The state Duma believes that the Ukrainian extremists not to hinder the work of the Crimean bridge

The Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Victor Vodolatsky © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS ROSTOV-ON-DON, April 7. /TASS/. The statements of the Ukrainian nationalists about possible terrorist attacks on the opening day of the bridge between Crimea and Krasnodar territory are a provocation, but they had no opportunity to violate the construction and to prevent the operation of the facility. This opinion was expressed Saturday by TASS, the Chairman of the state Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Victor Vodolatsky.

Aman Tuleyev does not fit in the parliamentary format

Aman Tuleyev does not fit in the parliamentary format The leader of United Russia in the Duma against the appointment of ex-Governor by the speaker of the legislative Assembly. Deputies of the Kemerovo regional Council may elect ex-Governor Aman Tuleyev speaker of the Parliament. The head of the faction “United Russia” in the state Duma Sergei Neverov yesterday opposed the nomination of Mr Tuleyev for the post of speaker because “people just don’t understand this decision”. Kemerovo MPs are sure to win during the voting in the regional Council is the ex-Governor. Formal party decisions Aman Tuleyev is not accepted, said the source “Kommersant” in the Federal leadership of “United Russia”. The head of the faction “United Russia” in the lower house, former Secretary of the General Council Sergei Neverov, was elected to the state Duma from this area did not support the idea on the nomination of Aman Tuleyev

The white house does not intend to cancel because of the sanctions the meeting of Putin and trump

The white house does not intend to cancel because of the sanctions the meeting of Putin and trump WASHINGTON, APR 6 — RIA Novosti. Preparing to meet US President Donald trump with the Russian President Vladimir Putin will continue, despite another round of sanctions against Russia, said the press Secretary of U.S. President Sarah Sanders. It asked whether the new sanctions the cancellation of the meeting. “No, not at all. As the President said, we want good relations with Russia, but it will depend on some actions of the Russians. Meanwhile, the President will continue to take a tough stance on Russia, until we see the implementation of these changes. We will continue to work on what you need to do to this meeting with Vladimir Putin took place at some point,” said Sanders. Earlier, Putin and trump agreed on the possibility of the summit, the White house said that

The captain of the ship “North” will release April 10

The captain of the ship “North” will release April 10 KYIV, APR 6 — RIA Novosti. The captain of the Russian vessel “Nord” will be released only on April 10, the case is under the control of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for human rights, Lyudmila Denisova said on Friday the press-service of the Ombudsman of Ukraine. Kherson city court on Friday elected the captain of a measure of restraint in form of detention for two months with the right of bail. The captain considers the Kherson court. The judge chose the measure of restraint detention until may 31, with possibility of bail in the amount of UAH 35240 (1352 dollars). “The Deposit already made, but will release the captain of the ship on Tuesday, April 10. This case is under the personal control of the authorized Lyudmila Denisova,” — said in a statement on the website of the Ombudsman. Representatives

The Embassy of the Russian Federation: Moscow will not allow Stockholm to demand that it excuses the case Skripal

The building of the Russian Embassy in Sweden © Irina Dergacheva/TASS STOCKHOLM, 7 April. /TASS/. Russia will not allow the ultimate in tone to demand that it excuses the case Skripal. So said the correspondent of TASS on Saturday, the Russian Embassy in Sweden, the statements of the Minister of foreign Affairs Margot Wallström and Prime Minister Stephen Leuven that Moscow is “the only likely culprit” of the incident in Salisbury and we have to explain what happened.

Trump: US will only get stronger as a result of “tariff dispute” with China

Trump: US will only get stronger as a result of “tariff dispute” with China TASS, 6 APR. “Wage dispute” with the United States, China will inevitably end in favor of the United States, and they only get stronger, although at some stage will suffer some losses. This was stated on Friday in an interview with radio station 77 WABC President of the United States Donald trump. Trump said that about any “trade war” with China may not be out of the question, because the United States, he said, “it has long been lost.” Washington’s measures against Beijing, as he hinted, intended to regain lost ground in US trade with China. And this goal, he said, will be achieved, although it will require some “victims”. “I’m not saying that everything will be painless so something we may lose. But when we [this] to end, we will strengthen our country. So we

The British Embassy does not comment on visa Victoria Skripal

The British Embassy does not comment on visa Victoria Skripal MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. The British Embassy in Moscow has not commented on the situation with visa Victoria Skripal. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Earlier media reported that British authorities have denied a visa to Victoria. “The Embassy never comments on individual visa applications and decisions on them”, — told RIA Novosti at the Embassy. Earlier in interview to TV channel Sky News niece Skripal stated their doubt that the British authorities will issue her a visa. And the TV channel “Russia 1” it is reported that he would like “to go there and pick up Julia, though Julia”. British Salisbury on March 4, was poisoned convicted of spying for the UK ex-GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia, which triggered a major international scandal. London claims that the poisoning Skrobala substance a-234, to which the British authorities equate “Newbie” involved

Putin spoke about the cultural code of the Russians, which is enriched from generation to generation

Putin spoke about the cultural code of the Russians, which is enriched from generation to generation MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that all Russians are distinguished by a special cultural code which with each new generation becoming richer. “Virtually each of the awardees spoke today about his family, his teachers talked about the children, — said Putin at the ceremony of awarding the President’s prize for young culture professionals and works for children. — Our first winner of the wonderful words said about our code that makes us special. This code develops from generation to generation.” The Russian leader said that every generation adds a little to this code, which makes it even more powerful, making it even more prosperous, viable and you make a huge contribution to that. “Thank you very much”, — Putin said. One of the winners of President’s prize, awarded for contribution

Who got to the sanctions list USA

Who got to the sanctions list USA On 6 April the US Treasury announced the extension of the sanctions list of the Russians. He hit 38 Russian businessmen and officials, as well as companies. The list of Russians targeted by the sanctions: Andrey Akimov (Chairman of Gazprombank). Vladimir Bogdanov (General Director and co-owner of “Surgutneftegaz”). Timur Valiulin (head of the Main Directorate for combating extremism of the interior Ministry). Viktor Vekselberg (Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Renova”). Oleg Govorun (head of Department of the President of the Russian Federation on socio-economic cooperation with the CIS States). Oleg Deripaska (President of RUSAL and En+). Alex Dyumin (Governor of the Tula region). Alexander Zharov (head of Roskomnadzor). Viktor Zolotov (commander in chief of the national guard). Suleiman Kerimov (Senator). Vladimir Kolokoltsev (Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). Konstantin Kosachev (Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs).