In the state Duma declassified the Seating chart of deputies

In the state Duma declassified the Seating chart of deputies With 90 years a place in the hall each Deputy was classified. Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU — IN the state Duma abolished the effect since 90’s of the last century, the prohibition on disclosure of information on Seating of deputies in the plenary hall, said “Interfax” on Wednesday the representative of the Duma apparatus. “When preparing a new version of the official website of the State Duma, our specialists are faced with a problem that seems minor, but without its solution it was impossible to realize the idea placing on the website of the scheme, allowing a second to figure out the place of each Deputy in the plenary hall”, — he said. According to him, at the first convocation of the Duma issued a document under which a place in the hall each Deputy was classified, and open access

Zakharova: the British authorities in the Skripal behave like a gambler

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. The British authorities in a situation with accusations against Russia in connection with the case of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia acting like a gambler. This was stated on Wednesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Earlier in mass media appeared information that the British foreign office acknowledged deleting from your page in Twitter posts with the assertion that the substance that had poisoned Skrypali, was produced in Russia.

Donald trump will provide the Baltic States with military aid by $170 million

Donald trump will provide the Baltic States with military aid by $170 million In the quadripartite meeting of the leaders of the Baltic States with US President Donald trump has agreed to provide these countries with more than $170 million on the military. About $100 million from them will be allocated for the purchase of large-caliber ammunition, and more than $70 million for military training and acquisition of equipment, according to a communique published on the White house website. These measures are aimed at increasing the level of training of the armed forces and security forces of the Baltic States. Meeting Donald trump with the President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite and the President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid was held yesterday. In the course of it, the presidents discussed cooperation in security and improving cooperation in the energy sphere. The word “Russia” in the communiqué following the

Naryshkin urged not to bring the international situation to the new “Cuban missile crisis”

Naryshkin urged not to bring the international situation to the new “Cuban missile crisis” Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU. The head of the SVR Sergei Naryshkin said about the need to prevent the occurrence in the world of the new “Cuban missile crisis”. “It is important to stop irresponsible gambling to raise rates and abandon power projection in international relations, not to bring the case to a new Cuban missile crisis”, — he said, speaking at an International security conference in Moscow. According to Naryshkin, “the international community needs to “return to a healthy dialogue, not based on the egoistic ambitions of individual players, and the true values shared by the participants of international norms”. The actions of the US against Russia allow us to speak about a return to the days of the “cold war,” Naryshkin said. The fight against so-called non-existent “Russian threat” has become a real “obsession” of

Recruits oblige yourself to come for subpoenas

Recruits oblige yourself to come for subpoenas The state Duma adopted in the first reading amendments to the law on military duty. The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill obliging recruits to be alone for a summons to the military enlistment offices if they have not received these notifications in the period of the appeal. The absence of the commissioners of the authors of the bill deputies from “United Russia” proposed to consider the evasion of military service. The document allows to send summons by registered mail, which can get even the relatives of the recruit. Citizens subject to conscription for military service, but have not received subpoenas in the period ended conscription, must come to the police station to obtain a receipt for the agenda no later than the date of the beginning of the next call.The text of the bill The document was submitted to

The main theme of the conference on security in Moscow was the fight against terrorism

© Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. Terrorism is a major threat to virtually all countries of the world. This was said on Wednesday, the participants opened in Moscow two-day VII International security conference. Moreover, according to some participants, the viability of terrorist organizations supported by the existing between the two countries differences. The conference participants noted increased over the past year the level of confrontation between NATO and Russia in the absence of objective reasons for confrontation. However, this absurd situation is due to the fact that in US politics the fight against non-existent “Russian threat” has become an end in itself. In the letter to the participants of the conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin urged to consider new forms of international cooperation to consolidate the results of anti-terrorist struggle. The call of the President In the read out by the Secretary of the Russian security Council, Nikolay Patrushev,

Russia convened the UN security Council in the case Skripal after a failure in the OPCW

The headquarters of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons in the Hague © EPA-EFE/Bart Maat MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. The special meeting of the Executive Council of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) did not support the proposal of Russia, China and Iran to conduct joint objective investigation of the incident in Salisbury, in which the poisoning was subjected to former GRU Colonel and British spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia who is a citizen of the Russian Federation. The British representative to the OPCW called the offer “a diversion” from the “presumed mastermind” of poisoning. Against the proposal of the Russian Federation spoke and submitted to the Executive Board of the European Union.

Russia has received from the OPCW answers to the questions in the “case Skripal”

Russia has received from the OPCW answers to the questions in the “case Skripal” The HAGUE, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. Russia has received from the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) answer sent it last week, the issues in the case of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in British Salisbury, told RIA Novosti the permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the organization, noting that study them. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “Last night, the OPCW technical Secretariat has transferred to their permanent representation, of the study”, — told in the Embassy. On Sunday it became known that Moscow has sent the OPCW a list of 13 questions related to “case Skrypalia”. According to one view, Moscow is interested in “what kind of help London has asked thesecretariat the OPCW” in connection with “case Skrypalia”. British Salisbury on March 4, was poisoned by a British