Stoltenberg said that NATO is seeking to improve relations with Russia

Stoltenberg said that NATO is seeking to improve relations with Russia OTTAWA, April 4. /TASS/. NATO will strive to improve relations with Russia in political dialogue and puts the problem of the isolation of the Russian Federation. On Wednesday said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a visit to the University of Ottawa. “We continue to strive to improve relations with Russia, — quotes the TV channel CBC. — Russia is our neighbor, it is an integral part of [the world community], and we are not trying to isolate her”. “It would be beneficial to us and them if we were able to establish relations”, — said Stoltenberg. The Secretary General also stated that NATO “will continue to focus on arms control, the prevention of a new cold war and a new arms race and will continue to work on a political dialogue with Russia.” Stoltenberg on Wednesday will meet

The OPCW rejected the Russian proposal on business Skripal

The OPCW rejected the Russian proposal on business Skripal A joint Russian-Iranian-Chinese draft statement on the incident in Salisbury did not gain enough votes in the OPCW. This was stated by the permanent representative of Russia about the organization of Alexander Shulgin, reports TASS. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “Today at the meeting of the Executive Council of the OPCW held a vote on the Russian-Iranian-Chinese project. We, unfortunately, failed to gain the two — thirds supermajority in order to get our resolution passed. Opposed by the British and Americans, then, following their example, member States of the EU, NATO and some us allies in Asia,” he said. Shulgin has drawn attention to the fact that “23 countries refused to associate themselves with this point of view, voting either in our proposal or abstaining. This is more than half of the entire Executive Board,” added the diplomat. In his opinion, London and his partners

The opposition quarreled for participation in elections of the mayor of Moscow

The opposition quarreled for participation in elections of the mayor of Moscow Moscow opposition are trying to agree on a single candidate in Moscow mayoral elections in 2018, but it is hampered by their conflicts among themselves. As a result, in September against Sergei Sobyanin may be made immediately and the ex-Deputy Dmitry Gudkov, head of Krasnoselsky Council of deputies Ilya Yashin, leader of Yabloko Sergei Mitrokhin. In September of this year will take place elections of the mayor of Moscow. The capital can be considered a fairly protest region: five years ago, acting mayor Sergei Sobyanin from the second round saved only 1,37% of the votes. Then opposition supported the nomination of the founder FBK Alexei Navalny, who took second place with 27% of votes. In this election, Navalny nominated can not because of a conviction in the “case of Kirovec”. Now the opposition are trying to negotiate, whom

Lavrov: many countries who send Russian diplomats, just “twisted arms”

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that many countries who had sent Russian diplomats, just “twisted arms” is a mockery of international law. According to him, to further the demonization of Russia by the West organises a gross political provocation. “The fact Skripal was fictitious and staged as a pretext for unjustified expulsion of Russian diplomats not only from the US and the UK, but other countries who simply twisted his hands,” – said the Minister at the Moscow security conference. “This blatant mockery of international law, diplomatic ethics we have not seen, – said Lavrov. – We will continue to respond appropriately to the same steps, but at the same time want to establish the truth. Insist on substantive and more responsible investigation in full compliance with the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons”. The Russian foreign

Lavrov: self-respecting adults who believe in fairy tales about the guilt of the Russian Federation in Skrobala

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. On Wednesday in the Hague discussion at the special session of the Executive Council of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) has shown that self-respecting adults to tales about the guilt of Russia in Skrobala not believe it. This was stated on Thursday Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at the VII Moscow conference on international security.

The Ministry of education has published the project of new educational standards

The Ministry of education has published the project of new educational standards The Ministry of education has published for public comment a new draft of the Federal educational standards (FSES) to primary education. As stated in the explanatory note to the document, the project “reflects the detailed requirements for substantive results at the level of primary education”. “They are more specific, clear and informative that will allow you to check all the subject results in the current control, and in the course of the state final examination”, — it is specified in the note. The Ministry of education noted that the GEF project has been agreed with all concerned agencies, organizations and structural departments, and also received the Council’s approval at the Ministry of education and science Federal state educational standards. “Filling GEF specific content will ensure the unity of educational space on the whole territory of Russia, as well

Putin: Russia waiting is not an apology but a celebration of common sense in the Skripal

Putin: Russia waiting is not an apology but a celebration of common sense in the Skripal The President noted that “this applies not only to the assassination Skripal, this also applies to all other aspects of international relations.” 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий MOSCOW, April 4. /TASS/. Russia is waiting for is not an apology but a celebration of common sense around the case Skripal. This statement was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin, responding to questions on the results of the trilateral meeting of the heads of the States-guarantors of the Astana process of the Syrian settlement. “We do not expect anything, — he said, commenting on the question of whether Russia is waiting for an official apology from the UK has found no evidence linking Russia to the incident in Salisbury. — We expect that common sense eventually will prevail and international relations will not be applied to the damage that we

Russia, Iran and Turkey adopted a statement on Syria

Russia, Iran and Turkey adopted a statement on Syria Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a trilateral summit in Ankara issued a joint statement which “underlined solid and unbreakable commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria and its secular character.” In addition, the three heads of state urged UN member States and international organizations to increase humanitarian assistance provided to this country. The presidents noted that the talks in Astana were the only initiative that has helped to reduce violence in this country, where since 2011’s civil war. The leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey also expressed its support for the UN special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura and agreed to hold the next summit in Iran. “Once again expressed support to facilitate the beginning of work of the Commission in Geneva as soon as possible

Sands: the Kremlin has not interfered in the change of procedure of elections of the mayor of Yekaterinburg

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. The Kremlin did not interfere in the procedure of local elections, particularly the election of the head of Ekaterinburg, said the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. “This is entirely the prerogative of the local regional legislative Assembly, so we can neither intervene nor comment on,” – said the press Secretary on the question of the relation of the Kremlin to the abolition of the direct election of the mayor of Yekaterinburg.