In Paris called funny comparison strikes on Syria with the invasion of Iraq

In Paris called funny comparison strikes on Syria with the invasion of Iraq PARIS, 16 APR — news, Lyudmila, orishenko. The Minister of economy and Finance of France Bruno Le Mer, who previously held the position of state Secretary for European Affairs, sees no Parallels between the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, against whom then was the leadership of France, and the strikes on Syria last Saturday. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий “This is a funny comparison. That situation has nothing to do with the current. Then from Iraq, there was no aggression. And this was our argument with Jacques Chirac (President of France 1995-2007 gg —ed.) and Dominique de Villepin (foreign Minister 2002-2004, Prime Minister 2005-2007 – ed.). There is Iraqi aggression, not Iraqi threat: why will you attack the state which of you not in danger? So we fought with Jacques Chirac and Dominique de Villepin against the war. In the

Kosachev: if the US goes “red lines” in Syria, Russia’s response will be more severe

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. The position of Russia will become tougher in the case of the transition of Washington’s “red lines” in Syria, and the United States about these “red lines,” you know. This was reported to journalists on Monday, the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

Lukashevich: the United States and its allies staged a “welcome bombing” the OPCW experts in Syria

Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich © Ilya Pitalev/TASS VIENNA, April 16. /TASS/. The US and its allies staged a “welcome bombing” the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW), which was supposed to start work in Eastern ghouta. This was stated on Monday Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich in Vienna at the fifth meeting of the working group on “structured dialogue” in the OSCE. “Chemical weapons, the use of which is trying to blame the official Damascus, was destroyed long ago with the close cooperation of several countries (including USA) and held under strict international control. But even in case of doubt, it was necessary to await the conclusions of the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, which were just recently starting studying of all circumstances of possible use in Eastern ghouta chemical weapons. And not

Russia will bring to the next meeting of the OPCW participants provocations in Syria

Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © REUTERS/Michael Kooren The HAGUE, April 16. /TASS/. Russia will bring to the next meeting of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) those who participated in the preparation of provocations in Syria. This was stated on Monday Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin at the press conference following the meeting of the Executive Council of the organization on the situation in Syria. “We warned them that next time they come to discuss the Syrian topic, we will bring here to the Hague of those people who participated in the staged shooting “White helmets”. That wittingly or unwittingly, were accomplices to the grandiose provocations, be it in the Syrian Duma, or in Khan Sheyhun,” said Shulgin.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: bill on response to U.S. sanctions it is necessary to make “dynamic”

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: bill on response to U.S. sanctions it is necessary to make “dynamic” The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia supports the prompt adoption of the bill which gives the government the right to impose restrictions in relation to the USA and the countries supporting anti-Russian sanctions. “I think that the timetable for the consideration of this important bill will be built so as not to delay the situation just in itself dictates the need for a sufficiently energetic effort. We are currently not able to specify what and when will happen. But politically speaking, from the position of the foreign Ministry, we see the need for it to be implemented more dynamically”, — said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov in an interview to “RIA Novosti”. Recall bill giving the Russian government a wide field for the introduction of new restrictions

The United States will spend $65 million on “reducing the dependence” of Donbass from Russia

The United States will spend $65 million on “reducing the dependence” of Donbass from Russia MOSCOW, 16 APR — RIA Novosti. The United States Agency for international development (USAID) intends to allocate up to $ 65 million in “economic recovery” of Donbass, strengthening trade ties with Western Ukraine and the European Union and reducing the region’s dependence on Russia, reports RT with reference to the relevant document. “The work will be done mostly on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions hardest hit by the Russian aggression (the region of which they are part, known as the Donbass). However, to achieve the objectives, efforts will be made in relation to the surrounding areas, as well as on the territory of Ukraine in whole”, — the document says. It is assumed that in the early stages of the program the money will be invested in projects with quick returns, for example,

The end of neutrality. Who is impacted by new US sanctions

The end of neutrality. Who is impacted by new US sanctions No sooner had the Russian to recover from previous restrictions, as the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin declared readiness of a new sanctions package associated with Syria. The sanctions can target Russia’s partners in the Eurasian economic Union. Last week, events occurred that forced the international community to return to the discussion of potential direct confrontation between two major nuclear powers — the USA and Russia. The Twitter diplomacy of the President of trump and sharp statements of representatives of the Russian General staff’s readiness to respond to rocket attacks American coalition held the whole world in a serious tension. But the sense of imminent war largely artificially implanted emotional statements and aggressive rhetoric from Washington and Moscow. In fact, the current administration can be called one of the most pragmatic in American political history. Representatives of the “generals

Permanent representative to the OPCW: Russia found participants filming staged video “himataki” in Syria

Permanent representative of Russia to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons Alexander Shulgin © AP Photo/Peter Dejong The HAGUE, April 16. /TASS/. Russian experts who conducted the investigation into allegations of use of chemical weapons in Duma, found participants of the video footage presented as evidence of the alleged himataki. This was announced by Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin speaking at the 58th session of the Executive Board. “Not one witness, not one poisoned in the hospital could not be found. Was not detected any residues of chemical munitions. But I managed to find direct participants in filming staged video, which was presented as “evidence” himataki,” said Shulgin.

On the Kamchatka Peninsula of the Russian nuclear submarines played a duel

On the Kamchatka Peninsula of the Russian nuclear submarines played a duel MOSCOW, 16 APR — RIA Novosti. Nuclear submarine “Vladimir Monomakh” and “Alexander Nevsky,” conducted exercises in Kamchatka, playing the duel, the head of Department of information support a press-services VVO on Pacific fleet captain second rank Nikolai Voskresensky. “In accordance with the plan of combat training of the nuclear missile submarine strategic purpose (ABXN) “Vladimir Monomakh”, practicing the actions of submarines in the composition of the group, carried out the search and tracking of a submarine conventional enemy. On the side of the “enemy” were different of UBXN — “Alexander Nevsky”” he said. According to Voskresensky, the crews of strategic submarine cruisers, “having played a dueling situation”, conducted exercises to attack and counterattack for two-sided use of weapons and sonar means. During the training, the cruiser “Vladimir Monomakh” has completed the shooting training torpedo as the submarine of

The acting Governor of Kuzbass Tsivilev fired four deputies

The acting Governor of Kuzbass Tsivilev fired four deputies Moscow. April 16. INTERFAX.RU — Temporarily fulfilling duties of the Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev fired his deputies, have informed “Interfax” in the regional administration on Monday. “Posts lost four Deputy: Valery Tsoy — Deputy for health, Aleksey Kozhevin — to coordinate the work of law enforcement and military authorities, Elena Zhidkova — on agriculture and Dmitry Kudryashov — housing-and-municipal and road complex”, — said the Agency interlocutor. In early April, Tsivilev stated that he intends to base its work on the basis of the team that is. “They deserve the prize. If you will be missed competences, invite specialists from other regions on a short time”, — said Tsivilev. Sergei Tsivilev April 1 was appointed temporarily fulfilling duties of the Governor of the Kemerovo region after the resignation of Aman Tuleyev, who left the post from-for a fire