information about these assets, and explained that starch factory re-issued to the offshore company, associated with

Sobchak poured water Zhirinovsky during a debate

Sobchak poured water Zhirinovsky during a debate PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, 28 Feb — RIA Novosti. The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak poured water LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who called her during the debates on the channel “Russia 1”. During the download an error has occurred. A fight between politicians happened during a performance of one of candidates in presidents of Russia of Sergey Baburin. Zhirinovsky intervened in the speech, the time for which was given Baburina. Sobchak called him the peace of mind that the LDPR leader called her “stupid.” From the street it is not necessary here to bring the marketplace of girls. The dirt is everything. “Dom-2” — is there corruption. Let them shut up.Mr Zhirinovskyites LDPR “Participants “House-2″ behave more decently than you,” replied Sobchak. Zhirinovsky continued to call Sobchak, after which she poured on the policy for a glass of water. “Behave yourself. I

For the second consecutive day, the militants do not give civilians the opportunity to leave Eastern ghouta

© Ghouta Media Center via AP MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. The second humanitarian pause in Eastern Guta were disrupted as previously announced on Wednesday, the Russian journalists the representative of the Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria the General-major Vladimir Zolotukhin. Humanitarian pause in Eastern ghouta began on Wednesday with mortar fire fighters. In a result, more than 300 civilians are unable to leave the dangerous area. Russia is ready to discuss any options that will allow to neutralize the terrorists to cease their activities and save lives, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Moscow would not oppose the withdrawal of the militants groups “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia) from Eastern ghouta, he added. Prevented attacks The reason for the failure of the humanitarian pause Eastern ghouta on Wednesday as the day before, began mortar attacks by terrorists, said Zolotukhin. “At the end of the humanitarian

Nebesa: to stand on ceremony with the terrorists in Syria will not

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN 28 Feb. /TASS/. Terrorists remain a “legitimate target” of military operations in Syria, and ceremony of them will not. This was stated on Wednesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the Security Council. He commented on the letter received from UN armed groups in the Eastern ghouta, which has expressed willingness to send from this suburb of Damascus members of the terrorist organization “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia). According to him, Russia is waiting for “clear assurances to this effect from the external backers of militants,” including those countries which are members of the UN security Council.

Russia and Austria reaffirmed the unambiguousness of the Minsk agreements

Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. Russia and Austria reaffirmed the unambiguousness of the Minsk agreements to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin following talks with Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurtz. “Discussed the situation in Ukraine, – said Putin. – We agree, the Minsk agreements remain the only basis for the settlement of the crisis.” Putin recalled that Kurtz, as Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria, paid much attention to the Ukrainian domestic conflict, and was actively engaged in this issue in the Austrian chairmanship of the OSCE in 2017.

CEC: about the desire to vote at the place of stay has said 1.3 million people

CEC: about the desire to vote at the place of stay has said 1.3 million people MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. About 1.3 million voters filed the statements about the desire to vote in the election of the President of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, not place of registration. This was announced on Wednesday by the Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova. Pamfilova said that 673 thousand applications submitted through the portal of public services, 407 thousand in the DCP. To apply for voting at the place of stay from 31 Jan to DCP, territorial election commissions and using the website services. From 25 February you can also do this in any of the precinct election Commission. The Russian presidential election will be held on 18 March. HelpHow to vote in the election presidentwisely of the President of Russia will take place on 18

The Ukrainian constitutional court ruled unconstitutional the “law on the Russian language”, 2012

The Ukrainian constitutional court ruled unconstitutional the “law on the Russian language”, 2012 The constitutional court (CC) of Ukraine recognized unconstitutional the law “On principles of state language policy”, the so-called law of Kivalov-Kolesnichenko, which was adopted in June 2012. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the court. This law went into mass called “the law of the Russian language”. He suggested that Russian and other minority languages (which at the time of adoption, there were 17, including Gagauz, Yiddish and krymchak) “used measures aimed at their use is subject to a ten percent representation of native language on the territory where it is distributed”. After the events of 2014, the Verkhovna Rada considered the law repealed.