Media: Syria’s army broke a part of aviation in Hamim because of the threat of US air strike

Media: Syria’s army broke a part of aviation in Hamim because of the threat of US air strike Syrian government troops in preparation for possible air strikes, the United States transferred part of aircraft in the Russian air base Hamim, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro, citing sources. According to them, were also evacuated to the headquarters of the Syrian army and a military base in the town of Dumayr, where based aircraft, causing strikes on Eastern ghouta. According to the publication, “apparently, the air strikes the United States and France will spare the Russian base in Tartus and Mamimi”. Le Figaro also reports that in the last days intensified cooperation between Russia, Iran and Syria. According to the newspaper, currently in Syria is Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, commander of elite division “al-Kuds”. The publication says that today in Syria there are about 2 thousand Iranian military advisers. As

The Pentagon did not comment on trump’s words on the missiles that will fly to Syria

The Pentagon did not comment on trump’s words on the missiles that will fly to Syria TASS, April 11. The Pentagon did not comment on “possible future military action” the US in Syria, after President Donald trump about the fact that Syria will fly “are nice, new and “smart” missiles. This was reported on Wednesday by Reuters. “The Ministry does not comment on possible future military action. Contact the White house the assessment of the tweet of the President”, — quotes Agency the statement of the official representative office of Eric Pachon. Earlier Wednesday, Donald trump on his page on Twitter wrote that Russia should be ready to shoot down missiles fired at Syria. In the following tweet the American President said that us-Russian relations are currently the worst in history, and has offered Russia to stop the arms race.

The Syrian opposition has declared that will go on the offensive after US attack

The Syrian opposition has declared that will go on the offensive after US attack MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. The Syrian opposition after a possible US attack on Syria is going to go on the offensive to recover the lost areas and build new, told RIA Novosti one of the commanders of “Free Syrian army” (FSA) Fateh Hassoun. Earlier, the President of the United States Donald trump wrote on Twitter that Russia should be ready to shoot down missiles fired at Syria, and the missiles would be “nice, new, and “smart”. “We will try to use this strike in the first place in the military, on the battlefields, as these shocks lead to dissipation of the forces of the regime (of President Bashar al-Assad — ed.) to create chaos in its ranks and retreat mode. Such circumstances will later be used against the military forces of the revolution preparatory

Syrian troops took full control of Eastern Ghouta

Street in the city of Douma, Eastern ghouta © REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh DAMASCUS, April 12. /TASS/. The Syrian army established full control over the city Duma, is under the control of the group “Jaish al-Islam”, now the government forces control the whole of Eastern ghouta. This was reported to journalists by the head of the Center for conciliation of conflicting parties, the General-the major Yury Evtushenko.

Golodets: the government will not allow growth of prices for medicines in connection with the weakening of the ruble

Golodets: the government will not allow growth of prices for medicines in connection with the weakening of the ruble Deputy Prime Minister added that the fall of the ruble will not affect the fulfillment of social obligations of the Cabinet. MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The government will do everything possible to prevent growth of prices for medicines in connection with the weakening of the ruble. About it on air of TV channel “Russia 24” on Wednesday, said Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. For the population growth of prices for medicines is not going to happen, we’ll put every possible effort. Mandatory all citizens will be provided with medicines.Olga Goldenvoice Prime Minister The fall of the ruble will not affect the fulfillment of social obligations of the government, said Golodets.

Zakharov commented on the idea of trump to stop the arms race

Zakharov commented on the idea of trump to stop the arms race MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in response to the idea of U.S. President Donald trump to stop the arms race is suggested to start this process with the destruction of the U.S. chemical Arsenal. Earlier, trump wrote on Twitter that US relations with Russia “is now worse than ever,” and expressed the idea to “end the arms race”. “Great idea! There is a proposal to start with the destruction of chemical weapons. American,” wrote in response Zakharova in his account in Facebook.

Volodin has offered Medvedev the mirror to answer US sanctions

Volodin has offered Medvedev the mirror to answer US sanctions Moscow. April 11. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at a meeting on Wednesday appealed to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with a proposal to mirror, respond to US sanctions against Russia. “We have to respond to this boorish behavior on the part of the United States, openly lobbying the US, its interests, creating obstacles for Russian business. In this regard, dear colleagues, Mr President, it would be right to take mirror measures, against products from the United States,” said Volodin, speaking in explanation of position of the faction “United Russia” in the framework of the report of the head of the government Medvedev to deputies by results of work of the office for six years. According to Volodina, it is necessary “to do exactly what they (the US) take in relation to our producers”. The head of

Who said about 500 victims in Syria with symptoms of chemical exposure

Who said about 500 victims in Syria with symptoms of chemical exposure The world health organization (who) stated that about 500 people turned to medical facilities with symptoms of chemical poisoning after the alleged himataki in the Syrian Duma. “In particular, the applicants were signs of severe irritation of mucous membranes, respiratory and Central nervous system,” notes the who. According to the organization, more than 70 people, who were hiding in basements, were killed. 43 of the deaths are associated with symptoms of poisoning by toxic chemicals. The who indicates that have received this information from their partners, however, did not specify who exactly was involved. Despite the claims about the chemical attack in the Syrian Duma, the Russian Center for reconciliation found no traces of chemical weapons in the area — it was reported that the experts found no evidence of the use of toxic substances.

The risk of direct collision, the USA and Russia in Syria there, said a source

The risk of direct collision, the USA and Russia in Syria there, said a source MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. The risk of a direct military confrontation between Russia and the United States in Syria exists, it is higher than before the incident in the Syrian Duma, told RIA Novosti source in the Russian foreign Ministry. “Of course, it exists (high risk direct military confrontation with the United States — ed.). And it’s higher than it was before April 7,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Speaking about possible retaliatory steps from Russia in case of any US attack on Syria, the source noted that “we orientirueshsya on the words (the chief of the Russian General staff Valery) Gerasimov — if there is a danger to our citizens, we will take measures”. Previously, the West accused the Damascus chemical attack on the Syrian city of Duma in Eastern ghouta. Moscow