WP: trump has been mad on the number sent by France and Germany diplomats

WP: trump has been mad on the number sent by France and Germany diplomats The President of the United States Donald trump is pissed, knowing that France and Germany sent in connection with the “business Skripal” four of a diplomat, while the US sent 60. About this newspaper The Washington Post, citing unnamed us officials. According to the publication, the staff of the presidential administration tried to convince him that the total number of diplomats sent to European countries, was “about the same” in the United States. However, according to WP, Mr trump shouted, “I don’t care about the total number!” and claimed that the advisers had deceived him, as for the scale expulsions of diplomats. Western countries expelled about 150 Russian diplomats in support of the UK’s position in the “case Skripal”. We will remind, in the beginning of March in Salisbury was poisoned ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his

Media reported about the plans of China to open a new military base abroad

Media reported about the plans of China to open a new military base abroad China is discussing with the authorities of the island state Vanuatu in the Pacific ocean the possibility of expanding its military presence in the region. According to the Australian media, as a result, there can be a full-fledged Chinese naval base. If it is open in the region will change the balance of forces is not in favor of the United States, although China denies this. China has discussed with the authorities of Vanuatu, a small state in Melanesia, the possibility of its permanent military presence in the South Pacific, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. According to sources in the government of Australia, while between China and Vanuatu has had only preliminary discussions about the growing military potential of China in the island nation. However, senior officers of the Australian intelligence agencies believe that in the

Yaroslavl Deputy stomped on iPad because of U.S. sanctions

Yaroslavl Deputy stomped on iPad because of U.S. sanctions The Deputy of municipality of Yaroslavl Dmitry Petrovsky posted on his page in Facebook video, which stomps on the iPad. In comments to the video, he called the act as a response to us sanctions. “In our country it is planned ban on American goods — we, the members, must lead by example,” said Petrovsky puzzled commentators. During the download an error has occurred. The MP said that he will now use a phone and tablet in China. Chinese can not trample.Dmitry Petrovsky, the Deputy of municipality of Yaroslavl Petrovsky also called for the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, known for his sympathy for Apple products, to follow his example. In response, the user advised the MP to be removed from the American social network Facebook, and also praised the manufacturer for the quality of the iPad. “A good tablet, you have

Donald trump criticized former head of the FBI

Donald trump criticized former head of the FBI He called James Komi “the weasel”, and his memoir is a fake. The President of the United States Donald trump after a series of festive posts on Twitter about the successful strikes in Syria shifted to the former Director of the FBI James Komi. The former head of the security services to be released memoir, excerpts of which were published in The Washington Post. With the book, obviously, has acquainted the head of the White house and was really unhappy read. More than an hour, Donald trump was paid to write a series of posts on Twitter about the former head of the FBI James Komi. And this is the second wave of criticism of the President to the former head of the US intelligence services during the week. And the reason one: today on ABC comes out a great interview with

In the United States showed pictures of the “effects” of a rocket strike in Syria

In the United States showed pictures of the “effects” of a rocket strike in Syria MOSCOW, April 15 — RIA Novosti. American operator company Digital Globe has published satellite images, which, according to her, shows destroyed by U.S. strikes, the British and French targets in Syria. The company has posted on Twitter two images, placed in the buildings. In the first photo you can see three large separate buildings and several smaller buildings connected by road. In the second picture all three large buildings completely destroyed smaller buildings damaged, also damage on the highway. Details emerge about Syrian sites targeted by US-led airstrikes via @washingtonpost https://t.co/J5Nw7QvaIg pic.twitter.com/fcXc1toegz — DigitalGlobe (@DigitalGlobe) April 15, 2018. The company has provided images of the Washington Post. According to the captions on the newspaper’s website, the photographs depict “object (production) Chinchar chemical weapons near HOMS”. The pictures were taken the day before the missile strikes

Washington warned Moscow about preparation of new sanctions

Washington warned Moscow about preparation of new sanctions U.S. Ambassador John Hunstman sent a letter to the foreign Ministry. As it became known “Kommersant”, the us Ambassador John huntsman was sent to Russian foreign Ministry a letter in which it stated that the US authorities are preparing new sanctions against Russia. This time just “for support” of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The US President Donald trump has repeatedly called Assad “animal”, guilty of organizing chemical attacks against its own population. In the first part of the letter sent to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, according to “Kommersant”, refers to the motivation of the military operation carried out against Syria by the Americans and their allies. According to the United States, the Syrian government guilty of using chemical weapons against its own population and the international community must take steps to stop Bashar al-Assad. In the second

The Deputy of the state Duma: Assad appreciated the restoration of the Syrian economy $400 billion

The Deputy of the state Duma: Assad appreciated the restoration of the Syrian economy $400 billion DAMASCUS, April 15. /TASS/. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meeting with Russian delegation in Damascus said that the recovery of the Syrian economy requires $400 billion About it has informed journalists the head of delegation, head of the state Duma for relations with the Syrian Parliament Dmitry Sablin. 46фотографий46фотографий46фотографий “Important topic is the restoration of the infrastructure, it will cost no less than $400 billion, it will take 10-15 years”, — cited the words Sablin Assad. Cooperation in the energy sector The Syrian leader also said that he didn’t expect to work in the country’s Western oil and gas company, said Sablin. “We are not here waiting for Western companies, especially in oil and gas sector. I talked about this with President [Vladimir] Putin in Sochi, we want there to be worked by a Russian

The acting Governor of Kuzbass Tsivilev fired four Vice

The acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev © Mikhail Metzel/TASS KEMEROVO, April 16. /TASS/. The acting Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev fired four deputies, who oversaw the health, housing, agriculture and interaction with law enforcement: Valeria Tsoy, Dmitry Kudryashov, Elena Zhidkova and Alexei Kozhevina, told TASS in the administration of the region.