Putin dismissed eleven generals of the interior Ministry, the Federal penitentiary service, the emergencies Ministry and SK

Putin dismissed eleven generals of the interior Ministry, the Federal penitentiary service, the emergencies Ministry and SK MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. President Vladimir Putin dismissed eleven generals of the Ministry of internal Affairs, Federal service of execution of punishments of the Ministry for civil defence, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters and the Investigative Committee. The corresponding decree is published on the Internet portal of legal information. About the reasons of personnel shifts not reported. His post, in particular, have lost: Deputy head of the Main Department on security of traffic of the Ministry of interior major General Paul Bugaev, head of Scientific research Institute FSIN the General-major Andrey Bykov, the head of Ural juridical Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs the General-major Alexander Huk, the head of the Academy of state fire service of Ministry of emergency situations, Colonel-General of Shamsutdin Dagirov, the head

The United States expanded sanctions list against Russia

The United States expanded sanctions list against Russia MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. Washington made the list of sanctions 38 Russian businessmen, officials and businesses announced by the U.S. Treasury. The list includes Oleg Deripaska, Suleiman Kerimov, Kirill Shamalov, Viktor Vekselberg, Igor Rotenberg. Also among those who are now subject to the restrictions, — the head of “Gazprom” Alexey Miller, the Secretary of security Council Nikolai Patrushev, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov, Director of Regardie Viktor Zolotov. Seven Russian businessmen and officials 17. Among the last — Alexey Dyumin, Mikhail Fradkov, Sergey Fursenko, Oleg Govorun, Konstantin Kosachev, Vladimir Kolokoltsev. The list was replenished with 14 companies, 12 of which are privately — owned (“Agroholding Kuban” B-Finance Limited, EN+ Group, Renova, “Gazprom drilling”, “enpivi Engineering”, “Ladoga Management”, “GAS”, RUSAL, Basic element, “the EuroSibEnergo”, “Russian machines”), two — state (“Rosoboronexport” and “Russian financial Corporation”).

Putin praised the role of artists in society

Putin praised the role of artists in society MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian artists feel the nerve of time, understand what is really useful for people and awaken in them a desire to create, to gain new knowledge and high sense, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Putin in the Kremlin presents awards in the field of literature and art for children and youth. “Dear friends, you represent different generations of artists throughout the ages have begun their careers, but all of you equally feel the nerve of time understand that is really useful, what’s important to people and awaken in them a desire to create, to find new knowledge, new feelings, noble feelings. And, of course, you all share the belief in a national culture, its great humanitarian mission and its importance for the saving of Russia and our people. You serve the culture of selfless and

The Russian Embassy received a note about the condition of Yulia Skripal

The Russian Embassy received a note about the condition of Yulia Skripal MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. The Russian Embassy received an urgent note to the foreign Ministry of great Britain with information about the health of Yulia Skripal — daughter of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal. She offered to provide consular access. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Diplomats said the names and contact details of the consular officer, who immediately prepared to travel to Salisbury to meet her. “I hope that the British side will not prolong this issue and will provide the Embassy a response in the shortest possible time”, — said the press Secretary of the diplomatic mission. The Condition Of The Yulia Skripal Yesterday in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia 1” has published a conversation recording of Julia Skripal cousin Victoria. During the conversation, the daughter of a spy said that “all is well, all fixed, all

A former translator Gaddafi spoke about the funding of Sarkozy campaign

A former translator Gaddafi spoke about the funding of Sarkozy campaign MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. A former translator of Muammar Gaddafi Meftah Missouri told RT details of financing the Libyan leader, the election campaign of former ex-President of France Nicolas Sarkozy. According to mo, Sarkozy said Gaddafi’s intention to run for President during his visit to Libya. A former translator also noted that the Libyan leader promised to give Sarkozy “full support and assistance”. He stressed that the representatives of election headquarters of Sarkozy met with Libyan officials. Mo said that during the meeting the parties executed the document, which requested the Libyan authorities to allocate 50 million euros to support the electoral campaign of Sarkozy. However, Gaddafi said the former interpreter of the Libyan leader, ordered to reduce the amount to 20 million euros. He also said that Gaddafi was repeatedly acknowledged during a television interview fact

The Russian foreign Ministry demanded explanation from London over animal incineration Skripal

The Russian foreign Ministry demanded explanation from London over animal incineration Skripal Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes strange situation with Pets Sergei Skripal, who, according to the British press, cremated, thus effectively destroying the evidence. “According to the newspaper, and Guinea pigs, and the cat was cremated. In other words, destroyed, even though the animals could become important evidence in a case of poisoning by hemisection”, — Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. Sergey Skripal”s cat and guinea pigs dead after being found malnourished’ in his Salisbury homehttps://t.co/mxBGEBFjfl pic.twitter.com/28zIm6gaQ3 — Mirror Politics (@MirrorPolitics) April 5, 2018. She recalled that as write the British Newspapers, when they searched the house Skripal animals do not notice and as a result, two Guinea pigs died from dehydration, and the cat was euthanized due to the fact that he was under stress. “According to our

US intelligence helped to choose the Russian oligarchs for sanctions

US intelligence helped to choose the Russian oligarchs for sanctions Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU an Important role in determining the objects to us sanctions of Russian oligarchs, which will be announced on Friday, played by the American intelligence services, NBC television reported, citing its sources. “The process of determining who should be included in the sanctions list, took weeks, said one of the officials. The intelligence community played an important role in determining the object of sanctions”, — stated in the message channel. Bloomberg reported that the sanctions can reach from six to 10 Russians. “It is expected that the sanctions will affect six to 10 so-called Russian oligarchs, but so far in their number of a firm decision has not been made yet”, — stated in the message. The U.S. intends on Friday to announce sanctions against Russian oligarchs, reported the Wall Street Journal. The publication indicates that in

China is going to go to the end in a trade war with the United States

China is going to go to the end in a trade war with the United States China has threatened USA with new countermeasures in response to Washington’s trade policy and said that Beijing “will go to the end” to protect their interests. It is reported TASS with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Commerce of China. “If the United States continues to ignore the protests of China and the international community, will continue to follow the path of unilateralism and trade protectionism, China will go to the end, will not stop before any price”, — said the Agency. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce called for the adoption of a new comprehensive countermeasures and to protect the interests of the country. The white house twice in one week, 3 and 5 April, has said it is ready to impose strict measures against Chinese imports. So, on 3 April, Washington

Neverov explained his position on the nomination Tuleyev for the post of speaker of the Parliament of Kuzbas

MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Vice-speaker of the state Duma, the leader of the Duma faction “United Russia” Sergey Neverov has explained its position regarding the proposals of some deputies of the Kemerovo region assigned the former head of the region Aman Tuleyev by the speaker of the regional Parliament. Earlier media reported that the Neverov did not support the idea of nominating Tuleyev on this post. “All day we get calls and SMS about my review regarding the treatment my colleagues from Kuzbass to Tuleyev appointment to the post of Chairman of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region,” – wrote politician on his page on the social network Facebook.

The Plenipotentiary Babic denied storage “Newbie” in the laboratory in Shikhany

The Plenipotentiary Babic denied storage “Newbie” in the laboratory in Shikhany Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU. In the laboratory of the State research Institute of organic chemistry and technology (GosNIIOKhT) in the city of Shikhany (Saratov oblast) are never stored chemical weapons, including the so-called gas “Beginner”, said to “Interfax”, the former head of the state Commission for chemical disarmament, the Plenipotentiary of RF President in Volga Federal district Mikhail Babich. “This lab was not included in the spectrum of our work. All the bases that had stored chemical weapons, known shihans do not belong to them,” said Babich. “In the Saratov region was the object, but not in Shikhany”, — added ex-the head of hemomicin on disarmament. Earlier, the Times newspaper reported that the intelligence service of great Britain came to the conclusion that the paralytic agent “Novice” was produced at the military research base in the closed city of