Medvedev gave explanations to help sanctioned companies

Medvedev gave explanations to help sanctioned companies Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU. The measures of the Russian authorities to support the companies came under another round of sanctions by the US, will not be compensation to their owners, and in maintaining production, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “The decisions that will be offered as support are not aimed at compensation for losses of owners, although it is also necessary to keep in mind, sometimes it is present, and, above all, on preserving the businesses and jobs”, — Medvedev said on Thursday at a session of the state Commission for import substitution. According to him, this is because under the impact of economic sanctions first and foremost are the ordinary people. “Be strategic, strategic enterprises, whose successful operation depend on tens of thousands of people”, — said the head of government. “Those companies that got into a difficult situation, should receive support.

Macron said there was evidence of use by Damascus of chemical weapons

Macron said there was evidence of use by Damascus of chemical weapons PARIS, April 12 — RIA Novosti, Lyudmila, orishenko. France has evidence that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons in Syria late last week, said the President of France Emmanuel macron. Previously, the West accused the Damascus chemical attack on the Syrian city of Duma in Eastern ghouta. Moscow has denied the information about the chlorine bomb, allegedly dropped by the Syrian military. The Russian foreign Ministry said that the purpose of stuffing about the use of toxic substances of troops to Syria to protect the terrorists and to justify possible military strikes from outside. In the General staff of the armed forces on March 13 reported on the forthcoming militants in Eastern ghouta provocation staged the use of chemical weapons. The Russian military considered that the provocation by the US then use as a pretext to strike at

The OPCW has defined the substance that had poisoned Skrobala

The OPCW has defined the substance that had poisoned Skrobala MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Experts from the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) confirmed that in the assassination of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia used “toxic chemical”, reports Sky News. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Sky News called him a “Newbie”, in this case, the document is published, there is no such name. Its name and structure are contained in the full report available for member countries of the OPCW. There can be no doubt that it was used, and there is no alternative explanation as to culprit — only Russia has the means, motive, and a relevant past.Boris Concominant foreign Affairs of great Britain The Minister stressed that Britain never doubted the results obtained in the Porton-Down, but now they have confirmed four laboratories. He called for 18 April meeting of the OPCW Executive Council to

The media learned about the U.S. attempts to export from the Duma, the bodies of the victims of the alleged himataki

The media learned about the U.S. attempts to export from the Duma, the bodies of the victims of the alleged himataki Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU. The United States in recent days has sought to achieve removal from the Eastern Guta of corpses of people who died in the course of the alleged himataki, according to Thursday by the British newspaper The Guardian. According to the newspaper, American experts are trying to determine whether in this case applied a more potent toxic agent than chlorine. Samples can be taken out of Syria used by smugglers routes leading, including the territory of Jordan, the newspaper notes. “Obtaining samples for analysis, especially the corpses of the victims, this week it was a priority, while the US is trying to determine whether in this case applied some sort of chemical except chlorine”, — writes the edition. The newspaper quoted unnamed American officials, noting that

Eastern ghouta is entirely under the control of the Syrian army

Eastern ghouta is entirely under the control of the Syrian army Russian military police guards the city Duma. The region of Eastern Guta was entirely under the control of the government of Syria, said today the defense Ministry. Take care of the security of the city Duma, released from group “Jaish al-Islam,” will the Russian military police. The rest of the territory the militants soon will leave through the humanitarian corridor. Meanwhile, Europe and the United States continue to discuss response to alleged chemical attack in the Duma. According to the newspaper The Telegraph, British submarines by order of the Prime Minister Theresa may is already preparing for strikes against the army of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. During the day more than 1.5 thousand fighters and their families left the Eastern ghouta via the humanitarian corridor. They “moved on 40 buses in the Northern province of Aleppo,” — said in

The Ministry of health told about the risks for the population in the sale of drugs in stores without a license

The Ministry of health told about the risks for the population in the sale of drugs in stores without a license The health Ministry opposed the proposal of the Ministry of industry and trade to allow the sale of drugs in shops, if they don’t have appropriate license, told RNS the Director of the Department of drug supply and regulation of medical devices circulation of the Ministry Elena Maksimkina. “The Ministry’s position has been repeatedly stated, because of the fact that there is disagreement with the order was handed selling drugs in shops, especially without a license. This idea was not supported in the discussion… We are in any case the bill will not be able to agree, because it is more risk for the population including than benefit from this,” she said. Maksimkina said that “we have medicines available to citizens, subject to appropriate conditions of sale”. NewsWhat’s new

Nadezhda Savchenko was hospitalized from jail

Nadezhda Savchenko was hospitalized from jail Earlier the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada complained of sharp deterioration of state of health. KIEV, April 12. /TASS/. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Hope Savchenko, arrested on charges of plotting a coup, was taken Thursday from jail to a hospital. This broadcast channel “112 Ukraine” said her sister Vera. “According to the information that was provided to me in jail, she had been taken to the prison clinic for examination, she said. I mean, I don’t think it was translated, it’s just, if I understand correctly, was taken for examination. Today I will ask about the date to see how it all ends.” Sister also noted that the lawyers of Nadiya Savchenko it will not be followed. Earlier Nadezhda Savchenko complained of a sharp deterioration, particularly stomach problems. Savchenko March 23, was stripped of parliamentary immunity and arrested. According to investigators, she was

Zakharova: Moscow has reason to accuse London of deliberate misinformation in Salisbury

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Russia has every reason to present the London accusations of deliberate misinformation and propaganda in the case of the departure of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The media learned about the possible opening of a U.S. Embassy in the DPRK

The media learned about the possible opening of a U.S. Embassy in the DPRK TOKYO, April 12 — RIA Novosti. The US administration is discussing the possibility of opening an Embassy in Pyongyang in the case of specific steps North Korea on its denuclearization, reported, citing unnamed sources, the South Korean newspaper “tone of Ilbo”. On April 27, the planned inter-Korean summit between DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN and South Korean President mun Jae Another, after which in may it is expected to meet Kim Jong-UN with Donald trump. “The administration of Donald trump in the United States has begun to develop a plan in case North Korea will go to specific denuclearization steps,” writes in this regard, in the online version of the “tone of Ilbo”. According to her, if the talks North Korea and the United States at the highest level goes well, Washington is first and foremost a